Raise the Prices and lower prices


Well-Known Member
OK I have enough common sense to understand that you are NOT saying that people without kids pay more...every adult would pay the exact same price...its just that people with kids would not be getting gouged outrageous prices for the priveledge of pushing your toddler around in a stroller going on what rides he or she can ride! I still think that seniors should get a cheaper rate...the thing I hated is they charged me the same price as my husband when I was pregnant knowing I couldnt ride a majority of the rides...just push the stoller...he couldnt take our daughter and niece (3 & 5 at the time) on his own in a car from Illinois to Florida! But, we paid the price and I rode the park benches LOL! But the "amusement parks" (and I use that term loosely) around here have started changing their price guides for kids...using height instead of age as a guideline so a tall for her age 6 yr old could be an adult ticket...this happened to our neighbor the park didnt want to honor the girls childs ticket she earned from school for reading because she was over 48inches tall and that classified her as an adult! even though she was 6! That was last summer....I think the park had so much grief and lost so much that they are changing it back this year!
Originally posted by Dwarful
OK I have enough common sense to understand that you are NOT saying that people without kids pay more

I think I'm insulted by this comment, too! My commen sense leads me to say that under the plan mentioned here, adults without children WOULD be paying much more than they currently do, while adults with children would be paying the same or less to get into the parks.


Originally posted by Dwarful
OK I have enough common sense to understand that you are NOT saying that people without kids pay more...every adult would pay the exact same price...

No, he's saying they should raises adult ticket prices to subsidize the lower children's prices, in effect, raising my costs so someone else's can be lowered. My question is, why should my costs be raised?

I don't know why I am worried about it, it would never happen. Even on this board, presumably full of Disney fans, most people don't like it. Imagine trying to sell this idea to the general public.


Original Poster
I do not know if prices should be raised or not. Disney knows the formulas and they have set prices to maximize gain I guess. But if they have done that, then why are there so many complaints from fans about the Disney show, CM's Stetching to thin, No new E-ticket rides, etc. In my opinion I think Disney could "up market". Meaning charge more, give a better show and fantastic vacation. a new E-ride every year, longer hours, shorter lines, more perks and freebies,and more magic if they charged a bit more.

I will say it again. I am looking at the Lion King theater in New York right now from my office window. They are lining up for a two hour show for $80 dollars a seat. For these people, once a year or so Disney is so great that they are willing to pay and wait for weeks or months to get in.

I think maybe the Parks operate on narrow margin. I would pay to close that.

The Mom

Premium Member
I think it's a matter of semantics. If you say FAMILY instead of adult, etc. it becomes obvious that a two parent family with 1 or more children pay MORE, in total, than a childless couple. A single parent with 1 child would pay even less. A single adult would pay the least...IN TOTAL. (a child alone would pay the very least, if he was allowed in, and of course, an infant/toddler would pay nothing!) Since children are allowed in the parks without an adult from age 8 or 9, and most are tall enough for all rides, they get charged an adult rate at that age. (I personally would never let a child under the age of 12 -14 in alone, but that's a different thread!) It has been mentioned in the past that perhaps there should be multiple admission levels....the highest price being for unlimited use of ALL attractions, then a lower price for calmer but still "major" attractions, and the lowest price for shows and parades only, with a special minimal price for people just coming in for a dinner, etc. Institute something like the fastpass system for each ride....you don't have the right ticket, you don't get through the ride entrance. I really don't know if this would be feasible, or if it would increase/decrease revenues, but it would be fair! ;)

Or go back to the "pay as you go" tickets!;)
Originally posted by timoteo
I am looking at the Lion King theater in New York right now from my office window. They are lining up for a two hour show for $80 dollars a seat.

Not to be nitpicky or say you aren't being truthful, but there is no Friday matinee of the Lion King -- the show doesn't start until 8 p.m. tonight. So there shouldn't be much of a line right now.

And it's very nice of you to agree to "close the margin" for the rest of us, but I'll pass thanks. I fork loads of my money into Disney several times a year. I rarely see bad show, mostly get excellent guest service and my vacations are always great! I would like more construction (other than hotels) but that seems to come in bunches.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone with my saying the common sense ...I was just letting Tim know that understood that he was not saying total price adults pay more...I for one wouldnt pay much more to go to Disney than I do now. We will see how this trip next week for 10 days goes....I am already not happy that they offered eride nights then yanked them...no explanation. I am also not happy that I have written them a letter sent priority mail delivery confirmation a month ago and they havent contacted me at all to address my concerns...so right now I dont think for us I would pay any more than I already am paying..I am mom to two girls 5 & 2 but we are bringing along 2 nephews and 1 niece...needless to say this trip wont be cheap...thats why we only get to go every other year! I also think that Disney could cut back on somethings to allow for more money to improve park appearance, customer satisfaction etc. I mean for us we will be there 10 days...and in that time Spectro Magic happens only one time! The CM told me to make sure we skip MK that day and come about 2 hours before hand so the kids can have a good view because it will most likely be packed. Well what about the people who dont have 10days?? most people are 5-7 night stays..and the video clearly boasts spectromagic as does several of the latest editions of the Disney Magazine you get w/disneyclub card. So i am not so sure I am getting my moneys worth but I will know when we get there!


Original Poster
Dear Dwarful. I beilieve under my new improved pricing you would actually pay less. I do not know the ages of your additional nephews but...
Currently you will pay $124 for you and your 2 kids. Under the new pricing you would pay $105. See below. I believe people with Kids would not see much of an increase unless they bring more adults. I also believe people would pay more overall, because most of the bodies that come through the turnstiles are over 15. I am willing to pay it if it would help WDW. That doesn't mean I have it. I have to save for it.

Currently prices at WDW are as follows
1 day 1 park ticket adult is $48 and child ages 3-9 is $38

I say make the price adult $65 child ages 3-9 $20 child ages 10 -15 $33

a family of four with two kids one 8 and one 15 under old price structure would pay $182

a family of four with two kids one 8 and one 15 under new pricing structure would pay $182.

a family of four with two kids one 5 and one 7 under old pricing structure would pay $172.

a family of four with two kids one 5 and one 7 under new pricing structure would pay $136.

Two adults under old price would pay $96

Two adults under new price would pay $130

If this helped make my favorite place better. I would pay for it. Gladly and often.
OK Timeto -- by having to "save for it" I would have to go less often or go for fewer days. Less often or fewer days means Disney, in the long run, will end up with less money from me. I think that's the case for most average folks -- raise the prices too much and people will come less often.

So I think your logic is flawed, and I'm still not sure why you want to weight the price on the adults. Why not make the entry price the same for everyone no matter who they are in that case. That would seem more fair. But I'm sure Disney looks at the numbers constantly and they know how best to charge to get people through the turnstiles.

And I notice you didn't comment again on the Lion King -- is the line getting longer? I do believe that while the Lion King was good, as were Aida and Beauty and the Beast (which I saw in discounted seats because the theaters are rarely sold out), it's one thing to pay a high price to see them once, but would you keep going back once or twice a year if it was that much. No way.

I paid $100/ticket for my husband and I to see The Producers two weeks after September 11th. It was worth every penny -- the funniest show I've ever seen (and I didn't even get to see Nathan Lane!). Would I pay that much to see it a second time -- no way!

And like you said, a Broadway show is two hours. I don't need to pay for airfare or a hotel or food or entry into the waterparks or a rental car or souveniers to go see one of Disney's Broadway shows (OK -- maybe I HAVE to get a t-shirt, but that's no big deal). I'm willing to pay that price once because that's just about all it costs me (plus a $20 parking fee and some gas). Dropping $200 for my husband and I to go see a show once or twice a year is no big deal. But at $70/day per person (as opposed to $50), my two 8-day vacations to Disney each year now costs me an extra <b>$640 per year</b>. I'd have to give up my broadway shows and I still wouldn't have enough to make up for that.


Original Poster
You get to go on two 8 day vacations to Disney each year?
Two? Two?

I am lucky if I can go once a year for 5 days. Just getting time off is hard not to mention that paying about $2,700 each time.

Maybe you are right. If you stopped going then they would have to cut back. Thanks for supporting my favorite place.:lol: . I love you Married@WDW. Can I live at your house?


Original Poster
To Married@WDW

I can not really see the line at the Lion King from my desk chair. I see the Chevy's restaurant at the Corner of 42ndand8th, The madame tussauds gold hand sign and the Lowes E-walk, But I see people there all the time lining up for either a matinee or the box office to open or extra seats or something.

Look. I bet you and your family would not hesitate to go to Disney if it was an extra $640. But I will believe you and say that I may have flawed logic because I am not privy to Disney Data.

I really love WDW and would go not matter what. And If I had to pay $170 more for my five days I wouldn't blink an eye. I have a 1992 car, a one bedroom apartment in Brooklyn, and I do not make six figures. I would pay if Disney could give me some magic and a chance to be really transported from my regular life. Especially after 9/11.


New Member
The Only Thing That will change will be all the prices for all the ages increasing in an endless spiral that will eventually top 100 dollars for kids under 3 :lol:
Timeto --

Trust me -- I'm not wealthy and my husband and I don't make six figures put together, if that's any of your business. I'm just careful with my funds. I worked hard through four years of college and two years of master's degree work so I could get a job I love and get paid a decent salary. My husband did the same. We don't have a fancy house or fancy cars -- we both grew up in Fairfield County, Connecticut, but chose not live that life and bought our house further North because we could live so much cheaper. Our goal is to really enjoy our life now, while we can. September 11th only drove that home for us more -- I work for the media and the images I saw will haunt me forever. I see so many people in their 60s and 70s getting ready to retire, but they have health problems or just physically can't do the kinds of trips we love. I want to do it now -- while I can. As a DVC member, it doesn't cost us anywhere near $2700 per trip to go because we don't pay for a hotel room anymore. We go during the low season so we can maximize our points and avoid the crowds. I have a vacation fund set up at my credit union -- I never see the money we set aside for vacations. That way, we always have it. We splurge on extras sometimes -- a dinner at Victoria & Albert's or a massage at the spa -- but only to celebrate special occassions.

Maybe that's why I'm so dead set against your plan -- with your plan, I couldn't afford my two trips to Disney anymore! $640 is a huge difference. It's 8 weeks worth of groceries. It's 16 weeks worth of gas for my car. It's all of our meals for a whole trip to WDW! It's 4 roundtrip plane tickets from Bradley International in Connecticut to Orlando! It's a huge difference and would affect my family very much.

And I have to say this one more time -- going to WDW already does transport me to another place and give me all the magic I need! Maybe I'm just wearing my rose colored glasses, but I don't see many huge flaws that all that extra money is needed to correct.


Original Poster
Dear married@wdw

I do not want people to stop going to WDW and that includes you and your family. I believe if you believe. Prices as you know are kind of psych thing. If you feel you are paying enough you are paying enough. However, if you payed one price one year you expect it to only go up 4% maybe even if there is no real reason. That is what we are used to. Pricing is a game and for WDW I am sure they have the price they want.

Living in New York I am used to paying for two
$30 to $60 for dinner
$160 to $200for Broadway
$100 a day for a rental car
$275 for a Marriot room in Mystic CT
$45 / mo for basic cable TV.
If you commute from NJ to Manhattan that can be $400 / mo for two person train passes

Given those life costs I could easily see Disney being $65 a day
It wouldn't be off the scale with the above cost I see.

I know most may not agree. I also get magic for my $48, but I have also seen shortchanged new rides, neglected closed rides, revised parades, shorter hours, removed plantings, algea filled waterways, overworked CM's, no seating available at the castle or Crystal palace not due to tables but to lack of staff to wait tables, one new E-ride maybe every 4-5 years, bad ride renovations like JIYI, spotty transportation, more trash in the bushes,

I still really love WDW and for me the above items are minor, However, if the margin at the Pricing level is causing any of the above I would gladly contribute to close that margin. This disccussion has become academic a long time ago because Disney has the data, not me.
I guess I just totally disagree with you. I live in Connecticut where prices are as steep as New York -- highest per capita income in the country means we also have the highest prices for almost everything.

$30 to $60 for dinner -- acceptable for a nice dinner, I've paid more. I'd have to think that was a reasonable price anywhere, not just New York.

$160 to $200 for Broadway -- regular price for tickets, but you can look for discounts to most shows on-line or at TKTS and get tickets for around $40-$70/per person, excluding The Producers and Lion King of course.

$100 a day for a rental car -- Maybe in New York, but I've never paid more than $40/day for a rental car, even when we get a mini-van or an SUV. You should head over the border to a Greenwich rental place if your paying this much!

$275 for a Marriot room in Mystic CT -- I don't know what Marriott your staying at, but, being from Connecticut we go to Mystic quite often with my neice and nephews and I've never paid more than $169/night, which includes breakfast for two people. That's at the Residence Inn in Mystic and the regular Marriott, which is technically in Groton. Basically, you're getting the shaft on this one if you're really paying that price!

$45 / mo for basic cable TV. -- I pay $42 for basic, but my total bill to get the channels I want and my cable internet access is $123.

If you commute from NJ to Manhattan that can be $400 / mo for two person train passes -- My commute by car costs me about $200/mo. Split your train pass in half (since it's for two people) and it's the same!

So I spend as much as you do for daily life. And I do think asking me to spend an extra $640/year to go to Disney is excessive!


Original Poster

You have totaly beaten me down. I was bored, I kearned my lesson. You are wise and a tru Disney fan. $640 extra for your two 8 day vacations would be excessive. I give. I give.


I shoulda stood in bed.


Well-Known Member
I think Disney should go the opposite.
It's $43 now. If they would cut down admission to $36, attendence would go up. If 5000 people came into the park, paying $43, it would equal $215,000. But if 6000 people (20% increase) at $36. it would equal $216,000. --- A clear increase in profits.


Er yeah, good idea Juan, anybody got any more ideas on how we can make the waiting times even longer?
Are you suggesting pushing the parks attendance up by 1000 people leading to longer lines, bigger crowds, more litter and higher security cost for just $1000 more (less than 1%) Your 20% increase in crowds give an increase in profit of less than 1%.

When will people just accept that Disney have spent a lot of time and money thinking about these things and they know what they are doing?

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