Without beating a dead horse/banging the same drum/*insert overused figure of speech here*, IMO the reason is that the area is a gorgeously realized movie set. It’s well built. The theming is top notch. It appears to offer more than it does.
But successful movie sets rely on (1) actors and actresses and (2) cinematography that frames the image. Then the movie itself relies on music and sound effects to add another level of emotional involvement.
SWGE has no overall music and little entertainment. The designers were so busy pretending to be clever with their “real” space, they forgot that theme parks are an extension of the movie industry and rely on the same elements for emotional involvement.
Plus, this will never feel like an absolutely real planet as long as it’s full of tourists in tees and shorts. That’s just reality.
Even when SWGE is completely open, it will have two rides that are completely hidden with no exterior kinetics, several shops, and a couple of small food locations.
Let’s compare that to Frontierland, which has a less polished theme and clunkier, less sophisticated rockwork. FRL abounds in visual kinetics (riverboat, Splash logs, BTMRR) and exploration (TS Island) — plus an AA stage show. Old-school country bluegrass music wafts through the air.
Between SWGE and FrL, which area feels more alive? I’d rather be in FrL.
Is it really that difficult to just keep the names and add descriptions of what each item is?!? This is the dumbest move yet.Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo menu names simplified and devoid of Star Wars inspired names
Docking Bay 7 Food and Cargo News
Menu names such as Roasted Endorian Tip-Yip Salad are no more at Star Wars Galaxy's Edge.www.wdwmagic.com
Actually that’s not true. As many predicted, the temporary unthemed tables have been replaced with in-universe furniture.
its not that simpleYeah, pretty much Californian food preferences vs, southern and midwestern. I'd choose Californian anyday.
The quickserve is better in ansheimMaybe compared to the MK, but not WDW overall.
But yes, DL’s food options are infinitely better than the MK’s!
its not that simple
The quickserve is better in ansheim
The table service isn’t close. And I’ll remind that the quality and menus at wdw are probably only 50-75% as good in wdw now as it was 20 years ago. And it’s still way better
Well said!
I agree. The only thing the land has going for it is equity performers.
They've figured out a system where the performer walks amongst the guests, interacts, but keeps moving towards a meet and greet area.
We saw when we were there and in videos since we got back, that this is a pattern they all seem to be following.
We saw the Wookie doing this (which is an impressive sight) walking among people, taking some pics, then made his way while doing this over to one of the ships and then messed with it and took more pics. Rey's pattern is to walk with purpose (and her staff.) If she sees a little fan girl she'll walk holding hands, or snap a few pics on the way, always moving towards a meet and greet area or exit.
Basically, they turn the land into their meet and greet spot for the first 20% of their time on stage.
With the realization that they need to make it to a meet and greet or an exit and should keep moving so as not to have a crowd management issue.
Everything you pointed out is spot on.
I thought it was odd that most of the buildings have bridges and balconies, or platforms but that they are not being used.
I realize they can't have droids roaming around for safety issues, but up on these pathways they could automate droids to travel them.
That would get a little kinetics happening.
I think RofR will fulfill the adventure aspect you mentioned, it just isn't obvious to someone not in the know. RotR will look just like it does now when it opens, it won't add any appeal to the land aesthetically.
The food thing is going to be a problem if/when they open the sit-down as well.
Welcome to the far reaches of the universe... chicken, beef, or ship taco? Miller lite?
They should have gone for generic food names like "Roast" instead of "Beef Pot Roast".
And "Ribs" instead of "Pork Ribs". Ribs and Roasts can come from any number of beasts. The CMs can then clarify.
Do we know if these changes were actually made in the park on the menus, or was this change just in the app descriptions? When we went on Saturday both the LCD menus and the handout menus had the SW names.
It has changed in the park as well, unfortunately. Actual food name in big letters with the themed name under it in smaller letters and then the description of the meal. Used to be the other way around.Signal boosting this. Is anyone on hand to look? The only things we've seen that confirm this change is the app and online menu. Even the screenshot from The Site were just screenshots from the website. Their header image was of the display boards showing the themed names.
Not anymore. All the "Home Depot" tables have been replaced with the better themed ones in that picture.The site you reference "Mr Unscrupulous" is the definition of fake news. They moved them outside. Last time I checked they were still there.
Must have just missed the swap out. They were outside at the beginning of October.Not anymore. All the "Home Depot" tables have been replaced with the better themed ones in that picture.
Not sure when exactly they swapped them out. At first glance they look like the same wooden tables, but the main difference is the bench seats instead of regular chairs.Must have just missed the swap out. They were outside at the beginning of October.
The new ones are quite different from what was there before. Much more rustic. Still look off-the-shelf, but a bit more custom, less Home DepotNot sure when exactly they swapped them out. At first glance they look like the same wooden tables, but the main difference is the bench seats instead of regular chairs.
So help me, I will forever order it and refer to it as Tip Yip until the day I die or until its off the menu. Kimmy at docking bay has said "Off-Worlders say it tastes like chicken."Find the menu name changes very disappointing. I truly enjoyed the fried Tip Yip. I will continue to order Tip Yip on my next visit. Once again the Imagineers created something exotic, exciting and immersive and operations have ruined it.
The new ones are quite different from what was there before. Much more rustic. Still look off-the-shelf, but a bit more custom, less Home Depot
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