Restaurant Marrakesh


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
So the menus outside of Marrakesh have a few spelling mistakes...


  • In Shish Kebab they spelled medley wrong
  • In Chicken Kebabs they spelled couscous wrong
  • In North Atlantic Salmon they spelled concassee wrong

  • Kebab not Kebob


Well-Known Member
the same spelling mistakes were there last year when we were their, my friend at work who came with us last year mentioned it at the time but i forgot, and we always talk about disney and i was talking to her right now on facebook and she remembered! surely not over a year could have gone by and no one has said?:ROFLOL:

The Mom

Premium Member
Either Kabob or Kabab are still acceptable, even though spellcheck doesn't agree. ;)
Depends upon country of origin, who translated the word into English, etc. It will probably be standardized eventually, but hasn't happened quite yet. And then it could be changed again someday.

Sort of like Peking vs Beijing - it was translated and spelled the way it sounded to early English speaking visitors, then corrected to the actual Chinese later.

The Mom

Premium Member
That may be but shouldn't consistency count for something? They have it spelled one way on the menu and the other on the lunch special sign. Pick one!


There are probably different people working on each without coordinating the spelling. For all we know, they may have come to blows arguing over who was spelling it the right way. ;)

After all, people never have heated arguments over disagreements about minor details. :lookaroun :lol:


Active Member
So the menus outside of Marrakesh have a few spelling mistakes...


  • In Shish Kebab they spelled medley wrong
  • In Chicken Kebabs they spelled couscous wrong
  • In North Atlantic Salmon they spelled concassee wrong

There's also an errant comma under Couscous M'Rouzia, and fairly erratic use of capital letters throughout. They're capitalizing all the nouns (mostly) which is fine if you're writing German, English not so much; but they don't follow their own convention very well under North Atlantic Salmon. Maybe the King can be persuaded to bring in a proofreader.

Food's good though.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I found another one. I had to verify with a few friends that "tripple sec" isn't a brand name...



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It should also be noted that Tangierine Cafe has it's name misspelled, but I assume that's intentional for a reason I'm not familiar with.


Well-Known Member
I noticed these errors too last time I went there. I would have mentioned something, but I didn't want to delay getting my Roast Lamb Meshoui another minute!

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
It should also be noted that Tangierine Cafe has it's name misspelled, but I assume that's intentional for a reason I'm not familiar with.

Tangierine Cafe

Tangier = city in Morocco (

Hence a play on Tangerine (the fruit) by substituting the name of a major Moroccan city.

As far as the spelling and grammatical issues on the menus, I have no defense on that one. Someone needs to do a better job of proof reading.


I am of Middle Eastern descent, and I have seen Kebab spelled many different ways Kebob, kabob kebab. It does depend which part of the middle east you are from that depends on the spelling. Kinda like UK, Canada, USA have the same words just spelled differently. Like Colour, color.

The Mom is right though depending on who was deciding on how to spell it, it probably turned into a heated debate and well you got both :animwink:

I remember in Morocco when I spoke to a lady who was speaking very broken English then I flipped to Arabic, she looked surprised, then said, " Your english...there is no accent, but your Arabic is defintely Moroccon" ????? I laughed 'cause the dialect gives you away as well........just like spelling, depends what part of that world you are from....HTH:wave:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I am of Middle Eastern descent, and I have seen Kebab spelled many different ways Kebob, kabob kebab. It does depend which part of the middle east you are from that depends on the spelling. Kinda like UK, Canada, USA have the same words just spelled differently. Like Colour, color.

The Mom is right though depending on who was deciding on how to spell it, it probably turned into a heated debate and well you got both :animwink:

I remember in Morocco when I spoke to a lady who was speaking very broken English then I flipped to Arabic, she looked surprised, then said, " Your english...there is no accent, but your Arabic is defintely Moroccon" ????? I laughed 'cause the dialect gives you away as well........just like spelling, depends what part of that world you are from....HTH:wave:

Kebab has really been the only debatable one but I feel it should be consistent on all the menus. The other one that's confusing to me is the spelling of Tangierine Cafe instead of Tangerine Cafe


Well-Known Member
Kebab has really been the only debatable one but I feel it should be consistent on all the menus. The other one that's confusing to me is the spelling of Tangierine Cafe instead of Tangerine Cafe

Tangierine Cafe

Tangier = city in Morocco (

Hence a play on Tangerine (the fruit) by substituting the name of a major Moroccan city.
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