In the 1960's decade there was a full blown riot in Disneyland you know. Police, security, guys with long hair, bikers, all brawling right there in Disneyland. Since both Disney parks opened there's been lots of crime (even violent and sexual) committed and many arrests made. Whilst there's a viewpoint from many that the 'modern Disney' gets things wrong, I can't for the life of me see how Disney is to blame for a bunch of idiots brawling in TSL?
I suppose they could do a criminal records check on every guest entering the park and not allow entry to anyone with previous? Perhaps do a 'shifty eye' check at the gates or have a 'dodgy haircut policy'? SWAT teams with sniper rifles above every public space just in case anyone decides that some dude's giving them the stink eye or looking at their woman? I mean honestly what do you think Disney could do to stop idiots fighting that wouldn't infringe on people's rights when visiting the park?