News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


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Halfway there.

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... Delaware

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Well-Known Member
Agreed. Normally you would comb through e-mail and phone records in the hope of finding a smoking gun that points to an intent to retaliate. This time the Governor made it easy…..he wrote a book bragging about it🤡🤡🤡
I agree with everything you said, but I’m not sure that statements made by a politician on the campaign trail are going to hold that much water in proving intent.

Let’s say RCID was going to be dismantled anyway (I know that it wasn’t, but just as a hypothetical) and that it was already set to be voted on before the Parental Rights Bill stuff.

DeSantis would still be out there touting the same lines, because it would help him politically.


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Well-Known Member
I am serious, right now, the DeSantis district is in power. I hope the DeSantis district doesn't make too much trouble for the day to day operation of WDW as this drags along in the courts for years.

There are obvious ways they could.
That is not correct. They are in power in the sense that they are the new board. However, Disney has the agreement which limits what the new board can do. Those are the facts of what is presently in place. What that means is the new board cannot actually do anything contrary to the agreement, unless and until some sort of temporary injunctive relief is issued in their favor. Of course, the same thing can be said about any efforts by Disney to act in accordance with the agreement but contrary to the new board's wishes. The bottom line is, at this very moment, the board cannot do anything that you are fearful of.


Premium Member
I think the issue is more for his personal ambitions and how he is talking about things. People keep trying to say he is playing to the base, so how is he talking about the base if its all an act?
That base is a “winner” in Florida…for a few more years…but a loser nationally and the gap is widening.

It’s not like all these power brokers don’t know this…they research for future money. All this stuff is tied together.

The obvious rocky/drago reference is true but unnecessary
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Well-Known Member
DeSantis' public statements are more than enough to prove intent to squelch free speech.

For discovery, what would be priceless, is if there are records that show he doesn't really care and this was all for political gain.

Discovery could be broader than that. It's conceivable they could request (and have a right to) any materials that suggest he intended to punish anyone for their speech; not just Disney (the request would not be worded quite like that).
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