Trip Report Rise of the Popcorn Bucket

Hello everyone & a warm welcome to you!! As always, lots of fun was had on this trip with the star of the show(besides J, of course;)) being none other than E's nemesis, the popcorn bucket!! I'm super excited to share our adventures with you!!

WHO: I think you know us but.....myself-Patti, R(I think I've converted him to a full blown Disney fan even though he claims he likes coming for the restaurants), my sister E & my super fun, partner in crime(in more ways than one on this trip) J!!

WHEN: Friday, January 17th - Monday, January 20th(gotta go around those darn school schedules when you have family in the education field)

WHERE(I hope you're sitting down for this one!): Art of Animationo_O

There was no room at the inn at Riverside so we decided to stay here b/c we thought J would really like the Cars suite. In the end we created a monster b/c he has now decided that AoA is his favorite!!

We last left off with JSR smuggling the popcorn buckets out of his house for me. BTW--J was in on this too & I was very proud of him for keeping it a secret for so long!!

They were heading to WDW with me!! Also, you may be wondering why there are two. You see, E's hatred for the popcorn bucket didn't just start on our trip in November. A few years ago she, JSR & J were on a Disney cruise & JSR bought the Santa Mickey bucket that you see there. She couldn't stand it back then on the cruise & her feelings really haven't changed. If anything, they've gotten worse!!

We had a 3:50 flight b/c someone(the guy in education) had a half day of school & didn't want to miss work. We met at E's at 12:30 & JSR drove us to the airport. I had went to work that morning & before I left I bought a case of water & put 12 in my suitcase. My boss was busy making fun of me for not buying it in Disney. I told him I had the space in my suitcase & these bottles were for the room. Why spend $3.50 per bottle when I could spend $4.99 for a case of Aquafina?? BTW--it was well worth it. We only had 2 bottles left at the end of the trip!!

Check out J's cute suitcase!!

He's ready to go!! J said that he wanted me to sit next to him in the car. On the way to the airport he told me that he wanted to sit next to me on the plane & the ME. I asked E why he wanted to be my BFF. She said she didn't know but earlier that day out of the blue he told her, "I really like Aunt Patti". I think he saw jelly beans in his future!!

We checked our bags in at curbside & the Southwest agent started humming The March of the First Order when he saw J's suitcase. It was cute. He also profoundly thanked us for the tips b/c he said that it had been a slow day.

J was excited to get on the "monorail". Even though R was still in his work clothes he was somewhat in Disney mode with the Star Wars tie he was wearing!!

We went to TGI Friday's for lunch. We got some kind of combo platter & shared everything. The potstickers & breadsticks were especially good!! That wine wasn't bad either!!;)

Meanwhile, J was enjoying the cheese sticks!!
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Ohhhh, man! What a trooper, to Disney through a head cold!! Also, I bet J really enjoyed staying up late building things and waiting for the luggage!
He should be used to head colds--working in a school I feel like he has one all winter long!!

J enjoyed that(& the candy I got him!!) but that was a downside to all staying in the same place. He would really try to put off going to bed b/c R & I were there.
Oh, didn't you hear? Having it already placed on the holder for you, is a new upcharge on the guest room price.
🤣🤣🤣 Unfortunately, I can see it coming to that one of these days--or better yet, you'll have to bring your own!!


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n inspecting the coffee situation I discovered that there were 2 regular pods & 2 decaf. Seemed a bit odd for a place that sleeps 6🤔
This!!! I use double the pods to make the coffee stronger. Therefore I need 4 😬I purposefully left out the empty wrappers hoping mousekeeping would get the hint. Nope. One day she left three. The next day was two.


Premium Member
This!!! I use double the pods to make the coffee stronger. Therefore I need 4 😬I purposefully left out the empty wrappers hoping mousekeeping would get the hint. Nope. One day she left three. The next day was two.

I use double pods as well (and even doing that, it’s still pretty weak). Luckily my daughter is a teenager now so I can leave her sleeping in the room if I feel the need for more than one cup.


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This!!! I use double the pods to make the coffee stronger. Therefore I need 4 😬I purposefully left out the empty wrappers hoping mousekeeping would get the hint. Nope. One day she left three. The next day was two.
I use double pods as well (and even doing that, it’s still pretty weak). Luckily my daughter is a teenager now so I can leave her sleeping in the room if I feel the need for more than one cup.
I've never used double pods but I may have to try that. I like the coffee but I agree that it is pretty weak. If they're not going to keep it full then they shouldn't even have it in the rooms. It's like they're teasing you!! Esp. in your case @TrolleyFollower91 it had to be obvious that you were using them so why wouldn't they fill them? Maybe I'm wrong to think that they should have had enough for 6 b/c that's how many can stay in the room. They may assume that some are going to be kids who aren't going to drink it but I'm sure there are adults that drink more than 1 cup a day--or have to use more than 1 pod b/c it's weak!!


Well-Known Member
I've never used double pods but I may have to try that. I like the coffee but I agree that it is pretty weak. If they're not going to keep it full then they shouldn't even have it in the rooms. It's like they're teasing you!! Esp. in your case @TrolleyFollower91 it had to be obvious that you were using them so why wouldn't they fill them? Maybe I'm wrong to think that they should have had enough for 6 b/c that's how many can stay in the room. They may assume that some are going to be kids who aren't going to drink it but I'm sure there are adults that drink more than 1 cup a day--or have to use more than 1 pod b/c it's weak!!

I never have enough time in the morning to drink my coffee in the room---I tend to grab coffee in the parks. If only I woke up earlier to enjoy my cuppa....

I guess you won't be staying in the same room as J and E anymore, so you all can get some sleep!
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Minnesota disney fan

Well-Known Member
Oh Riverside! That deal with the suitcases and magic band is beyond frustrating!!! You are nicer than me. When I get tired I tend to get grouchy. I love how you never had those problems at Riverside! Sigh.... I know how you feel. We now stay at POFQ but Riverside always feels like home, and we have to visit it several times while at POFQ. I never did like the Mardi Gras vibe, but at least the QS restaurant doesn't have those huge masks hanging overhead now, LOL. R is a real trooper to be at Disney and try to have a good time with a bad head cold. Hope he felt better as the trip goes on. And I hope you troubles with the room, etc, is overwith!


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How did your girls handle that?? I do think the Cars section is the most immersive out of all of them.

Thank you!! The only meds grandma is going to get from now on are the pain meds. Since nothing else is obviously working they feel there's no point in her getting them which does make sense.
All my kids really liked the theming of the resort. I thought it was well themed as well, except for the hallways, they reminded me of a Holiday Inn hallway. There was nothing that I recall of the hallway area that reminded me I was at a Disney resort.

I hope your grandma remains pain free and at least knows she has loving family around her.


Well-Known Member
I've never used double pods but I may have to try that. I like the coffee but I agree that it is pretty weak. If they're not going to keep it full then they shouldn't even have it in the rooms. It's like they're teasing you!! Esp. in your case @TrolleyFollower91 it had to be obvious that you were using them so why wouldn't they fill them? Maybe I'm wrong to think that they should have had enough for 6 b/c that's how many can stay in the room. They may assume that some are going to be kids who aren't going to drink it but I'm sure there are adults that drink more than 1 cup a day--or have to use more than 1 pod b/c it's weak!!
I’ve left notes or asked when I’ve seen mousekeeping. I might have called the front desk to ask for more as well. What sometimes works is leaving a tip with the note the first day.

interesting, as in annoying, way to manage costs though. I don’t think the dollars saved outweighs guest inconvenience.


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I never have enough time in the morning to drink my coffee in the room---I tend to grab coffee in the parks. If only I woke up earlier to enjoy my cuppa....

I guess you won't be staying in the same room as J and E anymore, so you all can get some sleep!
I'm up pretty early so I usually have time to make it. That doesn't mean I don't get one at the parks also!!

We usually stay in separate rooms so I'm sure we'll be back to that.
Oh Riverside! That deal with the suitcases and magic band is beyond frustrating!!! You are nicer than me. When I get tired I tend to get grouchy. I love how you never had those problems at Riverside! Sigh.... I know how you feel. We now stay at POFQ but Riverside always feels like home, and we have to visit it several times while at POFQ. I never did like the Mardi Gras vibe, but at least the QS restaurant doesn't have those huge masks hanging overhead now, LOL. R is a real trooper to be at Disney and try to have a good time with a bad head cold. Hope he felt better as the trip goes on. And I hope you troubles with the room, etc, is overwith!
Oh, I get real grouchy when I'm tired. I guess b/c I was excited to be in Disney I wasn't so mean!! Speaking of FQ I read somewhere about a Yankee Candle that smells like the lobby of FQ. It's called Poolside Oasis. I bought it & sure enough it does!! Unfortunately he did get worse.... The room troubles were over with though--except for the lack of coffee pods!!
All my kids really liked the theming of the resort. I thought it was well themed as well, except for the hallways, they reminded me of a Holiday Inn hallway. There was nothing that I recall of the hallway area that reminded me I was at a Disney resort.

I hope your grandma remains pain free and at least knows she has loving family around her.
I did catch this little touch on the carpet....but you hit the nail on the head-a Holiday Inn hallway.

Thank you. One of my sisters went to see her yesterday & she said she was good but was really tired & kept falling asleep. All they're giving her now are pain meds so hopefully she can at least be comfortable.
I’ve left notes or asked when I’ve seen mousekeeping. I might have called the front desk to ask for more as well. What sometimes works is leaving a tip with the note the first day.

interesting, as in annoying, way to manage costs though. I don’t think the dollars saved outweighs guest inconvenience.
I leave a tip every day but never thought to leave a note. I"ll have to do that next time.

I agree 100% with you.


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Prior to the trip there was discussion among us about heading to HS early to hopefully get a boarding group for RotR. E didn't want to in the least & J was too scared to ride it. R debated but didn't want to get up early esp. with being sick. So, this non-Star Wars fan was on her own then!!

I set my alarm for 5. I was pretty comfortable & thought about not going but I knew I would be kicking myself if I didn't so I got up. Besides, not having E with me meant I could have the popcorn bucket ready to go before she even got to the park!! Perfect!!
This door would not stay shut in the least. I was getting nervous b/c I didn't want the light from the bathroom to wake R.

Then I was irritated b/c I realized that I didn't pack my eyeshadow. I brought the brush but not the shadow--way to go :banghead:

@tonystark how about that HM cosmetic bag?

I ordered a Lyft & went to Animation Hall. It was around 6:00 & it was still pretty quiet.


I was getting nervous while I waited for the Lyft. I got 4 different notifications about who I was being picked up by. The name & time kept changing. This is the first time I've taken a Lyft so I didn't know if this was normal or not. All I know is I was thinking if this kept happening I would never make it in time. Finally, Roberto showed up & I was at HS in no time at all.

I took this picture to remind me of how insane the car lines were to get in HS.

At 6:30 I had arrived!!

Then it was time to go through security. Had I not had the popcorn bucket I would have had my sister bring my bag when they came later.

The line moved pretty quick though.

Getting through the tapstiles would have been quick except the woman in the scooter felt that she & the party of about 8 that was with her had the right to totally cut the line. It was obnoxious & rude. Everyone around me was mumbling & making faces but nobody said anything to them. Maybe karma ended up getting them & they didn't get a boarding group.


Premium Member

Prior to the trip there was discussion among us about heading to HS early to hopefully get a boarding group for RotR. E didn't want to in the least & J was too scared to ride it. R debated but didn't want to get up early esp. with being sick. So, this non-Star Wars fan was on her own then!!

I set my alarm for 5. I was pretty comfortable & thought about not going but I knew I would be kicking myself if I didn't so I got up. Besides, not having E with me meant I could have the popcorn bucket ready to go before she even got to the park!! Perfect!!
This door would not stay shut in the least. I was getting nervous b/c I didn't want the light from the bathroom to wake R.
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Then I was irritated b/c I realized that I didn't pack my eyeshadow. I brought the brush but not the shadow--way to go :banghead:
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@tonystark how about that HM cosmetic bag?

I ordered a Lyft & went to Animation Hall. It was around 6:00 & it was still pretty quiet.
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I was getting nervous while I waited for the Lyft. I got 4 different notifications about who I was being picked up by. The name & time kept changing. This is the first time I've taken a Lyft so I didn't know if this was normal or not. All I know is I was thinking if this kept happening I would never make it in time. Finally, Roberto showed up & I was at HS in no time at all.
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I took this picture to remind me of how insane the car lines were to get in HS.
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At 6:30 I had arrived!!
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Then it was time to go through security. Had I not had the popcorn bucket I would have had my sister bring my bag when they came later.
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The line moved pretty quick though.
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Getting through the tapstiles would have been quick except the woman in the scooter felt that she & the party of about 8 that was with her had the right to totally cut the line. It was obnoxious & rude. Everyone around me was mumbling & making faces but nobody said anything to them. Maybe karma ended up getting them & they didn't get a boarding group.
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If there was a day for the double coffee pod hack, this was it! Hope you managed to get your morning coffee at some point!

What a bummer about your eyeshadow, I can't imagine what I'd do if I'd forget to pack my red lipstick! Which reminds me, was there a magnifying mirror in the bathroom? I didn't see any in your room pictures. 👀
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When I took this picture it was 6:41 so that wasn't bad at all.

None of the stores were open so I figured I would get my Starbucks fix.

Or would I.......

.....absolutely not. This was the end of the line!!

There was no way I was standing in that even though I had nothing better to do.

I strolled down Sunset Blvd.

They were holding everyone here.

I decided to get something from Anaheim Produce.

I don't like drinking water first thing in the morning(after brushing my teeth) & nothing else appealed to me so I asked if they made margaritas at the fine time of 6:50 a.m.!! The CM said yes so I ordered one:cautious: Please don't judge, I was on vacation besides those things taste like there's next to no booze in them!! I also had my first every Mickey pretzel!! It was good but there's way too much salt on it. I found a ledge to sit on & scrape the salt off the pretzel then I had my breakfast of champions!!

I took this lousy selfie. I just can't get those down right.


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This was my view while I had my awesome breakfast!! I had heard that at 7 the park gets eerily quiet & it is very true. And after the silence comes tons of cheers!!

Yay!! I got one--but yikes, how long was I going to have to wait to be called?


I wandered around trying to decide what to do.


I decided to go on Star Tours since I don't ride it often b/c E doesn't like it. And the fact that it only had a 5 minute wait wasn't bad either!

Yeah, that's no 5 minute wait.


I chatted with a family who was behind me in line. They had boarding group #5 and were headed there after they got off of Star Tours.


I thought this little dude was kind of cute.


Well-Known Member
Again, many thanks to all of you!! Your kind words, prayers & thoughts mean so much!!❤❤❤

So, grandma is 93--God bless her. Her mind is super sharp but she has been battling ALS for the last 18 years or so. My understanding is that people normally don't live too long with it but in rare cases some do. It's been awful to watch this disease progress over the years. She always says that her work must not be done here b/c God still keeps her hanging around!! Anyhow, the nurse did an evaluation of her the other day & feels that it's time for hospice to step in. My dad & I talked about it & not to sound cruel in the least but he said for her sake he is relieved which I totally get. It's unfair for one to live their life this way for all these years. It's to the point where you can hardly understand her when she talks b/c this disease has pretty much taken over.

I definitely will be getting this TR back on track b/c at this point I feel like a total Debbie Downer & frankly, I just don't like it!!
Thank you all again!!😘

A dear friend of mine had ALS and it was so sad watching her body fail her a little more each day. She was sharp, like your grandma. I'm terribly sorry that hospice has come into play, and since I'm behind in your report I'm going to preemptively also include I am so so so sorry for your loss.

ALS is so heartbreaking. At my friend's funeral her son who was 8 at the time said that he felt like his mom was trapped inside a flesh prison, where her mind worked but her body didn't, and now that she has broken free she is at peace. I wish your family all the peace and healing during this difficult time, and I hope knowing your grandma is at peace brings you a little too.


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If there was a day for the double coffee pod hack, this was it! Hope you managed to get your morning coffee at some point!

What a bummer about your eyeshadow, I can't imagine what I'd do if I'd forget to pack my red lipstick! Which reminds me, was there a magnifying mirror in the bathroom? I didn't see any in your room pictures. 👀
I did--E stood in the Starbucks line(it was nowhere near as long)a few hours later.

I just don't understand how I packed the brush but not the eyeshadow. Thank goodness it was a short trip!! There wasn't one in mine but there was one in E's. Trust me--I missed not having one!!
I LOVE that you had a margarita at 6:30 in the morning! It's always 5:00 somewhere 😂 🍻🥂

Hoping that Grandma is comfortable and that when the time comes, she is able to go on peacefully. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
You know it!! :)

Thank you very much!!❤
Ah yes, margarita and pretzel. The breakfast of true champions! I like it!
It was the best!!


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J was super excited when we pulled into the resort. On our last trip in November we picked up at AoA & J was in awe when he saw it. Little did we know we would be staying here the next time!!
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He was leading the way like he knew where he was going!! :hilarious:
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I don't care for(& I didn't on my last stay there either) how from the inside you have to walk through the gift shop to get to the food court. I don't know why it bothers me so much but it does.🤷‍♀️
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We decided we wanted to eat dinner before we headed to the room so we went to Landscape of Flavors.
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The gelato looked good but none of us indulged.
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J & E split this monstrous slice of pizza.
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I got a BBQ pork sandwich & it came with 2 sides. The sandwich was just ok but I was pretty hungry so I ate it all. The chips & salad were much better.
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R got some kind of chicken sandwich. He felt the same about his sandwich as I did mine.
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Holy ketchup!! And knowing him I'm sure he used it all!!

We hated that you had to go through the gift shop as well. It just seems so... unnecessary. Like, yes, we will go to the gift shop and look around on EVERY trip, but you don't have to force it in our faces. This isn't the zoo.


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A dear friend of mine had ALS and it was so sad watching her body fail her a little more each day. She was sharp, like your grandma. I'm terribly sorry that hospice has come into play, and since I'm behind in your report I'm going to preemptively also include I am so so so sorry for your loss.

ALS is so heartbreaking. At my friend's funeral her son who was 8 at the time said that he felt like his mom was trapped inside a flesh prison, where her mind worked but her body didn't, and now that she has broken free she is at peace. I wish your family all the peace and healing during this difficult time, and I hope knowing your grandma is at peace brings you a little too.
We hated that you had to go through the gift shop as well. It just seems so... unnecessary. Like, yes, we will go to the gift shop and look around on EVERY trip, but you don't have to force it in our faces. This isn't the zoo.
Thank you very much ❤ Grandma is still hanging in there though. She hasn't been able to walk or even feed herself for many years now. She's to the point now where she doesn't eat at all.

My gosh--if her son was 8 your friend must have been very young. How horrible that is. I agree with you that it is very heartbreaking. I hope your friend's son is doing well.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about the gift shop!!


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I pretty much checked my phone all day to see what groups they were boarding.

I still hadn't heard from everyone else so I figured I would head here & do single rider.

It was shaping up to be a very busy day at HS!!

I ended up waiting 1/2 hour.



I look like I'm sleeping.

I browsed the shops a bit. I thought these pants were hideous--they have way too much going on.

I thought this shirt was really cute!!

I thought this charm was neat!!

At this point I was getting bored--& anxious for my sister to get there!!

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