News Reedy Creek Improvement District and the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
If we want to talk worldwide, how did Avatar do Internationally? If Disney was suffering so badly how did the film make billions worldwide? You can cherry pick whatever stats you want to make your case but there’s simply not enough real evidence to show Disney is greatly suffering from this incident.….but it makes a good story :)
Is Avatar a Disney animated film? I get you have indefensible positions and bad facts but have a little more self respect as you try to move the goalposts


Well-Known Member
Is Avatar a Disney animated film? I get you have indefensible positions and bad facts but have a little more self respect as you try to move the goalposts
Technically it is. It had about as much live action as Wall-E but I know what you mean, it wasn't a kids animated movie.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of reasons for box-office, one of the more important being whether a movie is actually good or not. Whether a character happens to be part of the LGBTQ community likely isn't as big a deal as some are making it. Beauty and the Beast live action grosses 1.2 billion and had a gay character portrayed by Josh Gad. Dr Strange and the multiverse of madness also had America Chavez, whom is also a member of the LGBTQ community and it grossed sizably more then the first Dr Strange movie. Dr Strange and the Multiverse of Madness nearly doubled it's domestic take in comparison to it's first movie.

Lightyear's biggest controversy wasn't even the LGBTQ inclusion, but the fact Tim Allen wasn't voicing the character. Some saw that as political as Tim Allen is outspoken, but those failed to realize he was already announced as reprising his role for Santa Claus. They wanted to make a difference between the toy and the human character. That may have been a bad idea. Based on it's performance Tim Allen may be relieved he wasn't in it now. Strange World was a very badly advertised movie, as most of the general public had never even heard of it, and didn't know what it was about, at all. Quality matters, and though those two movies have their fans, they are not as popular as the 3 Universal movies, though factoring it all down to representation I think is a bit overplayed.

Also, many parents now just simply wait for the movie to come out on Disney+, since they are paying for it. Soul, Encanto, and Turning Red were also released direct to streaming due to the pandemic. Encanto had the #1 song in the country on the billboard charts, a feat not even Lion King or Frozen accomplished. The two biggest movies recently were Top Gun and Avatar, two movies specifically designed to be shown on the big screen as an event type movie. Universal's films did much better on the box-office then Disney's, though Disney+, as far as I can tell (I can't find exact number, so forgive me if I am wrong) dwarfs Peacocks subscription numbers. Those three animated movies were released in China, whereas Lightyear wasn't. In the end though, people didn't enjoy Lightyear all that much. Sometimes it just comes down to a good movie versus one that isn't. That's about quality and not any political issues. I'm not saying any poster on here is wrong for their viewsd, but simply showing there are other reasons that play into these sorts of things.

There are lots of reasons for box-office.


Premium Member
Is Avatar a Disney animated film? I get you have indefensible positions and bad facts but have a little more self respect as you try to move the goalposts
Why does the film have to animated? So the plan is to boycott just animated films to punish Disney for being ”woke” but then shelling out $20 for blue aliens. So should we just boycott Fantasyland too but it’s ok to visit Star Wars Land?


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
January 2027. The governor is elected every four years with a limit of two consecutive terms.

Technically late 2024/early 2025 if DeSantis runs for and wins the presidency.

And then Disney has bigger issues: A POTUS who is against them and isn't afraid to use the resources at his disposal to make their existence a living hell.
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Chip Chipperson

Well-Known Member
Perhaps you missed where I typed "politically, mind you".

"“Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.”

That is threatening direct action against the State of Florida. It is their "goal" to see that the law is repealed and struck down? WTH?
How is that a threat? If one of the options presented was to get the legislature to repeal the law then it suggests working with/lobbying efforts. Hardly a threat. And supporting a challenge to the law isn't a threat, either. It's stating a belief that the law is unconstitutional in its current form and that a legal challenge would succeed. Even if you consider that a threat, it's within their Constutional rights to oppose the law and certainly doesn't justify the actions taken by the government to attempt to punish them for exercising their rights.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how the "Wait out Desantis" approach works. So, they accept the loss of their district, and then taxes increase like 25% in those two counties until a new governor comes in? I can't think they accept a district they have no say on in hopes they can dissolve it and put a new one in a few years later.
Waiting out DeSantis doesn’t mean doing nothing, those of us saying to wait out DeSantis are simply saying to fight this in the courts and behind closed doors, not publicly, if DeSantis can’t use it as campaign fodder it becomes a much easier win for Disney.


Well-Known Member
What did he threaten to do to the state? He said they oppose the bill and would work to have it overturned? In conjunction Disney also announced they would end political contributions in FL. Last I checked in America opposing a piece of legislation was not considered a threat against the state. If he said they would work to have the state constitution revoked and wanted to appoint Mickey Mouse as King of Florida that would be a threat against the state. Threatening to pull political contributions is not a threat against the state that’s a threat against politicians. You donate to their campaigns if you support what they are doing and stop if you don’t. Basic concepts.
You really don't get it. People need to learn from the great speakers instead of opening mouth and inserting foot. How something is presented is very often more important than what is presented.


Well-Known Member
You really don't get it. People need to learn from the great speakers instead of opening mouth and inserting foot. How something is presented is very often more important than what is presented.
View attachment 693126
In this case, it doesn't matter one whit how it was phrased. Disney as a corp is allowed to say whatever the hell they want to say about any government official.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You really don't get it. People need to learn from the great speakers instead of opening mouth and inserting foot. How something is presented is very often more important than what is presented.
View attachment 693126
No. Free speech isn’t limited to eloquent speech. People can say any stupid thing they want in whatever dumb way they want to say it. It doesn’t matter if Chapek also made a bunch of vile comments about state officials. It doesn’t matter. He could have even done it while yelling “Fire!” in a theater and handing out anti-war leaflets.

Tha Realest

Well-Known Member
Lightyear was still the second highest grossing animated film of 2022. 2nd to Minions which is a major franchise, which was also succeeding on its own without people defecting from Disney. It surpassed many animated movies from other studios. Lightyear also wasn’t highly rated by critics who aren’t judging it based on political message or content. Got a 74% on rotten tomatoes from critics. Toy Story 4 got 97% from critics. Big drop in quality there.
Why does the film have to animated? So the plan is to boycott just animated films to punish Disney for being ”woke” but then shelling out $20 for blue aliens. So should we just boycott Fantasyland too but it’s ok to visit Star Wars Land?
You added the “animated film” qualifier. I introduced clear facts undercutting your core argument.


Premium Member
A legal challenge in court is not behind closed doors.
But is incredibly slow, boring, and not something either side can amplify or make more interesting as the process drones on for years. They don't control the venue... they don't control the timing... they don't control the presentation. It's a bog they can't make dance like they can their own venues and messages.

It's not like some OJ trial with a ton of witness testimony, etc.. It will be years of filings and motions with zero TV time and very few hearings vs the amount of time and cycles.


Well-Known Member
But is incredibly slow, boring, and not something either side can amplify or make more interesting as the process drones on for years. They don't control the venue... they don't control the timing... they don't control the presentation. It's a bog they can't make dance like they can their own venues and messages.

It's not like some OJ trial with a ton of witness testimony, etc.. It will be years of filings and motions with zero TV time and very few hearings vs the amount of time and cycles.
Agreed, and I said something similar earlier. It does though not stop it from being talked about. An ongoing challenge though is a reason to keep bringing the subject up. Every speech can include a mention of how Disney is trying to use activist judges to maintain their special treatment and how the state is fighting against such special interests. The whole argument for no action is operating under the assumption that if Disney doesn’t act then nothing will happen, even though this subject has come back up despite Disney not acting.


Premium Member
Agreed, and I said something similar earlier. It does though not stop it from being talked about. An ongoing challenge though is a reason to keep bringing the subject up. Every speech can include a mention of how Disney is trying to use activist judges to maintain their special treatment and how the state is fighting against such special interests.

The news cycle quickly bores of references to something that stays the same forever. The third or fourth time they reference 'the case that is still in the courts...' people will immediately drift away. It's not going to be a talking point of force. It's going to drone on and fall out of the limelight, just like the DAS, wheelchair, and every other kind of civil suit that even the most focused audiences have a hard time following until real judgements are passed.

I have no idea what 'no action' argument you are referring to.


Premium Member
You added the “animated film” qualifier. I introduced clear facts undercutting your core argument.
Actually I didn’t. That was added by the original poster I was discussing this with him. You jumped in mid conversation with your own agenda. You do you I guess.
Seeing is how Disney's animated movies are doing less than other studios children's and family offerings, and Universal's Theme Parks are seeing better growth. I don't think your people won't act on where they want to spend their money has much merit.

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