I'm not trying to be rude or mean in any way, honest. I just am having problems understanding bringing a two year old to WDW. Especially if you have never gotten to experience it yourself? At two, they're really, honestly and truly, far too young to ride anything, let alone recall the experience. At
three I went to Busch Gardens WV and you know the only thing I recall? Feeding ducks on a bridge.
If you've never gone, then why not consider a babysit/daycare? Disney offers wonderful on-property services for just such a thing. This way you can get a chance to really see and do the park. In a few years, when your son is older, you'll already have a better idea of the park and the rides and he will be able to better enjoy them. With a two year old in tow, it's not going to be much fun for you and not much fun for him really either.
I don't know. I'm not a parent, though a friend took her 2 1/2 y.o. to WDW this summer and they were both miserable. Heat, crowds, inability to actually ride rides - it was just a long day for her and her son. On the other hand, my goddaughter first went when she was about 6 and had a blast. She couldn't wait to go back. I know that doing things is important with your child and I commend you for that, but I just don't see the point in a vacation to Florida and Disney World when it won't get to be as much as it could be.
Maybe even just take one day for you and your wife together. You owe it to yourself to have some fun too you know!
