[*]Was Kelly Rippa phoning it in or what? Her TelePrompTer reading was totally stilted. Kryssa could've done it so much bester. Sigh. TERRBILE
[*]Was it just me or were Kimberly Locke's -- um -- cranberries a little obscene? Cover those babies up with a shaw or something, sister. NOT JUST YOU
[*]Was that WDWMagic's own nicholas playing Snow White's Prince Charming? Uh?
[*]Was anyone else wishing that Raven would've been riding on Expedition Everest and met a similar fate as that camera? Yes but I don't have that kind of luck
[*]...and Star Jones and her ENTIRE FAMILY too? I REALLY don't have this kind of luck
[*]Was that really President Bush or his animatronic counterpart from the Hall of Presidents? Wait, that was President Bush? I thought it was a moron they found wandering the streets of America, due to the fact that their job was outsourced to India because our wonderful President gives companies tax breaks when the do outsource to foreign countries
[*]Did anyone else taste a lil' vomit in the back of their throat when Ryan Seacrest presented the Stitch Santa? Nope.... I liked it actually.. And after all, Santa can only be one place at one time, and he was in Disney World after all....