I think the reason why RCID collapsed so easily is that the way this darn thing was chartered from the beginning was SEVERELY flawed. RCID was given things and setup in a way that NO other special taxing district has ever been set up before or afterward. RCID was a freak of nature (or a freak of government) The "temptation" for self-dealing was like no other and way off the charts. (The temptation for it, because it was "potentially" so easy)
For decades and decades, Florida Democrats and Republicans complained about it but eventually were convinced to turn and look away. Disney gave money to BOTH parties and BOTH parties happily took Disney's donations. Then Disney did what it did and somebody said: "OK,...that's it...we are no longer looking the other way anymore"
The thing is: Disney's RCID was ALWAYS walking on a governmental, political and public relations tight-rope! Disney just slipped on the line and fell a couple of years ago.
Disney always knew that if the legitimacy of RICD "today" ever made it to the courts...they had nothing to stand on. ALL special taxing districts in Florida are instruments of the STATE...not the company that operates in them. The state has the power to give them and the power to take them away. Disney does not have that authority. Disney disagrees with this...but RCID did NOT belong to "Disney".
I can bet my life on this: Florida was sooo EXCITED to give the Experimental Prototype "COMMUNITY" of Tomorrow...ALL these INCREDIBLE powers. Florida was expecting RCID to need an international airport and nuclear power plant and soo much more for this futuristic CITY with THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of "residents" and "citizens" actually LIVING in it.
It never happened and the powers that Disney's RCID were given?....were just not necessary at all. There are MANY special taxing districts in Florida but we will NEVER,...EVER...see another one like "Disney's" RCID again. Especially one that has no real citizens living in it.
Well? Disney protested and fought this as HARD as they possibly could and still, RCID as we knew it is now 100% gone.
So here we are...