Is there a "town" near Disney in Buena Vista that houses the Disney employees? They would be small townhouse type houses? The reason I'm asking, is because my neighbor claims she worked for Disney at one time coloring or drawing or something. She says she worked on part of the ball scene in Beauty and the Beast. She seems to like to tell stories and stretch the truth (or some may call it flat out lying). I told her I would love to see some of her drawings, and she says that she can't seem to find them right now. She says that while she was drawing for Disney, she lived in a Disney village in Buena Vista. She said they were very colorful townhouses that were very Disney looking. She said that all the CM's were put up in this village. Is she telling me the truth, or is this another one of her fabricated stories? She's also told me that she know Dale Earnhart Jr. and has gone to Jeff Gordons ranch before. It's funny how she doesn't have any pictures of any of this, just like she can't find the Disney artwork she did.