first off....Woody, lemme just say, welcome to the forums...but i HATE your avatar! i can't stand spiders and that avatar of yours just REALLY creeps me out! i bet that's what you were going for wasn't it...i bet you WANTED to creep us all out by your crawling spider :lol: :animwink: i'm just teasin you man...but i seriously hate spiders...and your avatar really does give me the creeps! :lol:
secondly, i've been kind of worrying about the whol bag check thing every since they started it. i've always hated the thoughts of it...mainly because they're going through MY things, and also it puts a bit of a strain on the traditional hopping off the bus and going straight through to the ticket gates. but anyway, last week was the first time i've been to WDW since they started the checks ,and it wasn't too bad. i REALLY loved those guards that just took a little flashlight and looked in my purse, josseled things around a bit and waved me through...but i HATED it when it took one guy stuck his hand in my bag and rummaged through it a guy asked me to take my hat out...which was really no big deal (it was one of those cool new ones they have at China now that can fold up) it was kinda big, so i didn't mind. ALL the guards (from what i can remember) was so nice about it! and the checks never took more than a split second. now, i would have been ED if one of them made me take everything out of my purse...there's really no sense in that kind of crap, especially if there's a line behind you...that's just crazy!!
anyway, so my bout with the guards went ok this time...this coming June may be a different story, but i hope not. the only thing was that it got rather annoying when we went to more than one park during one day. i hated going through those bag checks more than once a day.
and Christina, kudos to you for telling that one guard what you thought!!! i think the SAME thing...i think it's all for show, which most likely it is. and i'm glad someone told them that! :sohappy: