Do you have a medical condition that prohibits you from riding anything too intense? Health comes first, so if you do, I understand. Though correct me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking your problem is just a fear of these rides.
If you're just afraid, my advice is, don't be. Nobody has died on most of these rides and when people rarely do die or get injured, it's usually the guest's fault for doing something stupid, such as riding with a medical condition or not keeping their arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Operation procedures have been put in place to make the rides more safe than ever. Again unless there is a health issue, you will be absolutely fine.
If you can do Dinosaur, honestly, I don't see anything that you can't do. Dinosaur only has a seatbelt to keep you in and bounces you around more than any other ride, in my opinion. Spiderman and Transformers, while they bounce you around a little bit, are both such great rides that you're truly missing out if you do not do them. And if you do not do Forbidden Journey, you're wasting your money, but FJ is far less rough than Dinosaur so you'd be able to handle it with no problem. Simpsons and Dispicable Me bump you around less than a bus ride.
It's all in your head. I can pretty much guarantee that nothing bad will happen. Just get on the line, enjoy the queues (FJ and Gringotts in particular) and don't think about the ride. Maybe buying an express pass would be better becuase it would give you less time in line to worry yourself. And when you get to the ride, just sit down, put the seatbelt and/or lapbar on, and don't panic. And when you get off, you'll realize that you're starting to get rid of your fear. And that feels good.
I was never allowed to refuse to ride something as a child, so I never could develop a fear of rides. But I've helped quite a few people who were afraid of rollercoasters. You've ridden Dinosaur, which is the ultimate proof that you're just scaring yourself out of everything else. The key is to try everything, or at least every type of ride, at least once. You'll wind up liking most of what you've been afraid of. Honestly, I feel terrible for you because you've been missing out so much, and the longer you go without getting rid of this fear, the more you'll wind up regretting not trying these rides earlier.
One question. Is your fear that you'll get hurt or die, or that you'll be too shaken up after riding?