Well I know for me, I don't like going to other threads through links in another thread because of the Unread markers that are kept for your accounts. If you go to a thread (especially when it links in the middle) it assumes you have read every page before it and the page you are on, and can throw off these markers. I like the markers as it allows me to start off where I left off. One of the reasons I have to always read your rumor tracker last --- as you throw links out there to things insiders have said, but if I click it before I have read the thread (possibly cause I missed the post by the insider...some threads even after a day get so many responses you start skimming to quick to catch up and miss insiders). yes, there is other ways to do it, but it's the way that keeps me interested in the threads on my watch list. It ends up saving me quite a number of clicks later.I would 'Like' that post, but it's more clicks than I could handle.
But obviously off topic.