I did dispute it. But the last time I did, that post was deleted. I’ll take a different approach this time.
Here's what Scott Randolph said in this
CNN video:
Now I represent 1.4 million people in Orange County who like you said might be stuck with a $163 million tax bill. On day one when that special taxing district gets dissolved, one side of the ledger is going to say zero, and the other side is going to say negative $163 million. And Orange County residents are going to have to find a way to make that up.
Randolph is not dumb or uninformed. He knows Florida tax law perfectly well. He knows that the solution is a Municipal Service Taxing Unit (MSTU).
What is an MSTU?
Article VII (Finance and Taxation) of the Florida Constitution gives the Florida legislature broad powers to tax, with the exception of an ad valorem tax (i.e. a real estate or personal property tax), which must be charged at the county or lower level. Article VII Section 1(a) (Taxes; rate) includes:
No state ad valorem taxes shall be levied upon real estate or tangible personal property. All other forms of taxation shall be preempted to the state except as provided by general law.
In other words, the State of Florida cannot charge an ad valorem tax, but Orange County can.
In discussing this ad valorem tax, Article VII Section 2 (Taxes; rate) makes reference to a "taxing unit":
All ad valorem taxation shall be at a uniform rate within each taxing unit
The state constitution does not require that ad valorem taxes be the same for everyone within the county, only that it be the same for everyone within the "taxing unit".
Florida Statue Sections 125.01(1)(q) and (r) give counties the power to create municipal service taxing units. These are land areas within the county with common needs that require special tax considerations.
Furthermore, the Florida state legislature has the authority to modify the existing
Section 125.01 (Powers and duties) to take into account special considerations resulting from the dissolvement of RCID.
Scott Randolph knows this but he is not telling you. I suggest you research Scott Randolph's publicly available political activity and draw your own conclusions as to why he's not telling you this.