religious skywriters

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Well-Known Member
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Lately they have been out in full force above WDW. Just wondering, do they annoy anyone else?

They annoy me... a lot. I have nothing against religion, but I do get annoyed when people (cough*Christians*cough) feel the need to force their beliefs down everyone's throat. They are exploiting WDW's success to shove their beliefs on everyone at WDW, even though people at WDW come from all over the world, with different backgrounds and values.

I'm sure it offends some people and it makes Disney look bad, because I'm sure some people assume Disney is doing it.



Think of it like a billboard or commercial. Businesses want their billboards in the most visible spot or their commercials on the most popular time slot for their target market. Since Disney is a family spot and religion of all sorts, not just Christian, target families, it is the perfect spot. Just like commercials, television shows, radio programs, if you don't like it, turn it off or in this case, don't look. These don't bother me because I am too busy paying attention to the detail Disney puts into everything.


Well-Known Member
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But religion was not meant to be advertised or commercialized. And its hard not to look at something that fills the entire sky.


Well-Known Member
Advertising and commercializing religion are your views and you have a right to them. To others that sort of thing may be appreciated. As with anything, if you don't like it stop looking. Seriously, why would you be staring at the sky while at Disney? Hello.... the action is ground level LOL Next time go on a dark ride until it dissipates.

BTW - I find it ironic your icon says Haters gonna hate LOL


But religion was not meant to be advertised or commercialized. And its hard not to look at something that fills the entire sky.

Of course religion is meant to be advertised. It is every Christians job to advertise their belief. Actually we are charged with spreading the word.

We saw the sky writing while we were waiting for rope drop at MK last summer and at first we thought it was Disney because they started out by making a smiley face. It wasn't until they got the J E S done before I figured out what it was. After the rope drop ceremony though I never remember noticing it again. I was too busy taking in my first visit to the MK since high school and watching my kids experience it for the first time.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Having JESUS LOVES YOU in huge letters in the sky may not be offensive to you, but I bet it is to many of the thousands of guests of other religions who are there every day.

Its not as easy as "don't look at it."
Of course religion is meant to be advertised. It is every Christians job to advertise their belief. Actually we are charged with spreading the word.
I believe you are encouraged to spread the word, but not force your beliefs on people who DIDN'T ASK. Biggest problem with Christianity.


Well-Known Member
Ouch, kind of turning into an "in before they delete" thread here. But I can make the comment I want to make without going into specifics about any religion. Hopefully others can take the cue. ;)

1) When you are looking out over World Showcase and admiring the skyline, *any* "advertisement" or "billboard" would be obnoxious. If it said, "Burger King", or "Wal-mart" or "(insert religious title/name)" it doesn't matter. Unless it's got Mickey Ears, it's just out of place and, again, obnoxious.

2) As it is a religious thing, it brings me to my confusion on the whole issue - just like when someone comes to my door to preach (though the "NO SOLICITING" sign has helped with that), I don't get it. Has anyone ever been converted to a religion because someone knocked on their door to tell them about it, or because they saw some skywriting?

3) People who agree with the religious statement confuse me as well. Do they need it spelled up into the sky in front of you to affirm your religion? If they do, then they don't have a ton of faith in, well, their faith.

It costs a lot of money to go up into a plane and do's too bad he didn't donate it to charity or a food bank or something helpful to the world. All it does is irritate people who don't want to be advertised to on their vacation, or affirm the belief of someone who already believes. It's just a "because I can" political statement, and while it doesn't annoy me that much (especially since the beginning disappears before he can even finish the word ROFL) it just seems so silly and a ridiculous waste.


Well-Known Member
Its not too much of an issue when you have Photoshop with a picture and someone sky-doodling. I too think this is a waste of resources and at the same time I get resentful of someone trying to push their beliefs onto me.

I had to laugh last time I saw this, the guy didn't have enough fuel in his plane and it ended up as "In God We Trus".

Presumably they were preaching to atheists with groin strains.

Tonka's Skipper

Well-Known Member
I am actually sitting here LOL....This thread has turned into a attack now and if it was anyother would have been closed by now!

Personally I think its a waste of money to send up smoke signals over WDW

Just IMO....AKK


New Member
Ouch, kind of turning into an "in before they delete" thread here. But I can make the comment I want to make without going into specifics about any religion. Hopefully others can take the cue. ;)

1) When you are looking out over World Showcase and admiring the skyline, *any* "advertisement" or "billboard" would be obnoxious. If it said, "Burger King", or "Wal-mart" or "(insert religious title/name)" it doesn't matter. Unless it's got Mickey Ears, it's just out of place and, again, obnoxious.

2) As it is a religious thing, it brings me to my confusion on the whole issue - just like when someone comes to my door to preach (though the "NO SOLICITING" sign has helped with that), I don't get it. Has anyone ever been converted to a religion because someone knocked on their door to tell them about it, or because they saw some skywriting?

3) People who agree with the religious statement confuse me as well. Do they need it spelled up into the sky in front of you to affirm your religion? If they do, then they don't have a ton of faith in, well, their faith.

It costs a lot of money to go up into a plane and do's too bad he didn't donate it to charity or a food bank or something helpful to the world. All it does is irritate people who don't want to be advertised to on their vacation, or affirm the belief of someone who already believes. It's just a "because I can" political statement, and while it doesn't annoy me that much (especially since the beginning disappears before he can even finish the word ROFL) it just seems so silly and a ridiculous waste.


Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
I think the planes doing the writing should be shot down. I'm sick of hearing about religion. If you're religious and it helps you thru your day, more power too ya. I'm tired of religious leaders or nut jobs that can't accept the fact that their are people who have no interest. Frankly I think the world would be better off without religion.


Well-Known Member
as a Christian, i will say this.

we are expected to spread the word, but only when the door is open. I, along with most Christians, respect that our path is not accepted by all. So basically, when people want to know, we are supposed to be that beacon for them, but as far as shoving down peoples throat, i am against that fully.


Active Member
I think the planes doing the writing should be shot down. I'm sick of hearing about religion. If you're religious and it helps you thru your day, more power too ya. I'm tired of religious leaders or nut jobs that can't accept the fact that their are people who have no interest. Frankly I think the world would be better off without religion.

Good for you. You want a cookie? If YOU feel that way, then go rent a freaking airplane and write "Frankly, I think the world would be better off without religion" across the central Florida sky. You have a soft mind, indeed, if "Jesus loves you" is an offensive statement in any way whatsoever. You might not think it's true, but what difference does it make? If it's not true, you should care even less. If it said "Dolphins eat green beans" would you get all y because you think the world would be better if people knew the true diet of dolphins?

That being said, I think the skywriting is a complete waste of money, as they're not going to change any hearts and minds that way, but they have every right to do it and to classify it as "offensive" is ignorant beyond belief.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

P.S. It's more power "to" ya, not "too" ya.


It costs a lot of money to go up into a plane and do's too bad he didn't donate it to charity or a food bank or something helpful to the world. All it does is irritate people who don't want to be advertised to on their vacation, or affirm the belief of someone who already believes. It's just a "because I can" political statement, and while it doesn't annoy me that much (especially since the beginning disappears before he can even finish the word ROFL) it just seems so silly and a ridiculous waste.

Yes. This.
Agreed 100%.


Well-Known Member
Having JESUS LOVES YOU in huge letters in the sky may not be offensive to you, but I bet it is to many of the thousands of guests of other religions who are there every day.

Its not as easy as "don't look at it."
I believe you are encouraged to spread the word, but not force your beliefs on people who DIDN'T ASK. Biggest problem with Christianity.

Ya, and having a bunch of homosexuals descend upon WDW once a year, all wearing red to advertise what they are, and rubbing their lifestyle in everyone's face may offend many too, but we're told to suck it up and stop being bigots.

So if you're offended by someone's statement of faith, I'll tell you the same thing...suck it up and stop being a bigot.

Having said all that, I'm not saying that I endorse this particular method as being the best form of evangelism, but I just don't like the double standard that exists in our culture. If any other religion or miniority group wants to be public about their beliefs, it's called diversity and we're supposed to embrace it and practice "tolerance". If Christianity wants to do the same, we're told to keep our beliefs to ourselves and stop trying to shove it down everyone's throat.


Tattooed Disney Geekster
I am gonna hire a plane that says....
"Jorden Loves Dole Whip"

Now that is something we can all enjoy and spread the word about :)


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Shouldn't be long now:

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