R C T 2: Screenshots!


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Originally posted by FutureCEO
i want to see them actually construct the roller coaster like we set the design and then theyconstruct it. How do you upload a screenshot?

Well, actually you can't upload screenshots. They are linked from a webpage via HTML. I used HTML code to post the screenshots in my posts. Pretty cool huh?

How to post Images using HTML:

< img src="the link of the page"></img>

Just delete the spaces between the < and "img". Thats it!


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UPDATE...IGN First Impressions

As soon as I say there won't be many more updates, they start coming in by the truckload. Here is a FIRST IMPRESSIONS article done by IGN.com. They have new screenshots as well, as you will see in the next post.

This is from www.IGN.com:

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 First Impressions
I have the distinct first impression that I've had this impression before.

September 26, 2002 - Roller Coaster Tycoon has to rank up there as one of the biggest time suckers of my 27 years. Without really knowing what was happening when I downloaded the first demo and played it, I was suddenly turned into an emotional mess under the possibility that I might not get my park rating up to 800 by October of year 3. It was one of the best, if not the best tycoon games out there. This goes both for the economic aspects as well as the subject matter and level of involvement in all aspects of creating functioning theme parks. Of course, there were things that all RCT junkies were hoping to see in the inevitable sequel. The highest on my list was a 3D engine that would allow me to get a front row seat on my rides. Unfortunately, there's no sight of the 3D engine of my dreams. The same engine, slightly upgraded awaits all who have waited so long for the sequel. In fact, the same game pretty much awaits. Sure, there have been some changes to the formula and additions, which is pretty impressive for only one programmer, but if you're going to make a sequel, make a sequel. To say I'm a little disappointed in the early stages of playing the game would be a bit of an understatement. I loved Roller Coaster Tycoon, the sequel deserved a bigger change than this.

Going into E3 this last year, I was very excited. There were quite a few games that I had been looking forward to seeing. Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 was among the top of them. I figured it had to be something totally new and improved. I expected to be wowed. But I wasn't. The same engine greeted me with the same interface. Why did they not move onto something new? Because, they say, they didn't want to alienate any of the people that had gotten used to the crappy awkward interface of the first game. Well, they left out the crappy awkward part.

This game begs for 3D. Building coasters that work in all 3 dimensions would be much easier if you could actually see in all 3 dimensions. So we're still stuck with the build interface that makes it difficult, and sometimes downright frustrating to build complicated roller coasters and have them connect in all the right places. When you think you have everything perfect only to find you were off by one track length. When you need to make tiny adjustments and you end up having to remove half of your coaster to make any sense of it all. These times are the times that you can't help but scream for the 3D camera with an easier on screen interface.

As far as new content goes, RCT 2 does well. There are a ton of new coaster types as well as a lot of new scenery pieces and art. A lot of the scenery you'll find is now animated and a bit more interesting than the old stuff. The major addition in the realm of the scenery is the ability to build pieces on top of one another. This allows the construction of some nifty buildings if you're willing to spend the time building them. It's still a little constricted, but it certainly adds more interest to your surroundings. The problem I've been finding with this is that you'll need to lower the resolution in order to really see what you're doing. If you up the res too high, you won't be able to zoom in far enough for the close up detailed work. I ended up changing it on the fly to 800x600 just so I could build buildings and moving back to 1024x768 for the rest of it so it looks a little better. The highest resolution is a bit of a joke to me. You can barely get close to the action at all giving it a much less personal and fun feel.

While I have plenty of concerns about this title, the call to build roller coasters and theme parks still seems to be pretty loud, and the fun and personality is still what I remember it to be. I want to build theme parks, and like it when things turn out the way I want them to, but it can just be so damn frustrating getting them that way. Hopefully the game will hold some surprises for me as I play it for a longer while. Look for a final and full review of the game next week.

-- Dan Adams


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UPDATE...New Screenshots

Here are the new screenshots!

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_001.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_002.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_003.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_004.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_005.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_006.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_007.jpg"></img>

The rest of the new screenshots are in the next page.


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UPDATE...New Screenshots

Here are the rest of the new screenshots:

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_008.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_009.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_010.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_011.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_012.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_013.jpg"></img>

Keep checking back for all of the latest information on RollerCoaster Tycoon II!

Only 19 days left before RollerCoaster Tycoon II is released!


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Originally posted by NowInc
19 more days till its on the SHELF...hehe....i suspect people will be sneaking copies as early as wendsday ;)

Yeah your probably right Dan.:lol: I'm sure we will here several people who have jumped the gun and ordered an import or something just to have the game before everyone else does!!!;)


Well-Known Member
Re: UPDATE...New Screenshots

Originally posted by cac2889
Here are the rest of the new screenshots:

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_008.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_009.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_010.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_011.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_012.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/rct2_092602_013.jpg"></img>

Keep checking back for all of the latest information on RollerCoaster Tycoon II!

Only 19 days left before RollerCoaster Tycoon II is released!
what can i say.........it looks AWESOME!!! thanks for that :D


Account Suspended
Looks the same except for some new attractions/features. Gameplay looks the same. I'll buy it but I'll probably just play No Limits instead.


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Originally posted by JuniorTOT
Looks the same except for some new attractions/features. Gameplay looks the same. I'll buy it but I'll probably just play No Limits instead.

Yeah it does look similar to the first one. You have to remember though that eyecandy isn't what makes the game; its the gameplay. Chris Sawyer has made many improvements that you can't see when you look at a screenshot or a video. I agree that it would be nice to have somewhat of a more extensive graphical upgrade, but I am completely content with what Chris decided to do instead.;)


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EDIT...UPDATE...The First Review

Here is the first review for RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. As you will see, he really didn't appreciate the fact that the game looked and felt so much like the original game. I created this thread not to be baised and post only what makes RCT2 look good. Although I strongly disagree with his opinion of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, I am still going to post this article. Notice, however, the grades he gives to RCT2 after you read the article.

This is from www.IGN.com:

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2
Review: While it's more like a big expansion pack than a sequel, it's still RCT.

October 04, 2002 - I guess some people already are hoping that I take a long luxurious voyage to the fiery depths of hell for my first impressions of Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. And I'm going to do absolutely nothing to change those people's opinions of me with this full review. It isn't that I don't like the game, and I still think the core ideas and gameplay elements of the series are solid, but this is hardly a sequel. It says in the manual that the game is new and even goes so far as to say old savegames won't work with this version (gasp!), but I expect more of a sequel. So instead, I'm going to go on my merry little way by thinking of this game as an expansion pack. Because that's what Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 is in essence, if not in technology. There's plenty of new additions that will bring every fan of the series joy and allow them plenty more hours of fun, but in the end, the game pretty much looks the same, plays the same, and feels the same as the first.

And before you all go howling to the wind and telling on me to your mommies, yes, the first game was good! And therefore by taking this opinion of saying the first game was good and then saying that this is pretty much the first game; I guess that means it's good too. I was a big fan of the first spending unholy amounts of time perfecting coasters, building lush scenery, and watching my guests run around spending their hard earned cash on my park, just for the privilege of getting to throw up after a nice nauseating ride. Planting plenty of restaurants right at the exit of a particularly nasty ride, just as they had suggested against, was of particular fascination for me. That and trying to get the farthest launch I could on the water slide ride by "accidentally forgetting" to add that roof piece to the top of a high velocity crest.

First let me rant a bit...

Having the time to really nitpick over the details and create the biggest and most fun-filled amusement park you could ever hope or dream of was really something else. Being able to build custom roller coasters that really are governed by what looks to be (to my untrained eye) realistic physics, is along enough to warrant buying this game. The strange fun and satisfaction of seeing your guests leave one of your rides, jump up and down, and then race back to the queue for another go just has to put a smile on your face.

Which was really one of the strong points of the game. Even with the low system requirements and graphics, the series manages to give off a good bit of character. But this is also where I start getting a little disappointed. As a fan of the series, I want more. When a first effort like Roller Coaster Tycoon is so successful and special and because this is supposed to be a sequel and not an expansion pack, I expect huge things. It's the nature of the beast. Bigger and badder is the way these things are supposed to progress, especially after nearly 3 1/2 years since the original release. But instead of bigger and badder, RCT2 settles for increase in quantity, not necessarily quality.

While that same character is still there, it's the same character. The look of the game is still the same. Yes, the underlying technology has been changed a bit to allow for more moving parts and animations, but the low color count is still there. The grid format of the landscape, which is not only ugly, but also annoying as hell to actually deal with, is still there. The under detailed scenery is still there. The often difficult to manage roller coaster builder is still there. Why not change the way things work? Their explanation was to naturally to make sure that everyone could still run the game and so that no one who had played the game before would feel alienated by new control. Basically, they're scared to change the formula. Give people more of the same they say. Don't innovate or create. Just let the people have what they're comfortable with. I'm sorry if some may not agree with me, but I really wish this way of thinking would stay out of the gaming industry. Unfortunately the industry is run by publishers and developers that need to make money, making the risk of experimenting with new ideas a little less palatable. I understand the need to make cash, so it's hard to drop the hammer too much, but as a fan wanting new things, and a critic getting paid to be critical, I feel frustrated by the lack thereof.

Making things a little easier on the masses is also the new ability to play any of the scenarios right from the start of the game without having to complete any one mission. I'm split on this decision, because I always enjoyed having a reward for completing a scenario, but I also appreciate being able to jump into more challenging missions right off the bat. These also include the chance to jump in and change around or build several Six Flags theme parks from around the world, including Magic Mountain, which is still the best I've ever been to.

Adding up the new goods...

If Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 had been able to be an expansion pack, which it wasn't due to incompatibility due to engine changes, it would have been a great expansion pack. There were some good things added to the game that folks have been asking for since the beginning. The biggest of these are probably the scenario editor and roller coaster editor so I'll start there. Both of these are set up a little oddly, but I'll go over each.

First the coaster editor. Really, this is a great little tool that will let you build coasters you want outside of the confines of a scenario that have time and cost limitations. It has the same build mechanics that you'll all be used to and that are used in the game. The only catch is that you can't build into negative space because as you know, you can't place pre-created coasters into hilly terrain because of height issues and no automatic tunneling (which I'll get into more in a second). The tool doesn't really do anything special, but it was much needed and much appreciated. Being able to really think out your designs is nice. You'll also notice, that because of the new scenery additions (which I'll also get into in a second) some of the pre-maid coasters have scenery already intact and ready to go. Unfortunately, they don't allow you to add scenery to your coaster designs inside of the coaster editor. I'm guessing they did this to avoid the conflict that would prevent you from placing a ride when certain scenery isn't allowed in certain scenarios. I don't like that explanation. I'd rather save a couple of different copies of the ride with scenery and without than have to do the workaround which requires you to build a unlimited sandbox type scenario where you can build your scenery and coaster and then save it to the list with the scenery intact. I suppose it's a small thing, but I don't like that decision.

The scenario editor has a problem along the same lines. First off, the tool itself is fairly good for the game. It'll allow you to select what shops, rides, and scenery you would like people to be able to use in your scenario, create your own landscape complete with scenery, owned and for sale land, footpaths, and entry to your park. You then can create winning conditions, although you can't be nearly as specific as I would have liked. But I guess when dealing with a mass-market product, you have to dumb it down for the inevitable number of idiots that will buy your game. The problem with the scenario editor is that you can't build coasters while in it. You have to create your basic scenario again with the terrain how you like it, and then play it for a while. Build the coasters you would like to be in your final scenario and then save your game. Go back into the scenario editor and use the convert saved game to scenario function. This'll import all of your rides automatically into the scenario editor and allow you to make all of your other adjustments, including whether you want people to be able to tear down your coasters or not. Once again, I'm confused at making the people take extra steps to do this kind of thing, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. It's nice that they added both of these features and for the most part, I appreciate them. But why not go all the way with them if you're going to bother putting them into the game in the first place?

The next big improvements come from the scenery side. Not only are there some animated scenery enhancements (and no, the dinos are not animated for those that wrote in asking), but you can now stack them to create structures that weren't possible before. All you have to do to simply stack items is hold the shift key and place several of them. You can also raise them by holding the shift key, clicking and then moving the mouse up or down, which will raise them onto supports or lower them into the ground, which is also a welcome addition for both ride building, shop placement, and scenery. This allows for some pretty complex structures with moving parts (such as doors that open when rides come through) but still takes some time to get right.

Scenery can also be changed in color now allowing you to add a lot of interest to your park designs. You can either do this by picking a color for all of the scenery before you place it, or by going in and painting existing scenery after the fact if you want a change. All of the changes in the scenery department are good ones and true tycoons will dig the huge amount of variety they bring.

Finally, add to the list a good-sized bunch of new coaster and ride types. There's plenty more to learn about coaster design with plenty of these. Creating a good coaster that doesn't make your guests heads rupture from the speed and gravity of them will be fun for all. Along with this are plenty of well designed pre-maid coasters that are fun to check out. I never actually use them myself since I prefer my own crappy designs, but those that like to use them will find a large variety, some of which come from those Six Flags parks.

The unfulfilled wishlist...
Now comes the rub. There were a bunch of things that I really wanted in the sequel that just weren't added. First and foremost was a 3D engine. I wanted it for a rotating camera that could be used to get a better angle on coasters for ease of building. The interface in the game now is just old and clunky with ease of function thrown aside in favor of ease of production. Adding both a new interface and 3D camera would have made me happy. Not only might the game look a little better, but then you would also be able to ride your exquisitely designed coasters. While the feature didn't work incredibly well in Theme Park, it did actually work fairly well in Disney's Ultimate Ride. Sure, you don't get the complete feeling, but it really is nice to see what your coaster looks like after the fact.

But more importantly than that even would be the inclusion of easier terrain! I hate... yes hate the terrain in RCT. I always have and always will. It's really the one thing that I just could never get past. It's so damn blocky and chunky. Messing with the stuff is a lifelong job if you have the patience for it. Pulling one corner down at a time and having every little adjustment cost money is retarded. Especially since there is no undo feature for fixing mistakes you make in the terrain. It makes me angry. At least including some kind of smoothing feature if not a kind of terrain that allows for smooth hills in the first place.

Which brings me to my next wish that went unfulfilled. Tunneling is a pain in the . Adjusting the terrain to fit the angle your coaster goes into it while having it look anywhere near smooth could be so much easier. The one thing I was really hoping for was automatic tunneling without needing to adjust the terrain. Just draw a damn hole in the ground on top of the square as well as on the side. This is just another argument for more malleable terrain that can adjust itself by smaller increments to deal with curves and helixes and dips and rises... it's just too damn annoying at the moment. Of course, this brings me back to my earlier point of not being able to place coasters in certain terrain because of height adjustments. Throwing a coaster into the terrain and having it dig tunnels and adjust terrain where it needs to would be a nice part of the bargain.

All of this when the build while paused feature was removed. Removed!! Why?! Why would you do that? Trying to build a coaster that works around the terrain is hard enough. Doing it while people are complaining about being hungry, having no bathrooms, the disgusting paths, and whatever else is even more harrying. I figure the reason for this is that the games ended up taking a long time because players would end up pausing too often. My problem was never that, it was that I would get stuck waiting to make enough money to build my next coaster. At points like that, you can't spend money on any of the extras because you need to save it for your big project. What I always wanted was the ability to pause and adjust time as well to speed it up when you just don't have the funds to do anything. I kind of doubt that the whole time thing would really confuse that many people. Everybody that played the Sims understood and that was an even bigger breakthrough into the mass market.

On the looks side, what I really wanted was more colors! The few that are in there are nice colors and all, but come into the realm of new PC technology. Considering GeForce 2's are included with all of the basic PCs nowadays, adding some more colors should be viable while still holding to the bright and colorful style that we all like.

Finally, while it has nothing to do with the game, and has no impact on the final score, I would like to be able to install the game in a directory of my choice. Why not?

Closing Comments

So let the backlash begin. I know it's coming despite the point that I still like Roller Coaster Tycoon regardless of its age and freely say that. Just realize that when you go out and buy this game that you shouldn't expect a new game. You should expect to see a game that looks and plays like it was made 3 1/2 years ago.
For the price of $30, it's not a bad value, especially for those that have never played Roller Coaster Tycoon. Everything from the first game and it's actual expansions is included in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, aside from the scenarios. Those that did buy all the games will still find a load of new content with the new scenery, animations, and new rides.

I was expecting big changes and have to settle for more content. I guess now I can just sit back and hope that Chris Sawyer will allow a bigger development team to work on the next one and bring us the real sequel that Roller Coaster Tycoon really deserved.

-- Dan Adams

Presentation: 7.5
Menus and interface are still bare minimum and lack some functionality that would make all of our lives a little less annoying.

Graphics: 7.0
While the game has charm, it still looks like it's 3 1/2 years old. The color pallete needs expanding as does the general detail if you're going to stay in 2D.

Sound: 8.0
There's more of a music selection and the ambient sounds are still fun to listen to. I can hear those funny little people laughing the same way and talking the same way.

Gameplay: 8.0
Same gameplay with a few adjustments. Same frustrations with construction mixed with the same amount of good natured fun. At least the game interface should have been fixed to facilitate easier use.

Lasting Appeal: 9.0
The addition of the scenario and ride editors, even with their problems, will add tons of hours to an already addictive game.

OVERALL SCORE (not an average): 8.0

The nine new screenshots are in the next post.


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Original Poster

Here are the nine new screenshots for your enjoyment:

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_001.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_002.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_003.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_004.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_005.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_006.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_007.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_008.jpg"></img>

<img src="http://pcmedia.ign.com/pc/image/RCT2_100402_009.jpg"></img>

10 Days until Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is released!


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For those of you how cannot wait, go out to your local TARGET store as soon as you can. Why? Because I have right now, ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D

I'm going to pop it in now and play it for a while. I will let you know how it is and post some screenshots as soon as I get into the game a little.



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Originally posted by tiltawhirl
Alas....there are no target stores in Canada...:cry:

So? How IS IT?!?!?!



I just got it installed and will play it in a minute. The box looks cool though! :lol: (cheesy I know)

Actually I just received word that they are beginning to show up in other stores as well. You will just have to call around and see if anyone has received them. Shipments are already underway, and the Target distribution centers have just been the fastest on their feet! Keep checking, because I am sure you will find it before the 15th!

Its late, so I will post my impressions and some screenshots tomorrow! See you then!


Cool :sohappy:
I have a dilemma...should I spend $30 on the game when we're saving for baby stuff (due in March). Or should I try and convince my wife this will be an educational product?! Option three of course is buy the game, and tell the wife it's still RCT 1, since no one can apparently tell the difference!

For real, I would love a report on music in the new game. I've seen the new music icon, so I suppose there are new features. Is it in mp3? Can you customize or will that require another "cheat"? I have about a gig of WDW theme park music just waiting to blare from those hidden RCT speakers!


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Originally posted by radioandy
Cool :sohappy:
I have a dilemma...should I spend $30 on the game when we're saving for baby stuff (due in March). Or should I try and convince my wife this will be an educational product?! Option three of course is buy the game, and tell the wife it's still RCT 1, since no one can apparently tell the difference!

For real, I would love a report on music in the new game. I've seen the new music icon, so I suppose there are new features. Is it in mp3? Can you customize or will that require another "cheat"? I have about a gig of WDW theme park music just waiting to blare from those hidden RCT speakers!

First, congrats on the baby!:sohappy: A little Mickey or Miney is on the way! The baby is due in March though, so I don't think it would be that much of a problem to splurge $30 on the game. It will give you something to do while you wait for the bottle to warm up!

As for the music, it works the exact same way it did last time. This time, though, they have included a CUSTOM.txt file explaining how to add music, but that they don't support it. You'd think they would have made that a new function, huh?

Here's the CUSTOM.txt file:

Custom ride music
Additional ride music may be added as follows:
1. Convert the new music file into a .WAV file, PCM format, 22,050Hz,
16bit, Stereo.
2. Move the file into the 'Data' subfolder in the RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
installed folder, and rename it to either CUSTOM1.WAV or CUSTOM2.WAV
3. Run the game as normal. The additional music file should be recognized
by the game, and will appear in music selection menus as "Custom Music 1"
or "Custom Music 2".

This feature is unsupported by Infogrames.
It should work, but if you experience problems then you're on your own!

I'll post some pictures when I am through with my classes today.


I think I can justify the $30. Then I can do something besides pace.
Too bad they didn't change the music to mp3. The wav files are just too huge! The instructions you metion are the same as RCT1, but you can actually change ALL of the music for each theme, not just add the two custom files. Hopefully that will be true in the new game too.
Thanks again, and enjoy your game!


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Original Poster

Hello everyone. As I promised, here are a few screenshots from actual gameplay in RCT2. This game is so awesome! I know everyone here will love it! Go out and find it! You have too!:lol:




Keep checking back, for as I play it I will put up some new screenshots from the game and give you my impressions!

EDIT: The screenshots stopped working, so I have put up temporary links until I can find another place to put the screenshots. Angelfire blocks any links from webpages outside of their servers, so you will have to copy the link into your web browser.

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