Reaction To Losing Something At WDW


Active Member
we had an awesome experience when we lost something in animal kingdom a year ago. My daughter lost one of her croc shoes in Yak & Yeti, and we only realised once we were in the car. Once we got back to Wilderness Lodge I mention it to the cast member at reception. Not only did she locate the shoe at the yak and yeti, but she arranged for it to be delivered to the hotel and it was there to collect the next day. Amazing customer service we thought!


New Member
I had a good experience of having my Coach wallet/wristlet returned to me on POTC. I had been wearing it attached to my belt loop and didn't even notice it had fallen off as I exited the boat. The next family that was entering was kind enough to call out to me and ask if it was mine. Thank goodness! It had my ID and all of my money and credit cards!

My most annoying experience was when my 1-year old daughter lost a brand new See Kai Run shoe. I had left to run a quick errand and my husband was taking her back to the hotel room for a nap and didn't notice that ONE shoe fell off somewhere between EPCOT, the monorail, the Polynesian, and the Grand Floridian. After numerous calls to the various Lost and Founds (Parks, Monorail, and the two resorts), I finally gave up. I still don't understand why someone wouldn't have turned in a shoe that was obviously still brand new. What good would it do you to keep one shoe? And I don't see any reason to immediately throw it away - wouldn't you assume that a child had lost it and might actually need it back? I had always heard such good things about people getting their lost items returned, I was honestly shocked that the shoe never turned up, especially seeing as it would have no value to anyone else.


Sadly, we have had things stolen from us while in the parks. One time at HS, my daughter had purchased a little Beeker doll in the Muppet store and clipped it on her backpack. Also clipped to the backpack was a wallet that came with it that had nothing in it. We sat down on a curb to watch the street actors and a young Asian girl sat beside us. Once she got up, we noticed the doll and wallet were gone! I wonder what else she stole that day! The worst was a brand new android phone that my daughter had just gotten. We were exiting the tornado attraction in Innoventions and going to get something to drink. My daughter and her friend went one direction and my husband and I went another. I turned to see where the girls were going and saw a young boy that had been in line behind us for the attraction hand what looked like a hand held game to his dad. His dad turned it over then put it in a back pack. I thought he acted strange but thought nothing of it until my daughter came back crying that her phone wasn't in her pocket. I immediately knew that was what the kid handed his dad. We went to guest relations and reported it and tried to find the boy and his dad to no avail. We called lost and found every day of the trip and for two weeks after and no one turned it in. Ironically, I saw one on Craigslist just like it posted in the Orlando area. Probably how they earn their living!


Well-Known Member
About 12 years ago my brother lost his 35mm camera at MGM. Left it sitting on a bench, he thought his wife picked it up. He realized it as we were walking out the gate and was very surprised that someone had turned it in to Lost & Found


Active Member
Was at the Magic Kingdom in October for the 25th anniversary. Stopped and got a locker under the train station.Went and ate breakfast at Crystal Palace and then onto Hall of Presidents. That's when I realized I did not get the key out of the locker when I left. I ran all the way back to see if I had lost the key or actually left it in the door. And of course I had left it in the door. Went to the place where they give you your key and ask if someone had returned a bag that had all my stuff in it ( camera,money, clothes ). Cast member asked me to describe my bag and contents. Sure enough someone had turned it in. Was so grateful as this was day one of our ten day trip and most of our money was in that bag.


Well-Known Member
Back in the 80's a friend of mine and I went to Florida. Visited with my great-grandmother and the three of us went to WDW. As we were leaving for the day, my friend decided he wanted to buy something at the newstand as you leave. He is easily distracted, and bought his item and then walked away. It wasn't until many hours later and back at our off site hotel that he realized he left his wallet on the counter of the newsstand. Never saw it again. I had to spot him cash for the rest of the trip. (It's not the first time he has lost a wallet, a phone, etc on a trip and won't be the last either!)

The first time I can remember being involved with anything that was lost was when I was walking from Main Street by way of the walkway in front of Crystal Palace heading towards Jungle Cruise. As we are walking, this gentleman was leaving CP. He walked about 15 feet when his credit card fell from a pocket. He had not idea it was gone. We quickly grabbed it before someone else did and then raced to get it back to the owner. He was a bit confused for a minute as to how we had his card, but was thankful to have it back.

A few years ago a friend of mine who lives in Orlando met me at the parks and the group of us went to 50's Prime Time in HS for dinner. My friend paid for dinner and then we all headed out for a few more rides before going back to the hotel. The next day he called me to say when he got home, he realized his credit card was gone. He immediately called to cancel and was told the card had been used to buy jewelry and other items in Orlando in the time between we left the restaurant and when my friend got home around 11:30 pm.

Pixie VaVoom

Well-Known Member
One of the most adorable stories about mislaying something that I have EVER heard. A co-worker of mine is a total Disney lifestyler - you should see her house!! They took their 3 children to WDW - EPCOT and the youngest, 8-10-ish, daughter got a "Duffy" Bear and an World Showcase passport. Got back to the hotel room and realized that "Duffy" had been lost. Called Lost and found to no avail. They left for home in Oklahoma with no bear.
About 2-3 weeks later The child has a package in the mail. It is "Duffy" bear, come home at last, with the passport stamped with all the countries, also a little autograph book of character signatures and photos of "Duffy" with various cast members on rides and in various spots around WDW Resort.
I guess they got the address from the Hotel.

I don't know who all the cast members were that contributed, but I hope they all recieved a special blessing for their thoughtfulness. That is what makes WDW a magical place. No matter what Iger does, or how much the daily tickets go up, or which perks get shaved off, we need to be sure to preserve that MAGIC !!


Active Member
I lost my drivers license and c.c. on humunga cowabunga.. luckily they were floating in the end of the slide and didn't get sucked into the cleaning/vent system.


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is Disney's Lost and Found a joke?!

The one time I had to use them it worked great for me. I left my Tables in Wonderland in the Rose and Crown one night. The next day I went back to the R&C, and they said to check Guest Services. GS said that everything they had was already turned over to L&F, and gave me a phone to call them. Well, they had it, and I just had to drive to their building out front of the MK to get my card back.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I just remembered another close call with losing something during the same trip from my original post. My DD had just got out of her car on TS, and was starting to walk away when my wife quickly told her that her MB was not on her wrist anymore. My DD went back to the car before the next person got in and, sure enough, it was laying on the floor of the car. I'm sure it would have taken a decent chunk out of our day to get her another MB, not to mention the fact that she had quite a few of the little trinkets on her MB. I was thinking about this later on that week, as we were sitting next to Echo Lake at DHS, and I saw two MBs within sight, lying at the bottom of the lake.


I of course, lost my wallet and I didn't realize until I returned to my hotel room after a full day walking around MK. I called every store I went to, called the front desk at my hotel and must have checked the "Caribbean" grounds and pool area at least 50 times, though it didn't help that it was at night. The next morning after the WORST sleep ever, there was a knock on my door and it was a CM from the front desk at my hotel holding my wallet. I have NEVER given a hug to someone so fast, I was practically in tears haha.

She explained to me of how I lucky I was to have gotten this back.

My own fault I know, but nothing is worse knowing your info is out in the open to anyone. I owe that Cast Member my life haha.


Then on the flight home, my charger was no where to be seen -____0


Well-Known Member
My daughter left her pin trading case on Dinosaur once. When we realized it, went back, and the CM searched through the photos for the ride vehicle, it was not there. :( The CM said she could not go around the parks without pins to trade and gave her a CM lanyard. 2 days later, it was at L&F at the TTC. That was good because she had some special pins in it that she was sad to lose.

Frank L.

New Member
After a fun-filled 5-day, 4-night visit with my girlfriend, I lost my MagicBand at Orlando airport because of how rushed we were at security. I had it in a bag, which must've spilled over going through the xray machine. I didn't think to check for it because, well, I wanted to get away from those awful TSA agents as soon as possible.

I think that out of any souvenir, losing my MagicBand was a tough one, because it's one of the first things you get in the mail and you get excited that your WDW trip is coming up soon, it's with you during your whole trip, and then when you go back home it finds a home with your other beloved trinkets.

Like the nerd I am and because of how broken-hearted I was, I hopped right on the Disney Store app and ordered a replacement. ( After all, it was a limited edition purple Haunted Mansion MagicBand.)


Well-Known Member
Our very first trip my son had chosen one of those Mickey ball caps with the sunglasses holder on the bill. It was the first gift we had ever purchased him at the world. On the third day of our trip we had breakfast at Tusker and my son took it off while in the bathroom. Later on the day we noticed he didn't have it on his head and he was devastated. We went back to Tusker but nobody had turned it in. As we were leaving there was a cart where they sold hats and ears and stuff and the vendor saw my son in tears. He asked what was wrong so my son told him. Well doesn't the guy reach up and grab a set of Iron Man ears and put them on my sons head. I took out my wallet (no bands yet folks) but he waived me off and told us that this one was on him. My son now keeps these in a special box that nobody is allowed to touch. We never did find the hat but that made his trip.

My oldest son lost his magic band on the first day of our trip in 2014. Again end of the world. By day three it hadn't turned up at LAF but the girl there had a haunted mansion one that had been there for over a week and asked him if he would accept that in its place as a sorry from Disney for not making his band unlosable.


Well-Known Member
Our very first trip my son had chosen one of those Mickey ball caps with the sunglasses holder on the bill. It was the first gift we had ever purchased him at the world. On the third day of our trip we had breakfast at Tusker and my son took it off while in the bathroom. Later on the day we noticed he didn't have it on his head and he was devastated. We went back to Tusker but nobody had turned it in. As we were leaving there was a cart where they sold hats and ears and stuff and the vendor saw my son in tears. He asked what was wrong so my son told him. Well doesn't the guy reach up and grab a set of Iron Man ears and put them on my sons head. I took out my wallet (no bands yet folks) but he waived me off and told us that this one was on him. My son now keeps these in a special box that nobody is allowed to touch. We never did find the hat but that made his trip.

He better not charge you after that. What if he pulled that move on someone and they hadn't been willing to pay for it?


Well-Known Member
A few years ago I made some purchases in Disneyland, an expensive CD album, some small bits of merch, and for some reason I put my credit card inside the plastic bag. I stupidly left the bag in the pockets on California Screaming, and didn't realise I'd lost it until much later. I tried checking at the coaster but there was no sign of it. I was quite cross at my own forgetfulness.

I left my contact details at guest relations and thought nothing more of it. About two months later, a package from Disney arrives in the mail - inside was the bag, with all my merch, and even my (now cancelled) credit card in it. I think it cost them way more to post than the merch was worth, so was very impressed with that touch of magic.

Nick Pappagiorgio

Well-Known Member
I have a story about this...I've never lost anything significant at Disney World but last year we were eating at Yak and Yeti on the second floor. We were sitting there taking our time and enjoying the view. A family came and Sat down at the next table over. They were very much the typical Disney family with a son in upper elementary or middle school and a younger daughter.

Just overhearing it became clear that they were not terribly happy. Come to find out that the son lost his phone. The parents were going off on the kid (responsibility, not putting things down, yada yada) not particularly loud or abusively but enough that I was convinced that this kid lost one expensive phone. They were not being very nice to the daughter either as an indirect effect. So in the end he is calling Verizon to cancel the phone and I forget the model but I looked it up and they were going for under $100 on ebay. So anyway they go through most of their meal angry, get halfway through and dad gets a call. GS found the phone. So they hurry for the check and leave 50% of their food uneaten. What blew me away was that given that these people had likely $1000+ sunk into their vacation, and they were going nuts over a $100 phone.

They walked out and my dad just looked at me and shook his head.


Beta Return
I have a story about this...I've never lost anything significant at Disney World but last year we were eating at Yak and Yeti on the second floor. We were sitting there taking our time and enjoying the view. A family came and Sat down at the next table over. They were very much the typical Disney family with a son in upper elementary or middle school and a younger daughter.

Just overhearing it became clear that they were not terribly happy. Come to find out that the son lost his phone. The parents were going off on the kid (responsibility, not putting things down, yada yada) not particularly loud or abusively but enough that I was convinced that this kid lost one expensive phone. They were not being very nice to the daughter either as an indirect effect. So in the end he is calling Verizon to cancel the phone and I forget the model but I looked it up and they were going for under $100 on ebay. So anyway they go through most of their meal angry, get halfway through and dad gets a call. GS found the phone. So they hurry for the check and leave 50% of their food uneaten. What blew me away was that given that these people had likely $1000+ sunk into their vacation, and they were going nuts over a $100 phone.

They walked out and my dad just looked at me and shook his head.

Weird. It's not like Guest Services was going to sell or give away their phone, so why the rush to go get it? It will still be there after dinner.

Of course, if they spent the effort to yell about a cheap phone during dinner, their world probably evolves around it, and they couldn't bear one more minute away from it.


Active Member
We've made three family trips and DH left behind two important items on the third trip. On the first day he almost left the video camera on the bus to MK because he was so excited to be there. I saw it and he picked it up. He left the video camera on a bench at the bus stop at All-Star Music on the third day. He didn't realize he did it until we got to DTD. He immediately went to the front desk when we got back to the resort & someone had turned it in. He watched an outdoor show at China pavillion at EPCOT and left my backpack on the ground where he had been sitting. I don't remember which day that was. I'm not sure of the entire contents of the bag at the time, but I know it had important things in it (credit card, driver's license, insurance card, probably some cash, possibly camera/video camera. When I asked him where it was, he immediately ran back and it was still there with everything still in it. He is a very blessed man that he didn't actually lose anything on that trip, because he tried really had to do it!


Well-Known Member
I bought a black camera case at WDW a bunch of years ago. It had the MIckey symbol debossed on the front, was super solid and easy to use. It had one of my SD cards in a pocket. I took my camera out to take some pictures on the monorail aaaand.... of course I get off the monorail and my camera case is gone. I was so upset and started crying, afraid that they didn't sell that case anymore. I went to the Main Entrance of the MK where I had purchased it the year before. I told them the story and purchased the same case. I don't think they sell them anymore.

On a more recent trip my sister almost lost her magic band on rock n roller coaster :facepalm:

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