The Snow White / Robin Hood scene was animated by Don Bluth (Who is famous for Dragons Lair, Space Ace (video games), Secret of Nimh...etc.)
Disney would re-use scenes to try and cut costs, but it had, as far as I know, never been used to that extent. Milt Kahl was very upset when Disney started reusing scenes and publicly chastised Bluth for reusing the scene to that extent. Kahl felt that it showed a lack of creativity and eventually his feeling on the subject created a divide amongst himself and some of the younger guys (including Bluth). During a training session that Milt was giving, Bluth got fed up and walked out on him. He then moved onto creating video games and his own films, such as the still quite amazing Secret of NIMH (the first major feature to show that not only Disney was capable of creating top notch animation.)