News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It would be hard to fathom that the damage done to them in FL, regardless of how crazy the Governor and new board are, is so great as to make it even remotely worth considering something so extreme and so extremely expensive.

They’ve been building that place up for 50 years.
Yeah not sure it’s even possible to replicate, and I think 2 other reasons-

moving doesn’t protect from similar issues down the road

there is a synergy in Florida. Florida is attractive due to WDW, and WDW is attractive due to Florida. Personally we keep returning to FL 90% just for WDW, but I’m sure others like having so many great options to pair with WDW trips. Normally everyone wins and it’s likely the climate will settle back to that.

Disney celebrating 100 years. They’ve seen and weathered all sorts of things.


Active Member
I know this is essentially unrelated, but every time I see CFTOD, it somehow makes me think of CWOTD. If you are a Howard Stern fan, you might recognize that as the initials of Richard Christie's band, Charred Walls of the Damned.

Then again, maybe it's not so unrelated. :)


Active Member
Then that’s not free speech.

Free speech is freedom of speech without government consequences.
You pulled one sentence out and didn’t apply it to the context of what I wrote. I know what the first amendment is. My point is free speech is complex. Obviously one can’t put a racist message on their garage door and not expect a consequence. There are consequences for all our actions. I specifically questioned whether the “consequences” of a privilege being changed versus a right taken away as being “punishment” in a legal argument.


Well-Known Member
You pulled one sentence out and didn’t apply it to the context of what I wrote. I know what the first amendment is. My point is free speech is complex. Obviously one can’t put a racist message on their garage door and not expect a consequence. There are consequences for all our actions. I specifically questioned whether the “consequences” of a privilege being changed versus a right taken away as being “punishment” in a legal argument.
Yes, someone shouldn’t expect government consequences for a racist message on their garage door.

If the intent is punishment, then something being a privilege doesn’t really matter. That you have to overstate the privilege is telling.


Active Member
It’s exactly what you said. You were talking about the legal complaint. That’s only about government imposed consequences that you tried to justify with the same tired “special privledges” exception you think should exist.
No. I’m not trying to “justify” anything. I also didn’t state an opinion that I think something should or shouldn’t exist. I’m questioning how a court might view a unique privilege versus rights all businesses have. I stated my personal opinion that it seems like zealous over reach. I’m playing devils advocate and questioning the wording from a legal standpoint, which seems a little flimsy.


Active Member
Your whole argument is flawed and demonstrates a lack of knowledge what the First Amendment is. There is ABSOLUTELY no GOVERNMENT consequences for exercising protected speech. Courts have repeatedly confirmed this. Courts have also said what is NOT protected speech.
That’s not what I said. I was questioning what is a consequence versus a privilege nobody else has. I.e I’d one takes away a unique privilege, is that a consequence? I wasn’t claiming a position. I see over reach but playing devils advocate. My assumption is everyone knows and agrees what the first amendment says.


Well-Known Member
That’s not what I said. I was questioning what is a consequence versus a privilege nobody else has. I.e I’d one takes away a unique privilege, is that a consequence? I wasn’t claiming a position. I see over reach but playing devils advocate. My assumption is everyone knows and agrees what the first amendment says.
RCID isn’t exactly unique in Florida. And the issue isn’t just taking it away. They have went beyond just dissolving RCID but instead taking over RCID and using it and other arms of the state government as weapons against Disney.


Premium Member
If they were answered there wouldn’t be a court case with smart legal minds on different sides of the debate. But if your point is you know all the answers, then good job.
I don’t think that’s his point at all. This is a lengthy thread with tons of information and links to sources about what RCID is, why it was created, etc.

If you come in now and ask questions that show little understanding of what was discussed and hashed out earlier in the thread, it leads to starting all over again in terms of providing that information and the discussion ends up going in circles.

There’s no barrier to joining a thread late without reading all the previous posts, but the consequence is that someone may tell you that you’re missing information or misunderstanding something that’s been clarified earlier.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
That’s not what I said. I was questioning what is a consequence versus a privilege nobody else has. I.e I’d one takes away a unique privilege, is that a consequence? I wasn’t claiming a position. I see over reach but playing devils advocate. My assumption is everyone knows and agrees what the first amendment says.

Disney’s lawsuit wording seems convoluted. “As punishment for speech.” Just because one has right to free speech, doesn’t mean there isn’t consequences for free speech

You said it

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