Rich Manhattan moms hire handicapped tour guides so kids can cut lines at Disney World

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Well-Known Member
Its people like that that ruin it for everyone else. Its pathetic and I would feel so bad about doing that. I see this all the time though people abusing the system so they don't have to wait. I say treat everyone the same now. Or have the person in a wheel chair what until the rest of the party catches up in the line. Then they can all board the ride together. If not that then Disney will need to have documented proof of needing a wheel chair.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I wonder if all this attention is just teaching more people how to cheat the system.
It will either do that or force Disney's hand to start to lock the system down a little. In either case the ones who will pay the price are all the people who legitimately need the GAC and the other special needs services Disney provides. As usual, the actions of a selfish few blow it for the rest of the world.

Yankee Mouse

Well-Known Member
I have seen people doing this, saw one couple with the motorized scooter and Husband behind the wife as they get in front of us on a ride. Later on that day we have a swith on who was driving the scooter, I was like you have got to be kidding

That doesn't mean anything. When I went with my bad back my wife also had a bad knee. Neither one of us could walk long distances, but we could both walk some. We would often switch when one of felt able to walk for a bit and the other needed a break.

As already has been mentioned most of the queues are now accessible and in other cases those who have to use a handicapped entrance actually have to wait longer than others. The advantage is not as great as it would appear, and the only ones who claim that there is some great advantage are usually people who have never had to use a wheelchair in the parks.

I agree about one thing that has been mentioned though, someone really needs to lock this thread down.


Active Member
Why make the the conclusion that Uni left the guy at the turnstiles rather than coach him to be a tour guide? Maybe the gentleman is perfectly happy at his job? Maybe he doesn't want to do more? Maybe his medical condition makes being a tour guide not realistic?

Maybe I know him well and thats what he said. Maybe theme parks get away with just pushing people with disabilities aside whilst parading the equal opportunity banner.

Why are there so many nasty people on these boards that want to be so accusing and jump down people's throats? Go watch some Disney movies...they teach really great morals.....


Well-Known Member
Maybe I know him well and thats what he said. Maybe theme parks get away with just pushing people with disabilities aside whilst parading the equal opportunity banner.

Why are there so many nasty people on these boards that want to be so accusing and jump down people's throats? Go watch some Disney movies...they teach really great morals.....
Has he ever told his employers that he wants to do something different? If that's the case, then he needs to decide something for himself. Does he want to change jobs enough to go through the trouble of pressing the company? If he's not willing to push for something better, then it's not really the company's fault.

In response to the second part of your post, why are there so many people on these boards that flip out if their opinion is challenged in any way?I wasn't accusing or jumping down anyone's throat. All you said was that Universal left the guy at the exit turnstile because he is handicapped. I simply asked a few questions. If you or anyone else can't handle some simple questions, I suggest not posting on boards at all. We're all adults here, please don't presume to scold me like I'm a child. We can debate and disagree here without being offended when it happens.


Well-Known Member
This is the type of thing that makes your skin crawl or makes your head feel like it'll pop off your neck...but, it is from the NY Post, so sensationalism is part of their M.O. :)

My father has a major and extremely rare neuromuscular disease, a rare cardiovascular disease, you get the idea. He has a custom titanium wheelchair and when we are on vacation with my parents, obviously, we have the use of the handicap entrance. Having been through this for several years, it's become increasingly noticeable that able bodied people are abusing the heck out of the system.

It started with the ECV crowd and with all due respect outside of the minority of cases was the case of the lazies and abusing the system, then we started seeing more adults putting some family member in a wheelchair, and then hearing the parents saying along the lines that little Johnny has some ADD that causes problems waiting in line. No joke. Last time, we saw these three guys, one of them wheeling the friend. About an hour later, we watched the same guy literally leap out of the wheelchair and start running after his friend. Later in the day, they were pushing him onto another attraction.

Now, we have this story. Even if it isn't a vast number of people, it's still disgusting. The physically problems that my dad has you wouldn't want to wish on nearly anyone and the handicap accessibility is designed for such, handicapped guests. Not to mention with the numerous phoneys and lazy types, the handicap lines are getting very backed up at certain attractions and when someone like my father has to wheel onto certain attractions, its caused delays so long because of the limited spacing that we actually wait longer than the standby line.


Well-Known Member

I just checked out their VIP Tours page and came across and updated message that read: "Due to inaccurate press and slander, Dream Tours is not offering VIP tours at this time. Our focus has primarily always been providing magical vacations for adults with special needs and helping their dreams to come true."

I do believe that this company does primarily focus in providing a better experience for families with disabilities. There are plenty of family with disabilities that don't know all the info and need help planning their vacation just as much as any other family does, however, if the article has some truth to it, then it serves them right for being called out like this. Sure the article is over-exaggerated, but this stuff does happen even unofficially, I will see GAC families meet another family casually and after a nice conversation in a line or something end up joining that party for an attraction or even the rest of the day. That isn't just being nice, it is abuse. I'm glad this article was written, posted, and being spread like viral, because the opinions of the general public is that it is wrong and they have expressed their disgust for it which may in turn make those considering it second guess their actions, but I'm sure it will also serve as an advertisement for more people who just don't care what other think to abuse the system. In any case, Disney should be taking note that people are noticing and are becoming aware at an alarming rate that they can either cheat the system with ease or that the abuse is so out of hand that Disney isn't doing anything about it. Disney will have to do something or the matter will get worse and they will have more of a problem to deal with.


Well-Known Member
This kind of thing disusts me... the whole idea of money being used to get what you want (when that thing isn't a material object at least) does in fact. Now that said... what I am about to type is going to get someone angry and I swear I don't mean it the way it is about to come out but... I've always thought the idea of folks in a wheelchair getting able to skip the lines didn't make much sense as it was. I understand needing to have a handicapped entrance and accomodating those who are unable to stand in the line but never have understood why that also meant they didn't need to wait like those who can. Let me also say that I spent a trip to WDW in 2005 in a wheelchair and got to benefit from this so I'm not just speaking from outside the situation. Was it great to get to skip ahead of every line and not have to wait? Sure! Was it fair to those who paid just as much as I did for their trip and just didn't happen to require a wheelchair? I suppose not. I'd bet after the articles there will be an increase in folks who don't require a wheelchair renting them (there isn't any sort of proof you have to show). Maybe as a result you'll see something using the magic band system that essentially gives them a return time to then enter through the handicapped entrance (exit). Gut feeling.


Well-Known Member
So - this behavior doesn't surprise me - it's just people with cash working the WDW system.

That's a good point. That's also what the VIP Tours are when you think about it. People with a lot of cash to burn paying extra for special treatment.


Well-Known Member
Maybe as a result you'll see something using the magic band system that essentially gives them a return time to then enter through the handicapped entrance (exit). Gut feeling.

I agree. I think the new FP+/MagicBands are going to be a part of solving this problem at some point. Maybe it will be a system where a disabled person works with a CM at Guest Relations to plan out their day using FP+s.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
I grew up with a kid sister witg adhd. Our school district is dancing around that topic with my middle kid. I gotta say, you need to lighten up or develop thicker skin. If i snapped evertime someone on this board commented on that i fit under: fat, southern, stroller pusher, 6'5 with a 5 year old on my shoulder, etc, i would be...... Pathetic
Yeah districts up here fight you tooth and nail to get kids the help they need. My son has made such great progress that hes no longer in special Education classes and will be mainstreamed next year to the Standard Cirriculum .

I Did apologize...just to be clear.

Todd L

Well-Known Member
We spent one day with My In-laws at Magic Kingdom last year.

They Live in Florida and my wife flew down to spend a few days with them before our trip and they drove her to Okw to meet us the morning we arrived and spent the day with us.

My Fil has Multiple issues and at age 71 can hardly walk. Its not obvious to look at him but he couldnt walk around for more than 2 minutes without being in an incredible amount of pain.

He rented a Jazzy and my Mil got him a Gac .....

The amount of stress we experienced with that scooter was incredible,On and off the Bus was a Nightmare. People jumping out in front of it every two minutes, Odd stares from cast members and Guest, one Cast member flat out refused to allow us to use the Gac and made us wait in standby by which was a major hassle with that dumb thing...

My Fil in a Pain In The a$$ on a good day ....We left after 2 hours.

...It was not a Fun day and Im not EVER doing that again.


Well-Known Member
Dream tours what a great idea for those in need of some magic - the concept is wonderful. However, I feel that cancelling the VIP Tours due to the press and scandal IMHO is just saying that they were caught. I think if the tours were for those in need "adults with disabilities" they wouldn't want to ruin their experiences. Just a thought.
And to those that have used them for not so good intentions - shame on you - what is wrong with people.
I am not usually so outspoken but taking advantage of those with disabilities and/or special needs is a huge problem with me:mad:
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