Random Facts About WDW's Haunted Mansion

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
I find that hard to believe, if they weren't meant to be chess pieces then why are they there? Why is every piece on the chess board represented on the building? Besides this info is too widely known to be just a rumor.

I remember reading about this, if I can find the article I will post it here. I believe the king and queen are somewhere on the front of the mansion, I think the door knocker is the king or something like that, can't remember off hand where the knight and queen are. I do remember the article went into specific details on where each piece can be found. If I can find it again I will post a link here.
I'm not trying to change anyones opinion. I am just stating that Disney does not acknowledge the rumor. Where they put there on purpose by a imagineer? Maybe. Was the Mansion designed with them on there? No.


Active Member
rainfully said:
I think I've heard that all the chess pieces were represented except for the knight...

The Knight (suit of armor) is in the hallway with the floating candles. That is why the knight is not on the building.....


Irrawaddy Erik said:
I'm not trying to change anyones opinion. I am just stating that Disney does not acknowledge the rumor. Where they put there on purpose by a imagineer? Maybe. Was the Mansion designed with them on there? No.

Put there on purpose by an Imagineer? Yes.
Sanctioned by Disney as part of the official design elements? No.


New Member
For anyone interested, here is the story of the Haunted Mansion as told to me when I did the college program 5 years ago. Sorry in advanced if it is kinda jumbly.

The Mansion itself was built long before Master Gracey inherited it. In early days it was used by pirates to hide out in and store their loot since it was so close to the river. Hence the tombs of Bluebeard's brides at the end. The mansion was built with a curse on it, something about building it in the wrong place, over a burial mound, I really don't remember that part.
Anyway, Master Gracey inherited it. He was a very superstious man. He hired Madame Leota to be his personal pyschic and guide him in his daily choices. Over time Madame Leota fell in love with the charming young Gracey. One day Master Gracey met a beautiful girl whom he fell madly in love with. The girl was likewise in love with him but she had a nasty sense of humor. She loved playing games of hide and seek. However unlike normal games, when people went to hide she locked the doors and trapped them in rooms, nailed them into coffins, and other not so nice things.
Master Gracey told the girl (sorry I can't remember her name) that he wouldn't marry her unless she promised to stop playing these games if they were wed. The girl promised and a wedding date was announced. The future wedding enraged Madame Leota and she vowed to get rid of the girl to have Master Gracey to herself.
On the day of their wedding the young girl decided to play one final game of hide and seek. Except this time it would be she who hid and once Grcaey found her they would be wed and she would stop playing the games. The girl chose to hide herself in the attic in a large chest she had seen there. When Madam Leota noticed the girl wandering the house in her wedding dress alone she knew this might be her chance to rid herself of her. She followed the girl in the attic and locked her into the chest.
Weeks/months passed before the girl was finally found. Master Gracey discovered that her daeth was Madame Leota's doing and banished her from the estate and his life. On the day of the funeral something spooked the horses who rode off with the young girls coffin. Later in the evening, Gracey found the carriage but without the horses or his beloved's coffin. For the second time his bride had been taken from him with out a chance to say goodbye.
With no other alternative Master Gracey summoned Madame Leota to try and contact his bride's spirit so he could say goddbye. Out of spite for banishment Madame Leota summoned not only the bride's spirit, but the spirit's of every person who had previously lived (and died) in the house.
Unable to stand the constant torment of the other ghosts, Master Gracey hung himself in the parlor to escape the nightmares of the living and be reunited with his love.

In the ride we are following the story and follow the bride up to the attic where she finds us and pushes us out the window so we don't know her hiding place. Prior to that event all the ghosts appear only briefly to us because we are still living beings. Following that, we die and can then see all of the ghosts all the time since we are also ghosts. It is also said that the Ravens throughout the ride act as Madame Leota's eyes, informing her of everything happening in the mansion.

Hope you all enjoyed that, whether you agree with it or not. Sorry it's so long. :)


Well-Known Member
I am unable to find the article right now, but I will keep looking.

Even if the chess pieces are not officially recognized by WDW, it doesn't mean thats not what they are. They are clearly made to look like chess pieces, this might have been the work of one of the contractors, or a last minute design change made by an imagineer. But they ARE chess pieces none the less, in all the searching I have done over the past hour, I have found nothing that says otherwise.

EDIT: Sorry I just read Lee's post. Thanks Lee, that was the point I was trying to make. They ARE chess pieces, even if WDW doesn't acknowlege them as such.:D


Account Suspended
According to: "The Haunted Mansion, from the Kingdom to the Movies," a book i purchased at disneyland, and i quote:

"Over the years many fans have speculated about the Mansion's stone turrets are oversized chess pieces, with every piece represented excpet the knight (who can be found inside the urban legend says). Not so, according to imagineers. Although some of the turrets abd ornamentation do, indeed, look like chess pieces, all are typical of the Mansion's architectural style and period, and the resemblence is purely coincidental."



So whose right? You, or the imagineers, hmmm thats a tough one! ;)


Well-Known Member
sdguy1234 said:
According to: "The Haunted Mansion, from the Kingdom to the Movies," a book i purchased at disneyland, and i quote:

"Over the years many fans have speculated about the Mansion's stone turrets are oversized chess pieces, with every piece represented excpet the knight (who can be found inside the urban legend says). Not so, according to imagineers. Although some of the turrets abd ornamentation do, indeed, look like chess pieces, all are typical of the Mansion's architectural style and period, and the resemblence is purely coincidental."



So whose right? You, or the imagineers, hmmm thats a tough one! ;)

Again, please see my above post and Lee's post. They ARE chess pieces, they apparently are not acknowledged as being such by WDC, but they are obviously chess pieces.

And I'm sorry a single reference in 1 book saying one thing is hardly proof that this is the case, especially when dozens of websites and magazines say the opposite.

So whos right you and your one book, or the dozens of fans, researchers, CM's, former WDC employees, and reporters? Hmmmmmm!?!?!?!?:animwink:


New Member
Okay really, does it even matter if they are supposed to be chess pieces or not? Are all hidden Mickey's sanctioned by Disney? No. Do I like to think that I find some that Disney doesn't recgonize? Yes. Disney, nor the imagineers, point out every tiny little detail and say whether it's what we want it to be or not. The point is to go and have fun and use your imagination to make the park whatever kind of fantasy world you want to think it is. I mean if we want to get technical no one can prove a haunted house really exists so why not tear down the entire buliding since it's not real.

And as a side note sometimes Disney contracdicts itself. I have seen one offical Disney source say that the steps by Hall of Presidents came from Jeffersons original home and aonther offical disney source say that they didn't. IT DOESN'T MATTER! Believe whatever makes you happy and lets you sleep at night. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
mkepcotmgmak said:
13. The fountain outside of the attraction was originally meant to be a working fountain, but some parts never got shipped from California in time for opening day, so the fountain was just kicked over where it was.

Where is this fountain at? I dont believe I have ever seen it and if I have, I proably just never noticed it.


sdguy1234 said:
According to: "The Haunted Mansion, from the Kingdom to the Movies," a book i purchased at disneyland, and i quote:

"Over the years many fans have speculated about the Mansion's stone turrets are oversized chess pieces, with every piece represented excpet the knight (who can be found inside the urban legend says). Not so, according to imagineers. Although some of the turrets abd ornamentation do, indeed, look like chess pieces, all are typical of the Mansion's architectural style and period, and the resemblence is purely coincidental."



So whose right? You, or the imagineers, hmmm thats a tough one! ;)

With all due respect to Jason, the Imagineer who wrote the book, that is not quite accurate. He's giving the "company line". I've been told definatively, by someone at WDI, that they ARE chess pieces, desigied that way, but not "official".

Call it an "inside joke" if you will.

"all are typical of the Mansion's architectural style and period, and the resemblence is purely coincidental"
Yeah..right...find me a photo of a mansion in the Hudson River Valley with ornamentation like that.


Well-Known Member
Chernabog said:
Okay really, does it even matter if they are supposed to be chess pieces or not? Are all hidden Mickey's sanctioned by Disney? No. Do I like to think that I find some that Disney doesn't recgonize? Yes. Disney, nor the imagineers, point out every tiny little detail and say whether it's what we want it to be or not. The point is to go and have fun and use your imagination to make the park whatever kind of fantasy world you want to think it is. I mean if we want to get technical no one can prove a haunted house really exists so why not tear down the entire buliding since it's not real.

And as a side note sometimes Disney contracdicts itself. I have seen one offical Disney source say that the steps by Hall of Presidents came from Jeffersons original home and aonther offical disney source say that they didn't. IT DOESN'T MATTER! Believe whatever makes you happy and lets you sleep at night. :hammer:

You make a good point!! :hammer:

Sorry for the thread drift everyone!:D


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
With all due respect to Jason, the Imagineer who wrote the book, that is not quite accurate. He's giving the "company line". I've been told definatively, by someone at WDI, that they ARE chess pieces, desigied that way, but not "official".

Call it an "inside joke" if you will.

"all are typical of the Mansion's architectural style and period, and the resemblence is purely coincidental"
Yeah..right...find me a photo of a mansion in the Hudson River Valley with ornamentation like that.

Sorry but I have to quote sdguy1234 on this one:

sdguy1234 said:
Right back at cha buddy!!:lol: :p :lol:


Well-Known Member
As a side note, I've noticed that the horse drawn hearse hasn't been around for a couple of months now. Where is it?


Account Suspended
PurpleDragon said:
Again, please see my above post and Lee's post. They ARE chess pieces, they apparently are not acknowledged as being such by WDC, but they are obviously chess pieces.

And I'm sorry a single reference in 1 book saying one thing is hardly proof that this is the case, especially when dozens of websites and magazines say the opposite.

So whos right you and your one book, or the dozens of fans, researchers, CM's, former WDC employees, and reporters? Hmmmmmm!?!?!?!?:animwink:

NO NO NO!!! This is just a bogus rumor like the one about walt disney's head being frozen.

I guess since they "LOOK" like chess pieces must mean that they are, right? Then I guess space ship earth must just be designed after a golf ball instead of being a geosphere, right?



Well-Known Member
Since you're new here, I'll let you in on something...Lee is an extremely reliable Disney expert on this site. I don't know how he knows all this stuff, but if he says they are "chess pieces" that are not acknowledged then I have to believe him. He hardly ever steers us wrong.

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