REALLY weird question for management of hotels

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maelstrom said:
I know you don't want to hear it, you'd rather listen to the other people here telling you to go for it, but this is simply inappropriate for Disney World.

It's not just Disney World that it is inappropriate but I would say 99.9% of all hotels. People are vacationing and paid good money to stay without a huge party of teenagers having an impromtu party.


New Member
I'm 20 and I would be peeved if a bunch of people did that. You might think you are being courteous, but not everyone in the group will be. Would you take off and cancel the party if one other guest asked you to? Probably not. I could see the situation getting out of hand.

Call the resort. Maybe you can set up an event with Disney staff on hand so the other guests know what is happening. They're paying for a trip, too. Whie staying with 500 high school seniors is not ideal, you are all paying for the same amenities - amenities that do not include toga parties.


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Alztybrn said:
One problem I see that may cause an issue is don't the pools have occupancy limits? 576 kids may put them over that limit, and give Disney a reason to "shut" down the party.

And if you put 576 kids in a pool, there's no room for the water! It will all slosh over the edge, and when you get out, the pool will be 3/4 empty.

I suspect that one of the objections to doing it at the pool could be safety. That is too many people for the lifeguard(s) on duty to watch at a given time. Is there somewhere besides the pool you could use instead? Most resorts have other common areas that would actually be more out of the way of the other guests.


New Member
Everyone is saying

that you shouldnt do that cause others paied money for a vacation ect ect ect ..

didnt these seniors pay money as well .. Is their money not valid..

If they actually act respectable and try to not get in the way of people then go for it .. they deserve to have fun too .. just because their idea of fun is togas and yours is sitting there in a chair doesnt mean anything.. They paied money to go on a vacation as well..

I for one would think its funny and if they are acting responsable i would go find out whats going on .. i may be 32 but i havent lost all sense of a good time ..


New Member
shoppingnut said:
It's not just Disney World that it is inappropriate but I would say 99.9% of all hotels. People are vacationing and paid good money to stay without a huge party of teenagers having an impromtu party.

Are they not paying guests as well? It's not like these are the local boys just all coming in for a party and then leaving again. They are staying there, and they are guests.

Frankly, what's the difference between what they are doing, and a wedding party commadeering the pool area the day after the wedding? They didn't pay specifically to reserve the pool area, but they take up all the seats, benches, and tables. And they are paying customers, just as these high school seniors will be. So what is different?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a funny idea on paper, but pulling this one off will take a miracle. Calling the hotel in advance sounds like the responsible thing to do, however, the manager will tell you no, actually he or she will say HELL NO!! Why would a manager ever say yes to this scenario? Nothing good could come of this situation for the hotel. So my advice would be say nothing, get as many kids as you can, and where sneakers because you will need to run fast when security comes chasing after you. Let us know how it turns out.


New Member
guest taking advantage of the ammenities they paid to use -- GASP!

God forbid somebody USE the pool that they are paying for.

He already said it was going to be during day hours -- and i'm sure it will last less that an hour -- if even that. It won't be an all nighter -- or anything. Besides some of those SRs may even have to leave to go to the potty or may just stay in their room altogether. That would make it only like 572 kids, so that's much better. Besides, these kids saved up a small fortune to go, do you think they are really wanting to just HANG OUT at the pool afternoon -- or go hit the parks/waterparks for most of the day. It will be no more of an obstruction then when they have the cleaning crane out cleaning the statues by the pool ( i am assuming they are at pop or all star)


Well-Known Member
I personally don't see anything wrong with it. The only thing that would be annoying is if they were disrespectful to people that were trying to leave the pool and they were just so spread out that no one could get by. And I know that when we went for our senior trip a long time ago :)eek: ) we had to pay our way. If they do it during the day, chances are there won't be that many people around. There will be some of course. I think if they do it in a orderly way, I don't see the problem.

Have fun on your trip!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
I once stayed at gf during those grad nights a few years ago. They were blasting music in the mk until 1 a.m., I couldnt sleep at all! I'll tell you this, I would rather have a non disney sponsored event going on at the pool in the middle of the day rather than a disney sponsored event that goes on into the early hours!


Well-Known Member
Togas over bathing suits? Nothing wrong with that at all. That many people heading to the pool at the same time? Glad I'm not going to be there, but again, nothing wrong with that at all.

If that's what you want to do, my man, go for it. No one can say anything at all to you about it. You're a guest of the hotel and have every right to go to the pool.


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AngryEyes said:
If that's what you want to do, my man, go for it. No one can say anything at all to you about it. You're a guest of the hotel and have every right to go to the pool.

IMO, they can and should if there is 500+ people in an area not meant to accomodate that many and it's causing a disturbance...


I guess I'm not even sure why you're asking everyone what you should do. You are paying just like everyone else who is at the resort. If over 500 seniors are going to be at the pool anyway, wearing togas is going to make little difference to the situation. Security might be called even without the togas if they see 576 teenagers congregating at the pool. Would I personally be annoyed? Probably but not because of the togas, just because I know what happens when that many teenagers get together. But there are going to be over 500 of you at someone's resort whether you decide to do this or not.

I would definitely NOT call the hotel and ask management....we ALL already know what they will say! And the matter of fact is, why would you ask a hotel if you can wear a sheet around you over your bathing suit? As long as you're not naked at the pool, can they really have an issue with your attire? The problem will most likely be the number of people, not the togas. But I'm sure you know that.

Whatever you do, have fun, be safe, and be kind to the other guests! Maybe no one at the pool will care as long as you're nice and respectful (i.e. not dunking their children under water! lol)

Hope this helped...sorry for the slight rant....but have a great trip!


Well-Known Member
TimeTrip said:
IMO, they can and should if there is 500+ people in an area not meant to accomodate that many and it's causing a disturbance...

Not. I for sure don't want to be the manager of the hotel telling a guest he can't use the facilities he paid for. You're assuming a disturbance. If the disturbance is purely the result of too many people being at the pool, how do you determine who must leave? They have the same right to be there as the fat lady wearing a bikini and her four obnoxious kids.


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maelstrom said:
Drinking is not the issue. People can act stupid without alcohol. You can't tell me that 576 high school seniors in a group are going to act like angels and not disrupt other guests at the resort, especially pulling a stunt like this. I know you don't want to hear it, you'd rather listen to the other people here telling you to go for it, but this is simply inappropriate for Disney World.
Okayy... I would like to ask you again how it will be disrupting other people and how it is inappropriate.


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TimeTrip said:
Call me a pessimist, but I doubt you're going to get all 500+ to participate, unless it's the day you're leaving, or for some reason your entire group is stuck at the hotel for the day... I'd be surprised if you got 100. You're on your senior trip, and you have a chance to go to a park, but you hang by the pool? I'm sure alot of people would go for that, but everyone?
Well this is on the second to last day we're there. I'm pretty sure I was told that the school administration planned this whole trip out with Disney first, and I'm fairly sure they told us that the pool was scheduled to remain open later specifically for us. I don't expect to get more than 100 out there and I dont expect it to get out of hand. I expect people to go down, be like "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and get bored really quick and then go to bed.


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CatLady said:
And if you put 576 kids in a pool, there's no room for the water! It will all slosh over the edge, and when you get out, the pool will be 3/4 empty.
Um. Duely noted. We weren't even planning on going IN the pool, just hanging out in our own little section.


New Member
For those not at the values for pop warner evenings -- this happens every night for about a week -- and well into the bewitching hours -- and with drunk cheerleader and football parents too. That's much more scary -- especially when the let the 12 year olds sneek drinks too. I've seen at least 300+ up til midnight hootin and hollerin. whats a few more teenagers for a few minute -- maybe hour gag at 2pm???? You really need to uncork whatever you have stuck up yourselves folks.


New Member
So I've decided to run some figures for those who are interested:

Number of students: 576
Assuming that there are 4 students per room, then...
Number of rooms utilized: 144

Now, with that many students, and that many rooms, I think I could safely make the assumption that the school will be reserving a block of rooms in a value resort.

Now, each building of every value resort has a total of 263 rooms. Since Interruption? did not mention how many chaperones there will be, I cannot say how many more rooms will be occupied by chaperones. Assuming they have 1 chaperone per 15 students (which I think sounds relatively reasonable- if it's way off, please let me know), and wanted a round number for filling each room, that would be 40 chaperones, meaning an additional 10 rooms.

So here's my take (as a CM) with the toga situation:
I think it may be a bit out of line. Forget the adults- think of the children that may get freaked out about a wave of "big people" wearing bed sheets. If it is the least bit disruptive, then lifeguards may appeal to a manager, who would appeal to security and a resort manager. Doing this may have drastic consequences, such as being removed from the Walt Disney World Resort entirely. And I agree with some others (I'm a college student, btw)- 576 seniors, toga parties, and no alcohol? Bull hockey.

Now, excuse me for saying that you are an absolutely stereotypical high school student, but you are not thinking rationally. You see nothing wrong with the situation. Try to think of how you would feel if you were a parent with young children, relaxing by the pool as a break during the day. I'd be terrified for my children.

Oh, the worst-case scenario (because I haven't even mentioned that)- your school could be blacklisted from your actions. Yes, Disney DOES blacklist. Yes, they HAVE blacklisted people and schools. You could be doing a huge disservice to your school (and give your school and your school district a bad name).

Doesn't that sound LOVELY? Is it worth all that now?

I understand the idea of it being "fun". But you'll have plenty of opportunities in college to commit sophomoric acts of stupidity.


New Member
When I took my senior trip, we had the resort pool to ourselves one night, thanks to the advisors working out a deal with the hotel. Maybe you should check with your advisors, instead of calling the hotel yourself. They may have already designated a time for that...see if you can add the birthday to that event. Then take your friend out on their birthday for a fun dinner.

While I don't think you are personally a wild and rowdy young adult, but imagining 500+ people in one area, can be a little alarming. Whatever happens, be considerate, have fun, and post some those of us going to our "reunions" (yikes!) this year can relive our younger days!


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robynchic said:
So I've decided to run some figures for those who are interested:

Number of students: 576
Assuming that there are 4 students per room, then...
Number of rooms utilized: 144

Now, with that many students, and that many rooms, I think I could safely make the assumption that the school will be reserving a block of rooms in a value resort.

Now, each building of every value resort has a total of 263 rooms. Since Interruption? did not mention how many chaperones there will be, I cannot say how many more rooms will be occupied by chaperones. Assuming they have 1 chaperone per 15 students (which I think sounds relatively reasonable- if it's way off, please let me know), and wanted a round number for filling each room, that would be 40 chaperones, meaning an additional 10 rooms.

So here's my take (as a CM) with the toga situation:
I think it may be a bit out of line. Forget the adults- think of the children that may get freaked out about a wave of "big people" wearing bed sheets. If it is the least bit disruptive, then lifeguards may appeal to a manager, who would appeal to security and a resort manager. Doing this may have drastic consequences, such as being removed from the Walt Disney World Resort entirely. And I agree with some others (I'm a college student, btw)- 576 seniors, toga parties, and no alcohol? Bull hockey.

Now, excuse me for saying that you are an absolutely stereotypical high school student, but you are not thinking rationally. You see nothing wrong with the situation. Try to think of how you would feel if you were a parent with young children, relaxing by the pool as a break during the day. I'd be terrified for my children.

Oh, the worst-case scenario (because I haven't even mentioned that)- your school could be blacklisted from your actions. Yes, Disney DOES blacklist. Yes, they HAVE blacklisted people and schools. You could be doing a huge disservice to your school (and give your school and your school district a bad name).

Doesn't that sound LOVELY? Is it worth all that now?

I understand the idea of it being "fun". But you'll have plenty of opportunities in college to commit sophomoric acts of stupidity.
The fact that I don't by into your inductive reasoning of the situation does NOT by any means indicate that I am not thinking clearly. First of all, freaked out by people wearing sheets? Come on. They can handle a giant mouse hugging them, I think they can handle high school seniors in bedsheets. Second, I renew my statement that we would be hanging out in our own corner of the pool area. Third, "no alcohol, bull hockey?" I'm sorry you're so jaded. Don't make assumptions about me and my comrades and our supposed habitual rule breaking. Fourth, if you're terrified for your children, then, sorry, but you need to get a grip on the situation. Will we be running? Most likely no. Will there be alcohol? No. Scaring your kids? Um. No. As for blacklisting us for celebrating our friend's birthday in an unconventional way? Puh-lease.

I understand your concerns and they are, uh, duely noted, but there's a fine line between calmly discussing what we might do, and being a sensationalist trying to paint it as a terrible picture and something other than what it is meant to be, simple, lighthearted fun. Proceed to rip my argument a new one if you please.
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