Rides you always get stuck on


I've been stuck 3 times on the PeopleMover....... And I actually don't mind it. :D Relaxing cool breeze up there away from the crowds!

I have gotten stuck on Snow White's Scary Adventures 3 different occasions as well, when it was open.
Twice on DINOSAUR.
Does It's a Small World count? (in general)
Once on Carousel of Progress. <--- Worst experience.

Being stuck on Scary Adventures sounds awesome, I'd love to be stuck on there! What was it like?


New Member
Yesterday when we were on splash mountain we got stuck at the bottom of the big hill for 5 minutes then again right before the end. The second time they turned all the lights on and we were stuck there for a good 10 minutes!


Disney World's rides break down from time to time. Some more than others (Splash, HM, CoP). But besides those 3, what's a ride at the World that you've gotten stuck on more than once or twice? For me it's Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. It seems to get randomly stuck a lot, but it's a real advantage, allowing you to get more points. So, what's a ride that you get stuck on a lot?
Spaceship Earth. Every single time. I assume to let people with mobility issues get on the moving track. Also Haunted Mansion and Journey of the Little Mermaid and most likely for the same reasons. But I usually don't mind because I like those rides and don't mind an extra few seconds looking around the ride


Well-Known Member
Spaceship Earth. Every single time. I assume to let people with mobility issues get on the moving track. Also Haunted Mansion and Journey of the Little Mermaid and most likely for the same reasons. But I usually don't mind because I like those rides and don't mind an extra few seconds looking around the ride
That's not getting "stuck" that's momentary stopping. Being stuck is it stops and you don't move so you end up walking off the ride. I know that some consider it being stuck, but, it's not, it's business as usual and has been for the 34 years that I have been going there.


New Member
We stop a lot on Buzz Lightyear, but it's just for handicapped entry. The only ride I've broken down on was the TTA. We ended up "crashing" into the car in front of us. It made for a pretty laughable experience to say that we crashed on the Blue Line. We sat for about 30 minutes before a ride technician got to us and took us through the back rooms (super cool experience) so we could get off.
My family has been stuck and evacuated from the People Mover. We also were stuck in the safari vehicle in AK when our driver accidentally hit the edge of the loading platform. He was a little embarassed but handled it like a Disney pro!


We get stuck on the Peoplemover all the time...but it usually starts back up shortly.

SSE is another one...though I actually like getting stuck on that. :p

Splash is the funniest because of the announcement "Looks like Brer Fox and Brer Bear are causin some kinda commotion downstream":D


Well-Known Member
Pirates of the Caribbean, of course its my favorite ride so I ride it several times each visit (Ok fine several times a day) so it's probably the law of averages catching up to me. I also have been stuck on the Safari twice which was awesome both times because we were stuck once by the giraffes and once by the Elephants so it was awesome photo op time.
Spaceship Earth, and Haunted Mansion here, but usually just load ins for a minute or so. We got evaced once on the Universe of Energy just before the dinosaurs which is my favorite art and about 20 minutes into the ride it felt like. We were given fast passes for Mission Space though so all good!
We always get stuck on Haunted Mansion (possibly due to the moving platform being stopped for disabled people), but on our last trip in October, when it was Haunted Mansion Holiday.

On our Summer 2014 Disneyland trip, we got stuck on Grizzly River Run every time we rode it! Those two times were at night, and me and my sister were with a bunch of teenagers one of those times who were laughing and taking pictures while the ride was stuck. Grizzly River Run also has a moving platform, so I guess that's why we were stuck...but it might have been a problem with the ride itself...

Also, the boat backup at Small World has happened to me several times.


Well-Known Member
POTC is the one ride that seems to stop every other time I ride it. Never had an evac, but the last time I rode POTC, it stopped for about 15 minutes right before the drop, so we are sitting there in the dark, and I am praying for an evac :) No luck there, though.


Well-Known Member
Disney World's rides break down from time to time. Some more than others (Splash, HM, CoP). But besides those 3, what's a ride at the World that you've gotten stuck on more than once or twice? For me it's Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. It seems to get randomly stuck a lot, but it's a real advantage, allowing you to get more points. So, what's a ride that you get stuck on a lot?

The last time I went to the World in November 2014, we got stuck on the Haunted Mansion (2nd time this happened) PoTC( 3rd time, once in DL), Little Mermaid( 1st time), 7 dwarfs mine coaster, this one took forever to start back up and It's a small world, OMG never want to get stuck in there ever again:arghh: !!!


Active Member
Disney World's rides break down from time to time. Some more than others (Splash, HM, CoP). But besides those 3, what's a ride at the World that you've gotten stuck on more than once or twice? For me it's Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin. It seems to get randomly stuck a lot, but it's a real advantage, allowing you to get more points. So, what's a ride that you get really stuck on a lot?
During my experiences at the WDW parks the rides I typically get stuck on are Buzz Lightyear as you mentioned, and the Haunted Mansion. Though the former tends to get me stuck more frequently.


Well-Known Member
During my experiences at the WDW parks the rides I typically get stuck on are Buzz Lightyear as you mentioned, and the Haunted Mansion. Though the former tends to get me stuck more frequently.
What do you mean by "stuck". Did you have to get out of the vehicle and walk out or was it one of those couple of minute stops to help people with disabilities on and off the rides. There is a big difference. The second ones are normal operation for the rides, nothing to be concerned about.
I'm not denying this, but, I find it difficult to believe to any massive degree. I would bet that I have ridden TTA people mover probably 150 times during the last 33 years. It has never stopped even once. I am either terribly lucky or you are terribly unlucky.


New Member
One time I got stuck on the ToT for around 30 minutes. It's by far my favorite ride and it was my fiance's first time riding so of course I hyped it up all trip until we were finally on it. First, we get stuck before you enter the 5th dimension area and an announcement comes on saying only two elevators are working and it would be a minute. We start moving again and I think it's all back to normal. The drops start and all is good and then it just STOPS. My rear hit the seat so hard and we were just stuck staring outside for a long while with no announcements or anything. Finally the elevator slowly drops all the way to the bottom where the operations area is and they get us out, take us on another elevator to the loading area, and let us ride again. Turns out some kids in our elevator took their seatbelts off (or never had them on in the first place) and caused the emergency stop to activate.


New Member
What do you mean by "stuck". Did you have to get out of the vehicle and walk out or was it one of those couple of minute stops to help people with disabilities on and off the rides. There is a big difference. The second ones are normal operation for the rides, nothing to be concerned about.

I'm not denying this, but, I find it difficult to believe to any massive degree. I would bet that I have ridden TTA people mover probably 150 times during the last 33 years. It has never stopped even once. I am either terribly lucky or you are terribly unlucky.
i think what usually happens is that because the ride is continuous and doesn't stop to let people on, some people may have a harder time getting on, so they momentarily stop the ride for them. it's never for long, but literally happens to me every time lol

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