Resort TV - GONE!!


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Scar4king
If you really miss the old tip for the day stuff I actually Found it on Kazza Lite . Its the whole show (and yes this just proves how much of a geek I am)
P.s Is any one else in here a Fan of the Family auto mart show!

OMG!!! "FAMILY AUTO MART!" I thought I was the only one who ever actually stayed up and watched those things. I told my parents about watching those things when I was there on my CP and they didn't believe me. They had to see it for themselves. Those things are...disturbing at times. :D Thanks for the Florida memory Scar!


New Member
Looking for Resort TV on VHS


Does anyone have the Resort TV loops on Video?

I would like to see if someone would not mind copying them for me. I will pay for the cost of tape postage and a little extra for your time if you want.

I know they are on line in some places but I have been told most are very poor quality on the net and I would like to move them to DVD.

Any help anyone could give would be great.



New Member
all this talk of our beloved long lost resort tv loop is making me all misty eyed :(

i just re-encoded the entire resort tv loop to divx. for those of you who would prefer it all in one file instead of downloading the the set of .WMV files. the file rounds in at 108 MB

i dont know what year it was from, but it's definately an older loop. if anyone has any copies of the loop they've recorded themselves and would like to share them please PM me :)

i would love to get some of the more recent versions of the loop before it was replaced. i'm kicking myself for not recording it when i was at WDW in september. when i went back in december it was gone :(

i made mp3's from the loop one year. the quality isn't perfect, but they tracks are still great to listen to. aside from that, i've also seen some higher quality audio recordings of the loop floating around on the internet...

i dont think the 'top 7 things' is really all that terrible. yes, the host is quite irritating - but it's more so the feel of the new show that gets me. just doesnt give me that same 'YOU ARE FINALLY AT WDW' feeling that the resort tv tour did....


New Member
Hey, popkid! Thanks for the indispensible service you provide in #Disney-Central; it's much appreciated.

Originally posted by popkid
i just re-encoded the entire resort tv loop to divx. for those of you who would prefer it all in one file instead of downloading the the set of .WMV files. the file rounds in at 108 MB

i would love to get some of the more recent versions of the loop before it was replaced. i'm kicking myself for not recording it when i was at WDW in september. when i went back in december it was gone :(

So, no one knows of a higher-resolution version of the old WDW Tour loop? That's a shame, but then I suppose most guests don't bother to record and digitize the video when they could be enjoying the parks, heh. I've never seen any other version posted on alt.binaries.multimedia.disney, anyway.

i dont think the 'top 7 things' is really all that terrible. yes, the host is quite irritating - but it's more so the feel of the new show that gets me. just doesnt give me that same 'YOU ARE FINALLY AT WDW' feeling that the resort tv tour did....

I'm sure it will eventually grow on us, and perhaps then the feeling will return. I find the host hilarious (in a very irritating way) -- it's the style and quality of the new WDW Tour that bothers me most. The new tour just seems so hastily assembled and much more like a Travel Channel show than a Disney production. I miss the cheesy effects and voice-over narration of the original. And the goofy Park Hopper costume.


Well-Known Member
Popkid, You're my hero for all this video stuff. Starting a week from today my roommates and I will (FINALLY) have 1.5 Mb DSL so I'll be going crazy downloading your stuff. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by popkid
just doesnt give me that same 'YOU ARE FINALLY AT WDW' feeling that the resort tv tour did....

THAT is exactly why everyone is really complaining. You hit the nail right on the head. Sure I think that Resort TV was a FAR superior show but that feeling you had watching it as soon as you walked into the room is irreplaceable.


Account Suspended
i'd like to give my view on the resort tv but its really hard to get a word in edge wise in this thread. true the new girl can get kind of annoying, but anything is better then watching a lifesize park hopper ticket run around all the parks! its was just one big adv. for disney anyway. i dont see why so many people miss it. the new one hits on all the major parts of the park. so its not 3 hours long. just my view anyway.


New Member
I for one miss the old one with the (zipa dee doo dah tip for today). On our recent trip I watched the new program once and never turned it on again after that. I know the girl is paid to ham it up, but come on, the show seemed more about her than the parks.

Jedi Osborn

Active Member
I'd be willing to pay someone for a copy of the tape as well.

I tried the IRC thing last night and thanks to all of your helpful instructions I was able to get right to the end, but I couldn't close the deal. I'd get a message saying I was in the queue, then another that said I"d be closed down in 30 seconds, then a final message that said the DCC session was closed.
Anyone know how I can avoid that? Am I doing something wrong?


resort tv

We were there during Christmas and resort tv was the first thing we wanted after check-in. The girl is NO replacement. We watched the spanish resort tv channel!

The mIRC link works great. Though it does take time to download the files.



New Member
Resort TV

I was taking my DVD recorder to WDW just so that I could get a great copy of the loop last November, but I learned just before we left that the Loop was pulled in October. I have a copy from Popkid's MIRC which is just ok quality, but it will have to do, since nobody seems to have a better copy.


New Member
hopefully now that the loop is gone more copies will surface on the net. i'm pretty sure all the villa's were equipped with VCR's, so at least a handful of people had to of recorded the loop.

Jedi Osborn, you're doing everything correctly - due to bandwith limitations the file server can only send a few files at a time. once the maximum amount of simultanious (spelling?) sends has been reached it places all other file requests in a queue. after finishing a file it moves to the next file in the queue. sometimes the wait time is only a few minutes, other times you can end up waiting hours. not much i can really do about that, so please just have a little patience when requesting a file :)

the 'session closing in 30 seconds' message just means your direct connection with the file server will close after 30 seconds of IDLE time, or after you have queued up 3 files. your files will still send when your turn comes up in the queue.

hope that helped explain things a little better... now to find some better copies of the loop to share :)

Jedi Osborn

Active Member
That does help, thanks a lot.
I just want to make sure I understand.......even if I lose my dcc connection, I'll still be moving up in the queue and the files will be sent when its my turn, right? So I could queue up a couple files and then leave the computer for a few hours (or however long it takes) and come back and have the files?
That'd be great.

Thanks again for sharing the files and how to get them.


New Member
yep jedi, that's the way it works... one thing tho, you'll want to check under your DCC options to make sure 'auto accept' is checked. this way your computer will automatically accept a file when it is being sent to you. otherwise, you would have to sit and wait at your pc for the file to come, and click 'ok' to accept it before it will start downloading...


New Member
Originally posted by monorailmike
Wasn't there a thread about this before?
My complaint from my trip in November is the Appliance Direct commercials have gone from non-stop to random. :lol:

But if you didn't by it Direct....YOU PAID TOO MUCH!!

At least they got rid of the guys little daughter who was very obnoxious!

They have good prices too! But at Southeast Steel, you get the best deal!!:lol:
Originally posted by caparamedic
But if you didn't by it Direct....YOU PAID TOO MUCH!!

At least they got rid of the guys little daughter who was very obnoxious!

They have good prices too! But at Southeast Steel, you get the best deal!!:lol:

Ha ha ha.... Yeah, I had noticed the little girl was gone. It seems from the lack of response to my comments, not every is as enamored of Appliance Direct as I am. I'm glad someone else is.

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