Question regarding birthdays and a moral dilemna..


Original Poster
My family and I are travelling to Walt Disney World February 26-March 6th for a wedding. Now, I love attention to a fault, and my 18th birthday was the 5th of my question is, could I get a birthday button? My birthday festivities WERE greatly reduced because we're spending so much money on the trip, so I think it would be ok to say that I'm celebrating my bday at the parks...but what do you guys think? Because if everybody here thinks I'd be a horrible person for doing that, then I won't, lol


Go for it. Especially if you have never had the chance on a previous B-day. I have done it a couple of days prior to and after my b-day in the past.

Just dont wear that hat.:lol:


Well-Known Member
as i said before do it.

are you talking about the birthday cake hat coz when i was in the queue for the indy speedway a girl had that hat on and a cute CM said happy birthday to her and she had this big smile plastered across her face.

happy belated bday and have a good trip and come back and tell us if you did it!!!!:)


Well-Known Member
Just say this is your Birthday "Trip" to Disney World.
It won't be a lie.

My wife and I were married in July.
We don't like to go to Florida in July because of the intense heat.
Next year will be our 15th wedding anniversary but we're going in The Spring or in the Fall, when its not so hot.
We are still calling it out 15th anniversary trip.
Is it wrong?
I think not!


Active Member
Do it! A couple of years ago we had to leave the day before my birthday, and i skipped the button because it wasn't "actually" my birthday. Well, I felt horrible, and went back the next year and had a whole birthday week to make up for it.

I enjoyed it so much that I'm now dragging my hubby there for his birthday, even though he's not as much of an attention as I am.

Go for it. It'll be great!! :wave:


Account Suspended
This is an outrage! Where do you think you have the right to get a birthday button just because your birthday is in the same month as when you're going!? Your birthday is at the beginning of the month and you're going at the end of the month! I only get to Disney World once every two years so it's like a present to me. I always go in November or December and my birthday is in April. Should I get a button too? I mean it's only off by 4 months!! Ha. You have to draw the line somewhere. My God. This is unmoral and absolutely stupid. Imagine if everyone tried to do that!!! Then what would be the point!

Nah, I'm just f__________g with yuh. Go for it! Knowing how some people are around here I figured you'd get some crap about it, so I thought I'd mock those people. I was totally kidding though. Have fun and Happy Birthday! :lol:


New Member
Just be careful.... It's a slippery slope. You start by lying about your birthday to get a birthday button. Next thing you know, you are pool hopping while using a re-fillable mug from another resort that you purchased on a previous trip.



New Member
I say do it. We always try to go between our girls birthdays to celebrate both of them (spring break happens to usually fall right in between) and we pick 2 character meals and celebrate both of their birthdays on separate days. They also get buttons on separate days. It's not like we can go twice (it's a 12 hour drive) within a 3 month period and that's what they both ALWAYS want for their birthdays.


Active Member
As long as you don't show up at the wedding with a birthday cake and party hats.........go for it!!!!!:sohappy: :sohappy:

Happy Birthday!!!!


Active Member
FloridaJoshua said:
Just be careful.... It's a slippery slope. You start by lying about your birthday to get a birthday button. Next thing you know, you are pool hopping while using a re-fillable mug from another resort that you purchased on a previous trip.


LOLOLOLOL:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Happy Birthday, whichever day you celebrate it!!!!!


New Member
ArielBelle said:
kwit35...what is that in your picture? whatever it is, looks amazing, i woud love to see the real picture!
It was a spring fesitval at the school where I work. It is a special needs school. I wanted to bring a little Disney to those that can't make it to Disney. We do the same theme two years in a row so we are doing the same thing this year. I built that castle in our gym then we moved it to the front of the building.
In honor of this thread, I should make a couple birthday pins and hand them out to the kids who's birthdays fall around the festival. Thanks for the idea!:sohappy:


Active Member
Holy Cow! I've seen your avatar before but never thought to look for your photo album. What an awesome picture! Very cool!


Active Member
My birthday was Jan 22nd, we went to Disney Jan 27th-Feb 1st. I got a pin and with no shame I wore one every day. I too am a spotlight lover and I absolutely loved having everyone wish me happy birthday. They sang to me at Prime Time and Rose and Crow and I felt a little guilty but it was my birthday trip and I took full advantage. Go for it, have a blast. And Happy Birthday!

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