WOW!!! thank You everone for the answers and for all the follows for my NEWS AND RUMORS!! I will try to share good news and rumors with you soon to keep you intransFORMED!! but first I want to talk more aobut SEVEN DWARVES RUNAWAY MOUNTAIN. I see now the OTHER site was wrong and it's not a rethemiamaging of Bit Thunder Railraod but actually a WHOLE NEW MOUNTAIN which is incredbile because Mountains dont just pop up OVER night!!!!! do you know what happened the last time that happened? DINOSAURS, so this is my new rumor for you: My uncle told me that there might be a surprise of DINOSAURS or at least DINOSAUR FOSSILS in the SEVEN DWARVES RUNAway MOUNTAIN!! I know what you are thingking "how cool!!!" I know!! Think about everyone's FAVORITE PART from Big Thunderbolt Railroad (which is DIFFERENT from Seven Dwarves Runaway Mountain!! Not the same!) when the train goes through the pterodactyl skeleton!! I think on SEVEN DWARVES Runaway MOUNTAIN the train is going to go through a different type of skeleton, possibly a plesiosaurus which is why it has water and water falls!!! I know everyone wanted to know why it had water if its not SPLASHING MOUNTAIN so that is why!! I dont know if this is true but I think it is because its what my uncle heard at his design meetings!!
Also I dont think it's true that Bit Thunder Railraod will turn into the ALONE RANGER ride because they are LONG trains so its way more than one people at a time, also remember a year ago when I made the post reporting the TRUE NEWS about removing the peace pipe smoke stacks, in 2014 Disney is sensitive to NATIVE AMERICANS!! Thank you for this RUMUR SSHINDEL but i think someone gave you false infor! Also I have new RUMURS about DISNEY SPRING that I will post soon also about Magic Armbands!! It's like you all have a crystal ball and gypsies!! BECause you could tell!!! But please I have to ask for everyone who comes here TO LEARN please keep this thread ON TOPIC!!!!