So the Gov and his crew hoped there would be a smoking gun implicating Disney and the old board in some sort of collusion or fraud that could be used to void the contract so as a hail Mary they made a public record request. The request came back with no findings and now the spin is that a lack of findings is evidence of the fraud? Spin, spin, spin. Remember, this was the request:
“Please limit your search to documents discussing an intention or goal of circumventing, avoiding, frustrating, mitigating or otherwise attempting to avoid the effects of anticipated actions by the Florida governor and the Florida Legislature,” James Percival, Moody’s chief of staff, wrote in a public records request filed with the district on Thursday.
The request wasn’t asking for any correspondence at all so it’s likely Disney forwarded a copy of the contract to the board prior to the meetings….to be discussed at the meeting. That’s not illegal or a violation of Sunshine laws. The board cannot deliberate or debate the merits of the contract and definitely cannot reach a conclusion behind closed doors. Disney told us it was all done in public and in compliance with the required laws. It’s time some people acknowledge 1 side here was smart and planned ahead.