My best (funniest) breakdown was on the Norway ride. I am a "person-of-size" and so is most of the rest of my family. We were getting on the ride with another lady and her son. When we reached the boat, we let the castmember know that, in case she couldn't see, we were very big people and it might cause problems. Our warnings were not heard, and we were told to get on the boat anyway. We bounced along the bottom the whole ride, until the end when we got stuck. Several cast members came out in waders and pushed, and pushed and pushed until we finally got up on the ramp and were able to leave.
After we wandered thru the giftshop we noticed that the ride had closed. I walked up with my brother and asked what had happened. In a Noreweigan (sp?) accent she said "some really big people got on the ride and it sunk". Being the shy guy I am, I said, in a little louder than a normal voice "Those big people have feelings too", we were rolling and didnt stop laughing for over an hour.
Hmm...just read that back...guess you had to be there......:snore: