Redo Haunted Mansion?


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Original Poster
I love the ride but i was thinking, should they redo it? I mean on one side it would be like re desining the eifle tower but on the other side they could have better technology. What are your thoughts on the subject?
"Laughter is Americas most important export"-Walt E. Disney


New Member
Maybe new track and cars with better speakers. I wouldnt want anything to change aesthetically but a smoother ride with better audio would be great.

There are some things that they could do that would be nice to change in the technology aspect but since it is classic, i think its fine. I must admit though, i would like for it to seem more realistic in certain sections of the house, just adding a little bit more detail and making it much more like a house would be cool. Maybe taking some things out where its over crowded and adding things where needed.


Active Member
i agree i think a new ride track along with a new sound track and speakers would be great... another thing is They need to do the Haunted Mansion Holiday i would absoulty love that im a big fan of the Haunted Mansion and the Nightmare Before Christmas so to see that would Be a Dream come True.. Does anyone else agree that they should do the HMH:animwink:


Active Member
Personnally I think it is a classic and it shouldn't be changed at all. I think there could be some maintenence improvements but the overall ride shouldn't be changed.

EDIT: Too tired, not spelling correctly, Thanks unkadug!!!!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I'm all for adding new technology to the ride. (i.e. floating Leota):sohappy:
Heatherbell said:
Personnally I think it is a classic and it shouldn't be changed at all. I think there could be some maintenence improvements but the overall ride should be changed.

:veryconfu :lol:


Well-Known Member
I agree it is entirely a classic, but I don't think that means it has to remain entirely static. I personally would love to see small changes "constantly." The floating head effect is a good example. I would love to see some of the new disappearing effects from MI at DCA and JIIwF. Any little creative touches that don't really change the attraction but that add something small and new.

I also think HMH would be a neat addition, especially for the Halloween crowd, but I would pull it forward so it operated more from late August through November so that Mansion restored to normal by the time the WDW Holiday crowds come back (unless it only comes every 4 or 5 years, then it could stay through the holiday).


New Member
I say give it an overhaul. Keep the scenes the same, but add new effects and upgrade existing ones. Give it the same treatment IASW got.

It looks extremely dated, and many things in the ride just don't work (including the soundtrack)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure the "soundtrack" doesn't work -- I would say the actual SOUND doesn't work. The doombuggies all need upgraded sound systems. As anyone will tell you that has been to DRP, Phantom Manor has an extraordinary sound system and the doom buggies are more spacious and easier to get into and out of. The WDW Mansion doesn't need a massive overhaul - it does need some paint and places the black-painted drop ceiling is even peeling back with some white exposed. As to the Leota scene, I don't think much needs to be upgraded at all -- although they could replace the flourescent instruments (right out of the 70's disco scene) with the more subtle artwork in the DRP Manor.


New Member
HM needs some TLC...sound wise definately. last time i went it skipped in audio..not just once, twice for me personally. maybe some new treatments (the spiders!!! please someone do something with the spiders!!!!))


Well-Known Member
They gotta fix the speakers in the Doom Buggies. It'd be nice to actually be able to HEAR the Ghost Host.
Also, am I the only one that thinks the music is kinda dated? I think they should replace some of it with the Phantom Manor music. Not ALL of it, but some of it. Like the busts singing "Grim Grinning Ghosts." The orcestra sounds far too 60s today.


Well-Known Member
As long as it took to create the HM (the original building at Disneyland sat empty for 10 years due to creative differences with the imagineers), I think a classic is a classic and it shouldn't be toyed with. However there are some effects that can be enhanced with new technology to keep the HM running virtually mantenance free. I agree the audio needs a major overhaul (not the soundtracks but the speaker system) as well as maybe some soft organ mood music in the queue area outside to enhance the anticipation of the guests waiting. The track to me is fine. It isn't like SE or anything that bad. :wave:


New Member
I agree that the classic elements should be retained, including the soundtrack, but yeah the sound system itself could use some work. You just can't hear much. And yes, there are some effects that just seem way cheesey now, and not in that good way. Of course they shouldn't be done away with, just fixed up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Dragonrider1227 said:
I know. That's what I mean. They should use the Phantom Manor's version of that song. It has different background music.
The problem with that is, though virtually unnoticeable to the untrained eye, the Phantom Manor version is slighly slower than the Haunted Mansion one, and it was a real hassle to get it match up right to the music -- I guess they didn't think of that and recorded the music first. For those who dont' know, it' not as simple as starting the songs at the same time, because eventurally they will start to unmatch, and after a little while one will be saying "Grim grinning Ghosts Come Out" and the other says "restless bones Etherialize" at the same time. Anyway, to then bring it to the graveyard in WDW and then have to match it up with all the other tracks would be one heck of an annoyance.

I would personally like to see some original effects at WDW, and maybe a completely redesigned graveyard (something original that can't be seen at any other mansion). I don't know how likely this is, but it'd be nice.

Yensid " You know, the weather seems to change from scene to scene . . . that should be changed" tlaw1969


New Member
I wouldn't change it at all. It's one of disney's classics and should remain that way. Although i think when it comes to sound system and audio i feel there can always be room for improvement

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