Well-Known Member
The Governor and several legislators made those blatant statements, but the bill was passed by the legislature at large. Attributing the motives of legislaTORS to the legislaTURE might not be something the court wants to get into. Current case law about government action taken in retaliation for speech is usually tied to administrative (i.e. executive) agencies, not legislatures.
Generally true - but there are cases where the courts have read into legislative intent because it's been so blatent. That is somewhat the case here -
- The special session was called by the governor for the express purpose of punishing Disney for their speech
- The drafters of the bill stated that it was done to punish their speech
- Everyone who spoke on the record stated that it was for that puprose
- After the development agreement came up, the state passed numerous other laws, specificially targeted at Disney, to punish them. (The monorail inspection bill, the cancelling of the contracts, etc.) and were written in such a way as to only apply to Disney.
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