Premium Member
I think you’re taking the ramifications to business out of this…But again.. following this line of thought from the other cases... the motivation wasn't relevant as long as it was part of an action that was in itself considered valid for the legislature.
There are parallels (but not equivalencies) in the same defense that played out in the DA firing in FL.. where basically they said "yes, its retaliation, but he was going to fire you anyway and had the right to... so the 1A angle is moot".
And frankly that’s the entire game.
The state is gonna lose. And likely unanimously through the circuits.
Who’s gonna be served here? Florida autonomy? Or megawealth?
If you want in those terms…there is no real question. Which one has to be preserved?
It’s a gateway that the brokers will not allowed to be broken.
So where could it go?
Say a regime change in a state voids tax credits or mineral rights for ford or Exxon?
Why? Cause they don’t like their product…
So the pass a bill and sign it…legitimate.
Goes to court and it’s upheld…somebody loses money. And the precedent? SCOTUS ruling allowing Florida to void agreements with Disney at any time/whim due to ideological beef.
I think everyone is overlooking what this is about. Money.
It’s money versus “some guy” that just showed up.
Who wins that battle?