Record crowds this month?


Well-Known Member
I think it has to do with all of the special events and conventions that have been brought in this year during October. There are quite a few more taking place then in previous years.


Well-Known Member
Disney, of course, doesn't release that info. They just leak it when convenient.


I've read all your posts over the last few years '74 and you have changed a lot of my views on the subject of the greed displayed by a lot of corporate management.

My family will be down next month and I hope the crowds have dispersed enough to allow us patience to walk through the parks. I despise banging elbows and having my feet stepped on while I'm relaxing on vacation. I hope PIN codes are reduced significantly next year to thin the crowds a bit.


Well-Known Member
Not sure the cause but we were speaking about abnormally large crowds on this forum last month. Sept 2011 was very busy for a Sept by all accounts, including mine :) Now Oct seems to be the same this year. We were there last Oct and it was not busy at all.

Maybe the "slow" months are not going to be slow anymore :shrug:

If Oct & Sept are like this I can only imagine what next summer holds. I think FDD has a role in the increases but I think there is a much larger force at work driving these crowds. Not sure what that is but when we were there last month on FDD the TS meals were not crowded, not like they would be if all the folks around the parks and resort were on FDD. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
I've read all your posts over the last few years '74 and you have changed a lot of my views on the subject of the greed displayed by a lot of corporate management.

My family will be down next month and I hope the crowds have dispersed enough to allow us patience to walk through the parks. I despise banging elbows and having my feet stepped on while I'm relaxing on vacation. I hope PIN codes are reduced significantly next year to thin the crowds a bit.

I agree with you but doubt Disney is going to turn away from anything that is drawing these crowds. If anything they will expand it IMO.

To be honest who here would not do the same if you owned a business? I can't "blame" WDW for it when I know I would do the same in their shoes :shrug:


Well-Known Member
The PGA Tour for the Children's Miracle Network Classic is at Disney this weekend

This is a very lightly attended tournament due to the lack of big names, so it wouldn't have much to do with the heavy crowds.

Just back from Epcot a few minutes ago and as far as crowds go I'd have to use the highly technical term of "nuts".

Shoulder to shoulder thru Future World at 7:30pm. World showcase from a distance looked like the Orcs attacking Gondor.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Seems like there were a lot of MAGICal faces at EPCOT last Saturday. I did see plenty of college kids with UM, FSU, UF, UCF etc shirts and caps getting pooh-faced drinking around the world. Saw many of the same at UNI on Sunday night. If I were going to drink to excess and act like a fool, I might save the money on theme park admission and do so at home.

But that's a digression.

The point was I have 'a bit' of experience when it comes to EPCOT and crowds and the place was absolutely wall to wall with people to the point I wound up leaving after one sample (BTW, Spirited DEAL ALERT: HoB has a great happy hour from 3-5 and 10 to close DAILY with drinks for $2.50-$3.50 and half-priced appetizers ... like an amazing shrimp and cornbread deal that was close to Disney entree sized for a whole $5.25 ... so, I think I wound up dining better than standing in crowds holding paper plates of tiny samples).

That's why when I arrive and see a parking lot that is sadly in need of a total repaving (not simply more blacktop), I just wonder where is all that money going?

October is certainly busier than it used to be. There was a time when it was off-season ... when MK closed nightly at 6 (7 on Saturdays) and EC closed at 8 (anyone want to tell me I'm wrong again when I am not?)

I doubt the Golf Classic had much of an impact. This weekened maybe.

And there certainly are huge conventions going on. Gartner has an IP event with thousands of attendees with those expense accounts.

EPCOT was the worst crowd wise, but none of the parks (including UNI) were anything less than moderate to very busy. TPFKaTD-MGMS was likely the quietest, which may be why I enjoyed it more than usual (or might be Star Tours and a great meal at 50s Primetime, a place I've avoided for many years now).



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I doubt there would still be much residue from the 40th last week. My money is on "free" dining. To my knowledge, Disney has offered free dining more aggressively for this period than it has in the past (those who are experts in this area feel free to contradict/supplement, but this is what I've seen) as they offered it as a bounceback offer last year, then started offering it at the beginning of the year, then offered it as a PIN code, and recently started offering it again. My guess is that the locals are always there this time of year, but the real increase is caused by DDP. This is also a very popular time of year among the annually-increasing DVC crowd (it's a low point season and a time of year they're more likely to come, anyway), so the annual increase in DVC'rs could explain some of this increase.

I have no idea when 'free' dining is being offered. I do know it is on select dates in October and November as opposed to every day in September. But the fact DDPers can use their 'entitlements' (sounds like Disney Welfare:ROFLOL:) on $6 samples likely helps.

I quoted myself in the Fantasmic thread, but now this seems more relevant here, so I'm moving it:

I sometimes do so too, but be careful. People might think you have some multiple personality disorder!:D

To your F&WF 2011 prices, I commented on something similar in my trip report. Since I'm sure you'd never bother reading something as silly as a trip report, I'll copy and paste the pertinent portion here:

I read some reports, but generally find them boring as hell. I think observation threads, which I sometimes write (but am opting not to this time as I'm going to just focus on a few points where they fit or create threads for them) tend to work better for me. I want to hear your thoughts about a trip ... but I don't want to hear what time you got up, how you rushed down to refill your non-prior-use mugs at the food court while your other half showered and uploaded pics and etc etc ... I want the important stuff. Reading most trip reports is akin to sitting through someone's 754 vacation pics.

I will say I agree with what you wrote. Almost to the word, so not much to repeat ... I'll just say you're smarter than ya look!:lol:

Seriously, I think your comments are dead on. Take a busy time add in DDPers and their looking for perceived value by snacking around the world, plus some DVCers and locals and bam, the park is looking like Christmas Day.



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I was at Epcot this past Saturday and I have to agree. It was mobbed in World Showcase. I was ready to get out of there.

Crowds were definitely busier from what I remember. MNSSHP was very busy as well. I do wonder if MK seems more busy because of Toon Town being closed???

It definitely wasn't pleasant. I had planned on spending the entire day there, not going to DD and then MK.

MK I'm sure seems busier due to the Wall Land in the back of the park and lack of capacity (and let's not even talk about all those folks having their MAGICal WDW vacations ruined because the Swiss Family Treehouse is down for rehab). But it still is being slammed right now.

Tomorrow they have an 8 a.m. to 1 a.m. day. That is something that was always unheard of for this time of year. I will say that ALL of the many MNSSHPs are likely at least partly responsible for that. Yes, there are people who don't want to pay a second time to go Trick or Treating with Mickey and Co.



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
How did Disney being unusually crowded become a negative? :shrug:

You decided to go this time of year. Whatever your motivation, I guess others had the same... So ultimately it's your own fault. :lol:

More people = More money = More profit = Investment in product.

All good. :king:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I've read all your posts over the last few years '74 and you have changed a lot of my views on the subject of the greed displayed by a lot of corporate management.

All of them?!?!?:eek:

I'm not sure I've even read all of them.:) ... But thanks, and I am trying to get people to open their eyes about why things happen (or don't) at WDW (and other parks) and how that affects us all.

My family will be down next month and I hope the crowds have dispersed enough to allow us patience to walk through the parks. I despise banging elbows and having my feet stepped on while I'm relaxing on vacation. I hope PIN codes are reduced significantly next year to thin the crowds a bit.

it depends on your dates ... and whether 'free' dining is going on at the time. Generally, November is slower than October with the exception of Veteran's Day weekend and Thanksgiving week (used to be dead until either Turkey Day or the day before, but now it's the weekend before right on through the following holiday weekend).



Well-Known Member
Original Poster
How did Disney being unusually crowded become a negative? :shrug:

Who said it was a negative? (just the point I uttered the words?):ROFLOL:
I don't like crowds, but I know they are good for the state of Florida and I live here so I deal ...

You decided to go this time of year. Whatever your motivation, I guess others had the same... So ultimately it's your own fault. :lol:

More people = More money = More profit = Investment in product.

Your conclusion is what I'd argue with. Disney rakes in the $$$, but it doesn't necessarily translate into investment back into the parks. If it did, then I'd love to see those parks packed every day of the year!



Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Who said it was a negative? (just the point I uttered the words?):ROFLOL:

Your 'tone' certainly gave me the impression it was a negative... :shrug:

But that's par for the course with the vast majority of your posts.

Your conclusion is what I'd argue with. Disney rakes in the $$$, but it doesn't necessarily translate into investment back into the parks. If it did, then I'd love to see those parks packed every day of the year!

Argue all you want, if Disney rakes in the $$$, at some point a portion thereof makes it's way into investment. Simple economics.



Well-Known Member
I am tired of hunkering down in a corner waiting for the world to right itself.

Perhaps the feeling is more widespread. People want to vacation.


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, from friends I spoke to who were there two weekends ago, the weather was horrific. They said they couldn't leave their hotel room at all.

It's possible that the crowds were people who had planned to go to F&W the weekend before but changed their plans because of the bad weather (basically doubling the crowds for the weekend you were there).


Well-Known Member
Who said it was a negative?

The "negative", if you want to call it that, is that people who want to try to avoid crowds have traditionally chosen this time of year to go to WDW. The weather is warm enough to swim (although sometimes rainy) and the crowds are typically very light. I went in October a few years ago and I can remember walking on many attractions with no wait. (January used to be slow too, but the marathon and other events seem to have made that month busier as well.)

I'll be there in mid-November. I expect a decent crowd, especially in Epcot for Food & Wine, but I really don't want to see it "nuts" (to use the technical term). If it's so nuts that I can't get any food or a beer or two, then I'd consider that a negative for my enjoyment.

BTW, I'm with others who look around, shake their head and wonder about the economy. We have been fortunate in that we were financially able to take a trip each year over the past several years. On each trip we saw large crowds, and these weren't Summer or holiday weeks. Kudos to Disney for bringing people in (even if they had to discount and give free dining to do it) but I wonder what kind of credit card balances some of these people carry. Not my business or my problem, but sometimes it just makes me wonder.


I was at Epcot practically everday of my trip ending on Sunday (the 16th). Friday night was very busy, Saturday was crazy, but Sunday was the complete opposite. No problem getting food or wine samples or navigating the park. The weekdays were fine too.


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
Argue all you want, if Disney rakes in the $$$, at some point a portion thereof makes it's way into investment. Simple economics.

But *where* would the supposed-investment take place? DCA > FLE and Avatar-land combined. Those aren't going to absorb the number of guests they (hope to) bring in with AoA plus the additional DVC rooms maybe-possibly-potentially-no-comment coming online in the near future (not to mention the rumors of a total teardown of the Poly and rebuilding with DVC added in). The parks being busier does, IMHO, give them additional ammunition to implement their near-total-pre-planned-vacation concept some are itching to put in place.

*IF* Disney announces a new pavilion in World Showcase, or just the addition of something of relative significance at Epcot, and a new D-ticket at DHS, I'm with you 100%. Until then, while I completely understand your statement, I am not holding my breath that more guests = Investment at WDW.

We'll be there starting Tuesday, so I guess we'll find out what the crowd levels are soon enough. I hope, though, that we see more traditional October crowd levels but if not, we'll adjust.


Well-Known Member
MNSSHP is also way more crowded. I went in Sept 2008 for the first time and it was like a ghost town. Walk on almost any attraction. Very few people.

This year packed from open to close at midnight.

I also noticed that there were less MNSSHP parties during the week. Last year I went on a monday and a thursday during the same week. This year they only offered one party during the week and the rest on weekends.

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