News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District


Premium Member
I'm really confused. How is that any different than what I stated in the post you quoted? If any landowner didn't get a mailing and chooses to object, it becomes a question of whether that landowner is legally considered "affected." We're saying the same thing, so I'm still confused why you chose to point out the mailing deadline in response to my post.
I think you guys are saying the same thing. If the proper mailings didn’t occur and if a landowner emerges with a complaint then a judge would decide whether they qualify as adversely impacted based on the reasons they give.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I don’t think that’s how it works. A judge has to decide if a party is adversely impacted. it’s not enough for the the new board to just say the mailing wasn’t done so the contract is void. There could be a landowner out there who claims harm and is in close enough proximity to the district to qualify but they have to file suit and argue why the agreement will harm them.

Correct. They have to demonstrate standing and harm.


Premium Member
My original premise, like many others, is businesses need to stay out of politics as much as possible.
And this is a naive perspective… or one abused by people willingly distorting it to fit their purpose.

You don’t think businesses should get involved in local planning? Like i dunno… thr interstate that stands to bypass their town? Or hoe about ghe new reporting requirements that will cause them undue burden? Or how about regulations in general? Or how about how they jnteract with their employees and customers?

Just stay out of everything? These businesses don’t exist ina vacuum- nor are make up of non-humans.

Every business owner who has broken their back to be a success would tell you to gfys if you told them they should stay out of politics that impact them


Well-Known Member
I think you guys are saying the same thing. If the proper mailings didn’t occur and if a landowner emerges with a complaint then a judge would decide whether they qualify as adversely impacted based on the reasons they give.
Exactly; which is why I'm so confused about what his issue with my post was.


Well-Known Member
I think you are crossing separate subjects. The point about raising an objection is not part of the notice requirements.

So your whole potentially harmed thing is not about who theh must provide notice too
Affected property owners is the criteria of the statute for who is to receive a mailed notice. It’s so they can express support or opposition to guide the decision making of the officials. Once the decision is made, a voicing of support is immaterial. The concern after the fact is that someone who would have objected was not heard.

A development deal being trashed because someone who does not object to it was not told at the correct time is a bit of a nonsense scenario. Who’s going to bring that action? What court would even proceed with the case of “I agree with this but I want it voided”? Now that the time for notice has passed standing becomes an issue.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
And yet they provided no proof. I wonder why?

Because they hastily called the meeting? You learn never to proceed with actions to overturn a rule, contract, etc., without having all facts and evidence at hand, especially if you sit on a governmental board. And you're one of 3 attorneys on that board.

I've embarrassed a few attorneys who were so ready to pounce on our program that they failed to do their diligence by reading statue, rules or the bloody document they presented as "fact" of non-compliance.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Shouldn’t it be public if the CFTOD grants development for that area?

The CFTOD would provide notice and documents pertaining to awards would be on their website. But the developers themselves aren't governed by the law.

That being said, any documentation the Board requires developers to submit to the Board itself are available for public inspection, unless something in those records would make them exempt under the law.


You can’t prove a negative. If nothing was mailed then there is nothing to show.
Thats true, but if i am not misunderstanding, the statement was "why have they not brought someone forward who was aggrieved " different issue

but to which i would reply, for the same reason Disney has not said much. They may have an aggrieved party, they may not.... but just because they did not present them at this meeting is proof of neither.


Well-Known Member
I cannot. I also can’t name a single person who has never drunk Coke, eaten bacon, or stepped in a big pile of 💩. But I know it’s best to avoid it.

You believe Disney did what they think is moral, but not what the formidable opposing side thought was moral. (Including me. ) So again, if they think their strategy was the best way to stand up, they now have to pay for it. It appears many Disney executives regret this stand.
Except, Disney can pay for it from the public. Sales can either go up or go down. However, this is the United States of America and our Constitution gives them the right to face those public repercussions. But it does not permit the state to add to those repercussions. Whether you agree with the stand Disney took or not or whether you agree with Disney's politics or not, the State of Florida is forbidden by the Constitution to apply repercussions to them.


Active Member
And this is a naive perspective… or one abused by people willingly distorting it to fit their purpose.

You don’t think businesses should get involved in local planning? Like i dunno… thr interstate that stands to bypass their town? Or hoe about ghe new reporting requirements that will cause them undue burden? Or how about regulations in general? Or how about how they jnteract with their employees and customers?

Just stay out of everything? These businesses don’t exist ina vacuum- nor are make up of non-humans.

Every business owner who has broken their back to be a success would tell you to gfys if you told them they should stay out of politics that impact them
I own several small businesses. It’s unrealistic to stay out of politics altogether. This was identity politics, and this was the assumed understanding of context. We can debate in circles, but as a seasoned business owner that’s been through the school of hard knocks (not naive) , I try to stay out of politics in general. I’m not talking about my municipal and planning. I am involved in my downtown committee. Look the consensus with Disney executives is that if they could have avoided this situation with another approach, they would have.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
I’m referring to them identifying someone who claims to have not been notified but was affected.

Which, since that appeared to be a point of contention at this meeting for members of the Board, they should have had some proof the requisite mailings weren't done. A list of eligible property owners that included up-to-date addresses. A simple phone call or email asking if the property owner received the mailed notice prior to the January 2023 meeting.

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