News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

Disney Glimpses

Well-Known Member
For those stating "Disney should stay out of politics", please include in your statement FPL, Big Sugar, Comcast, Publix, Amazon and every other major corporation with a presence in the state that sends hundreds of lobbyists to Tallahassee during this time of the year. To influence (actually write) legislators on legislation beneficial to their clients.
You raise a good point. There are a lot of Florida businesses that signed the letter against HB 1557 yet he's only attacking Disney.


Active Member
For those stating "Disney should stay out of politics", please include in your statement FPL, Big Sugar, Comcast, Publix, Amazon and every other major corporation with a presence in the state that sends hundreds of lobbyists to Tallahassee during this time of the year. To influence (actually write) legislators on legislation beneficial to their clients.
This is 100% correct. There is not one major company in Florida that does not use lobbyists. Even MLB has been lobbying for legislation that would classify minor-leaguers as exempt from Florida's wage laws.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Can all the people that say: "DeSantis this" or "DeSantis that".....just replace that name with "59.4% of Florida voters"

Love him or hate him....both are fine. He is literally a represntative of almost 60% of the voting citizens of Florida. He is doing what his voters put him in office to do.

Its NOT "Disney vs DeSantis"'s really "Disney vs 60% of Florida voters"
Sorry where was that referendum on the ballot?


Well-Known Member
Can all the people that say: "DeSantis this" or "DeSantis that".....just replace that name with "59.4% of Florida voters"

Love him or hate him....both are fine. He is literally a represntative of almost 60% of the voting citizens of Florida. He is doing what his voters put him in office to do.

Its NOT "Disney vs DeSantis"'s really "Disney vs 60% of Florida voters"
I don't see it that way.
60% of Florida voters did not pick a fight with TWDC.
60% of Florida voters did not dissolve RCID.


Well-Known Member
I don't see it that way.
60% of Florida voters did not pick a fight with TWDC.
60% of Florida voters did not dissolve RCID.
The governors office tracks it's public opinion reactions constantly. I suspect the research data his office sees gives him the clear resolve to keep doing what he is doing. Even the Florida legislature easily passed the bill last year that Disney were ardently against. Each legislator also has their finger on the pulse of their individual voters too.

They would not be sailing in these political waters if they did not feel the political wind behind them.


Well-Known Member
The governors office tracks it's public opinion reactions constantly. I suspect the research data his office see gives him the resolve to keep doing what he is doing. Even the Florida legislature easily passed the bill last year that Disney were ardently against. Each legislator also has their finger on the pulse of their individual voters too.

They would not be sailing in these political waters if they did not feel the political wind behind them.
No, they look at Twitter and people who haven't blocked them. It's a political bubble, echo chamber, whatever you want to call it. You can see this when Ronnie D ever gets challenged on anything, deer in headlights. The dem turnout was also very bad because the candidate was bad cause Florida Dems have no idea what they are doing, so sorry I don't take voting numbers = popularity.

Also using congressional districts as proof of anything is hilarious because they've been gerrymandered to hell, especially in Florida. My CD 13, went from strong blue to red, this is a district that includes St. Petersburg, which is like one of the most liberal cities in Florida.
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Well-Known Member
The governors office tracks it's public opinion reactions constantly. I suspect the research data his office see gives him the resolve to keep doing what he is doing. Even the Florida legislature easily passed the bill last year that Disney were ardently against. Each legislator also has their finger on the pulse of their individual voters too.

They would not be sailing in these political waters if they did not feel the political wind behind them.
I hear you. but this mess simply can't be blamed on 60 percent of the Florida voters.

This mess is ALL RonnyBaby's. The buck stops with RonnyBaby good or bad.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that it's Disney's strategy to get the state to sue.

If I understand correctly, the federal courts can't get involved when a citizen sues a state, under the 11th Amendment (cite)

Buf if the state sues, it's the plantiff and the state waives its right to immunity under the 11th Amendment.

So if the state sues, Disney can move the suits to the federal level. The federal courts would likely look at all of this much, much differently.
When it comes to contracts, Disney's federal rights are protected by Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.​

This is commonly known as the Contract Clause.

An attempt by the State of Florida to interfere with the contract between the old RCID and WDW ("Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc." is listed as the Master Developer in the Chapter 163 Development Agreement) would likely end up in federal court.

In drafting this development agreement, I'm sure Disney's attorneys recognized that they have a better chance of winning in federal courts.


Well-Known Member
I don’t need to go back and read every single thing that was posted by random people who don’t give up their true identity.
You don’t need to read posts here. Read the original 1967 Reedy Creek Charter. Read the Supreme Court decision from 1968. Read the 2004 legislature report on the district. There’s plenty of official documentation from valid sources that will educate you and prove everything you’ve said wrong.


Well-Known Member
You don’t need to read posts here. Read the original 1967 Reedy Creek Charter. Read the Supreme Court decision from 1968. Read the 2004 legislature report on the district. There’s plenty of official documentation from valid sources that will educate you and prove everything you’ve said wrong.
Look at you with facts and sources. What do you think this is, a discussion with reasonable people?

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