So we now have two competing affidavits.
In her affidavit, Erika Washington Perry seems to suggest that since Tina Graham was out of the office the matter was better handled by Tracey Borden, to whom she would bring the materials. So why didn’t she have Borden come to the lobby? It does seem like she didn’t really know what was happening and didn’t pay it too much attention. Information in the process servers notices of her age, height and weight suggest a longer interaction in line with her own affidavits.
Reading Perry’s affidavit again, what struck out to me was the last sentence under point 7 where she states “The process server did not ask for Mr. Garcia as the Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Mr. Classe as District Administrator, or any individual Board Member”. Both affidavits agree that Bedford, the process server, arrived at the District headquarters looking for the named individuals. The only reason Perry was involved is because those individuals and others were not present. Guessing here, but it sounds like the issue is that, upon learning that none of the named individuals were present, that Bedford didn’t then again ask Perry for each individual by name and title in the specific order. That seems weasely and a bit disingenuous to me. They weren’t there. No amount of asking different people by title or in any order would change that basic fact.