Question about RNR and Test Track?????


New Member
I have a quick question....Because of neck problems I cannot ride anything that is very jerky or very rough. Alot of rides have the warnings but are not rough at all. My question is How rough is Test Track and RNR. I have rode Space Mountain years ago and do not remember it being that rough...I am going in 9 days and really want to ride these, since it will just be me and my daughter...Any info would be appreciated! :)


Unfortunatly they can both be a little rough. Test Track bounces you around a little bit during the suspension tests and then gets a little more jerky at the Non-ABS test as you dodge around some cones. Also a couple other spots can get a little bumpy too. R&R really depends on were you sit. The launch at the start will definitly punch you into the back of your seat, but the rest of the rides roughness depends on where you sit. I usually sit in the back which can be really jerky sometimes. I hope that helps
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New Member
Neck problems

Test Track won't give you any problems... at the end it accelerates really fast but only for a few seconds! You should avoid the Rock'n Roller Coaster though, because it has lots of fast turns and loops - in other words, it's a great ride, but not for someone with a neck problem. Hope it helps.

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Forget about RNR. It starts off going 0 to 60 in seconds. It is also a looping coaster so I would avoid it with neck problems. I dont think test track is to bad. If you could ride space mountain you should be able to do TT. I would check with your doctor. Chances are he\she has been on these rides and I have no idea how bad your condition is. Anyway have a great trip.
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Active Member
I don't think RnR is that rough. The take off is the best and roughest part, but that's it. If you can get past the take off, you're good to go for the rest of the ride.

I think Test Track is a toss up honestly. It throws me around and I weigh about 220lbs. It's a fun ride but it has it's moments with the jerks... remember, it's a car going through a test!

Whatever you decide, have fun!
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If you could ride Space Mt and not think it was too rough, then you should be good to ride Test Track and RnRc! I think out of the 3, Space Mountain jerks around the most. On RnRc, just keep your head against the headrest, esp for take off if you have neck problems. Test Track can be a little rough, but it's just like driving in a car with some twists and turns. Hopefully you'll be fine & hope I helped! :wave:
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New Member
PLEASE DON'T RIDE THEM. I can't handle hearing any more bad press about accidents in Disney World.

Just kidding. Test Track isn't too bad. RnR might be a little too intense if you have a bad neck. Enjoy your trip!. I've been there twice with just my older son (he's 5) and it is always some of the best father/son time we've ever had.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Wow, opinions really ARE like keisters...everyone has one!

Based on my recollection, I'd say, if you put your head all the way back from the get-go, RNR would be the safer ride. Once liftoff happens, the ride is pretty smooth, lots of curves and lifts, but not the sort of sudden jerks & stops that tends to wrench a neck. Whereas Test Track, by virtue of the fact that it's supposed to feel like you're testing a car's all-around maneuverability (sp?), has sudden stops and twists that could mess up an already-bad back or neck.

Either way, I'd also suggest talking to a doctor first, and keeping at least some OTC Aleve/aspirin/acetamenophin (sp?) handy in case you try them and hurt yourself.
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Permanent Resident of EPCOT
yep, i agree with most above, i think that you will be fine on TT if you brace yourself in acouple of spots, but as for RnRC......... fergettabouther (the southern redneck way to say, "forget about it".) lol
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Active Member
You will be fine on RNR if you go ahead and tilt your head back before the launch, I always sit in the middle too if that helps. Its pretty smooth, its actually smoother in Space Mountain [which coincidentally always makes my neck hurt from slouching down in my seat avoiding overhead rafters...but thats another story.]

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Well-Known Member
I suppose this would be considered a spoiler if you really don't want to know what happens on the ride. You've been warned.

The areas you'll have to watch out for on Test Track in terms of jerkiness...

Suspension tests -- they run you car over blocks that give you kind of a shimmy shimmy effect. (think of the "moral majority" scene in the movie Airplane! :lookaroun )

Anti-Lock Braking -- You'll see what it's like to negotiate a turn both with and without antilock brakes. Meaning, you'll skid around a bit.

Evasive maneuver -- your car will make an evasive maneuver inside the tunnel.

Slow-down brakes -- Your car will have to slow down after the outside portion of the ride, just after the highspeed loop. Sometimes this braking has kind of a heimlich maneuver effect to it.
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New Member
My opinion.... :lookaroun
No ride is worth risking further injury. If your concerned than you probably shouldn't ride either of them. There are plenty of rides at WDW that will be fine for you to ride. I don't know the extent of your neck situation but both rides have a reasonable amount of action that I would suspect would aggrevate your neck. Be safe and not ruin your entire trip... :)
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brich said:
My opinion.... :lookaroun
No ride is worth risking further injury. If your concerned than you probably shouldn't ride either of them. There are plenty of rides at WDW that will be fine for you to ride. I don't know the extent of your neck situation but both rides have a reasonable amount of action that I would suspect would aggrevate your neck. Be safe and not ruin your entire trip... :)

well said :)
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Account Suspended
*sigh* Warnings are there for a reason.

The ride vehicle in either attraction may have to stop suddenly for safety reasons, and due to the speed of the rides, the stop will be less than pleasent. At Test Track you go from 64 to 0 in seconds with smoke coming from the tires if you stop on the outer loop and RnRc can stop you at the top of the launch if need be.

Warnings aren't including just "operational" movements, but also emergency procedures which are considered part of the attraction's standard operation. Rides stop all the time for various reasons.
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New Member
uhhh all i need you to do is sign a waiver stating that if you are hurt/killed i am of no responsibility, and am not liable for lawsuits.

Sign here....
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I would have to agree with whoever thought space mountain was the jerkiest of the 3. RnRC is a very smooth coaster ( again just sit back for the launch) although I am a Coaster Junkie!!! and TT can be a bit rough, my mom said it does bother her a little. Hope all these viewpoints help. And have a GREAT time.
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New Member
Original Poster
:) Thanks everyone! I can ride anything that is not real jerky....You know I guess I wil decide as the time comes...He said stay away from the old type of roller coasters, etc....Thanks again!!
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Active Member
These are just my opinion. I really don't know your situation exactly, but it all really depends on the extensiveness of your injurie(s).

RnR - I think it's a safe bet you could easily enjoy this attraction, as you can brace yourself with your head back in the headrest, and then remain pretty much stationary for the rest of the ride. The speed of the ride almost helps you because it forces your head to remain still and supported.

TT - This is all completely up to your previous experience. There are many rough spots, though none are all that jarring. The main problem here would be that there is no way to brace yourself for any impact, and many of the movements that could cause problems are 'surprises' that can quickly jerk your body, especially if you are trying to take in the full atmosphere of many of the areas. The final speed burst really shouldn't be a problem, but I stress that the small, quick movements can really be bothersome, especially if you are already using your neck to look at your surroundings.
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New Member
My husband, who has back problems, has been on all three rides. He says that Space Mountain is the worst. He thought RnRc was a piece of cake. He always does TT and has no problems there, either.
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