Rides at Night

Did an extra magic hour once in the rain and it was pouring when we rode BTMRR and it was incredible. Add the thrill of the dark with the bizarreness of hard rain and it seemed even faster. Incredible experience.

Also rode Splash Mt just as the fireworks started and it was cool floating along watching from that elevation (until we went inside that is).


New Member
Theres a running joke between me and my girlfriend...well... its more of a coincidence we find funny than a joke really. Turns out last year when she finally got me on BTMRR, it happened at night RIGHT before the fireworks. Later on in that trip when we went back to MK we decided to go on it with a cousin of mine. It was still bright outside, and there was a long line, but I wanted to see the ride during the day so we went regardless of the long wait.

We were in queue so long when we finally got on and came out of the cave, it was night again. Wah-waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

...and TT at night is the most awesome thing. One trip I did TT like eight times.

Best time?: It was night. It was raining. And I had my earphones on blasting Iron Maiden's "Be Quick or Be Dead".... it was my own little Rock n' Roller Test Track. Blew my mind.

Mufasa's Pride

New Member
Test Track is only worth the wait fo me if you ride it at night.

Also Splash Mt., Big Thunder Mt. and Jungle Cruise are TOTALLY new experiances during the night.


New Member
Everything is better at night! :D
BTMRR seems twice as fast at night, and its dark, so thats a plus.

I've had some great experiences on HM at night. The later you go, the fewer the people, the more into it the cast members get. They make you wait so theres nothing but empty cars around you, so your in the ride alone...Recently a cast member "stalked me" up untill the point the doombugy had turned the corner into the ride! Needless to say, i left red marks on my boyfriends arm, the guy creeped me out so much! so much fun. we thought he was gona end up following us out at the end of the ride (that happened to me a few before)

ToT is a must do-to, and I only ride jungle cruise at night now, makes it seem more realistic!


New Member
I love the parks at night.
I always feel like a kid in a candy store when its dark out and the line ups are short!

My favs are BTMRR, HM (esp if the CM/actress is 'haunting' the main entrance in day-glo paint)

I'm dying to see JC in the dark. I've seen videos but i think it would be really awesome to experience!

I always love walking into POTC at night!


Active Member
Splash mountain is great during the spectro parade...you can see all of the lights

um, HM is great too it adds on to the erie feeeeeling to the chiiiils


Well-Known Member
Any fast moving outdoor attraction is awesome at night...makes it feel like its faster.

Expedition Everest is AMAZING at night. It turns into an entirely different attraction. There is no light leak in the cavern with the Yeti either, making the Yeti look huge.

Splash is fun at night, as is Tower of Terror. The atmosphere at ToT is fantastic at night, as is the Haunted Mansion.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have a few questions so bare with me a bit.

I love the parks at night! JC is a must do in the dark. It's actually a little creepy. It's so corny during the day.

What time do they close JC? I was there last year for MNSSHP and it wasn't opened, it was one of my must does to ride at night, I was disappointed.

Also, many of you have mentioned riding EE at night, doesn't AK close early?? So how are you riding at night??
I'll agree with just about everyone else and say BTMRR and Splash are the two must-dos, especially if you can get on them during the fireworks. Also TTA, because Tomorrowland looks great at night.


New Member
At Magic Kingdom, definately all three mountains is great at night, especially Thunder mountain! I would also suggest, like someone else did, the Tomorrowland Transit ( I can sit on that all night - which I had to do for a good hour and half during a really bad thunderstorm!!!) At Epcot I would definately go on Test Track! It seems faster, atleast to me at night! At Hollywood Studios I would go on Tower of Terror, and lastly at Animal Kingdom I would obviousy go on Everest!! I plan on doing it all in 75 days and 11 hrs!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!:wave:


Active Member
When I first road Test Track, I road it at night. Then I road it in the day. Night was MUCH better. The MAIN thing I think is that at night you can't see all the way through the building so it looks less "warehouse-ish" and more like you are outside driving on the roads at night. I wish they did a little more to make the roof appear like the outdoors. In my opinion it would be cool to have the ride imitate "sky" and "night" similar to the mexican pavillion but with fiber optics and such for the stars.

In addition have the "cars" headlights on is cool looking.


Well-Known Member
astro orbiter - u see the park and the MK resorts all lit up which is just a lovely sight.

splash mountain -its splash mountain lol!

BTMRR -this is good at nite, the bats look reel coz there eyes light up even better in the dark.

TTA -i like this of a night.

EE -so cool plus u see the yeti more clearer and its very cool!

test track -cool at night.

Pete C

Active Member
TTA is awesome during the night parade. You get a very unique view of all the floats lighting up the streets...very cool!

Jungle Cruise is much better at night, as is BTMRR.

I can't wait to try Everest at night, but as someone else mentioned this is not easy given the park's hours. I guess you have to do Extra Magic Hours to get a truly dark ride.

I'd have to say I pretty much enjoy the parks more at night in general...I just prefer the atmosphere of having all the buildings and streets lit up.


New Member
test track is awesome at night , and a little rain hower makes it more cool.

so is haunted mansion, it makes it like you said more spooker!


Well-Known Member
Pete C said:
I can't wait to try Everest at night, but as someone else mentioned this is not easy given the park's hours. I guess you have to do Extra Magic Hours to get a truly dark ride.

It is tough to get a chance. The best time is towards the end of the year. The parks are open later in general (AK until 7 PM), and sunset is a couple hours before.
Jungle Cruise is much better at night, as is BTMRR.

I can't wait to try Everest at night, but as someone else mentioned this is not easy given the park's hours. I guess you have to do Extra Magic Hours to get a truly dark ride.

I'd have to say I pretty much enjoy the parks more at night in general...I just prefer the atmosphere of having all the buildings and streets lit up.

I agree about Jungle Cruise and being in the parks at night. Just a different feel about it all.

As for Everest and the EMH at AK it was awesome. Wait time was no more than 15 minutes and that was last year during spring break time. Plus exploring the areas near the Tree of Life before I left was cool as there was virtually no one around. For 15 or 20 minutes I didn't even see anyone.

Dinoland also has a completely different feel about it at night. Much cooler looking with lights at Chester and Hester's.

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