Trip Report push pull push pull PUSH wants The redhead

Hi everyone and welcome to a Cheekypoppins/Little Roo TR.You may have read a TR of mine before ,but this one will be much better because my daughter aka Little Roo will be chiming in with her own pics n thoughts of the trip. She will also be referred to as Ry /ry ry/or just roo or Riley basically i call her whatever i feel like at the time okay. In this report there will be servarl people so I'll introduce them as they come into play.although it started n ended pretty rough,I never let it get to me too much and can honestly this is the trip that I had the most fun on,I laughed n cried like crazy but it was all amazing!!!

the plan changed so many times but it Ended up being dec9-12 on a pkg then dec 12-14 a room only at All Star Movies,we had a 4 day hopper and a ticket to MVMCP.
the trip started out in Buffalo NY.( I will be typing my part of the report in black while ry's will be in purple)

Sunday December 8th

today we got up and had a busy day of last minute preparations,laundry,cleaning,packing,and organising.then we drove to the next town over ( 30 minutes) because my mom was watching our dog gypsy while we were away.

Oh and for Anyone who doesn't know the "Kidlets" they are riley 11 and hailey 8

(that pic was taken in our hotel room in Buffalo)

then my mom put the finishing touches on Riley's pillowcase dress for the xmas party and we were on our way to Buffalo.
there was no wait at the border and we were through in no time.
our first order of business was to gas up and then Walden galleria Mall so we could eat n shop for a few things we'd need on the trip.
hubby n ry had stromboli's from sbarro while H n I had a combo of lo Mein,Bourbon Chicken and mixed veggies.i didn't take pics because it's not disney food so it doesn't really matter right?( funny as I write this for the Tr hubby's watching the weather with julie Martin,ofcourse it's not The Dis julie Martin but still funny)
Anyways we hit up Old Navy,Cacique,Target ,Walmart and The Dollar Tree.then we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the airport.Our room was directly across from the one H and i had back in May.For dinner we did a McD's run n brought it back to the room because we had drinks we had purchased at walmart and the girls wanted to get started on their rainbow loom bracelets,is that a thing there? It's a thing here!We got cheap ones from dollar tree because i had just figured out how to do it the day before from looking at one my friends niece had(she made me a cool one for the trip too)YAY mickey colours!! here's a pic of the one she made me with a green n yellow one that ry made me that night

The plan of attack is that our shuttle to the airport will come at 4 am while hubby n H sleep before starting the grueling drive to Florida EEEK they get to drive through winter storm Dion
PLease please Please let them get there in one piece and please don't let my flight be delayed!!
OOpsi pray for pixiedust!


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When we last left off we were leaving Rob to his own devices at Magic kingdom because riley and I had a very important date,okay well I didn't but she did and it brought us here.........

Oh the Beauty is the G-Flo,and yes Riley changed kinda! You see when we planned this trip I told her of all the possibilities of things that one can do in the 3-11 range because with her being 11 I thought she might want to do one of these special activities since this was her last chance to do so.I thought for sure she was going to pick a pirate adventure at one of the resorts since she'd never done it ,but nope she wanted to go back to the Wonderland tea party @ 1900 park fare.Her n Hailey went to this a few yrs back and Hailey was alice n ry was the mad hatter ( i'll post a pic near the end of this update) Anyways she wanted to do that so my mom made her a queen of hearts apron to wear and when my mom was in Disney last she picked up the ears,because we knew wayyyyy before the trip that this is what ry wanted to do. So with that i dropped her off there n decided to explore the g-FLo,the kids go to the party from 2-3 so theres really no point in leaving the resort and I enjoyed the nice break!

I wanted to buy some Gingerbread but the G Flo was hoppin today and there were way too many people around the little shop part so there was no way I was gettin near the line nevermind in it.I don't do well with crowds,so you're prob thinkin what am i I doin in WDW well I swurve through them quickly to get to where I need to. anyways I decided that I could look in all the shops ,so I did that and I took a little friend on an adventure while ry was busy.So now I present you with ......


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The Adventures Of Santa Duffy...........

Duffy explores the Xmas tree

Duffy likes the G-Flo

not only does it have pretty fancy chandelliers but check out this delectable treat!

Duffy tried to bite the gingerbread house( between you and I think he was getting a little hungry) but since that is a BIG no no he had a Time out in the planter.

Duffy was sorry so I invited him to sit with me n we talked about what to do next

Duffy said he wanted to meet a cast member because his good friend rob enjoys talking to The Disney Cast members on his adventures,so how could I not grant him that.Duffy found a really nice cast member n they shared a snuggle!

it was a good snuggle but not as good as the ones his BFF Riley gives this made duffy miss his riley roo ,and with that it was time for 1 more pic before we could go get her

Here's duffy waiting patiently for Riley

The doors opened and who did we see?

it was our riley!!!! HOORAY!!!!!!!



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A little snippet about The tea Party,it's at The grand floridian In 1900 park fare,you drop off your child and they give u a pager(for incase something goes wrong)and the child is there for an hour while you roam free ,Parents are not allowed to attend,they decorate a cupcake,and create a special surprise for a loved one ( a tea pot picture frame) then they get to meet Alice and The Mad Hatter and a photopass photographer is present the entire time,and your child comes out with a little bunch of flowers for you!I think it was around 50$ Anyways now I'll post The Photopass pics.......













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I can't seem to find my old photopass pics but heres a pic I took in the G-Flo to show you all how cute my babies looked the last time that they attended the tea party

oh and you can see Hailey's Santa Duffy from back then and how different it is ( I like the one Rob got for Ry better)

i can't remember if we took a boat back to Mk or the monorail but once we got back into the Partk we went to meet talking Mickey only he wasn't talking he was saving his voice for the parade

he made a big fuss over Duffy



and also over Riley's pillow case top( she had shorts under but ya couldn't tell) he made hand gestures like he was sewing to ask if I had made it but I told him no it was grandma n he gave a thumbs up.


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Okay so on that morning I had gotten a text that hubby n Hailey were ahead of schedule because they had left home sooner due to the winter storms and the fact that hubby didn't wanna drive through that.So I thought it would be okay because thats what I was told the day before when I checked in and explained the situation I also called the Disney line n explained n both cm's on the phone and at check in told me there would be no problem n that hubby would get a grey magic band to access my room ,well apparently when he did arrive they had no idea n both notes that were supposed to be in the computer weren't there n he ended up having to pay for a second room,this made my blood boil.I won't get into all the details but I guarantee you my experience there was not a good one.There were so many things that went wrong at the hotel on this trip that it made my mind up that I will not stay at The all stars again in the future or at least not for a very long time,because the last 3 times i've stayed at any of the All stars it has been a huge head ache!The magic bands were so messed up that we had 3 different sets for everyone and i didn't know which was which half the time,the cm's weren't much help on that and it messed up most of my fastpass plus so I just decided that I would share a small bit of info on that but I wasn't going to tell all the details of our mishaps with the resort because when I wasn't dealing with the resort I had the best trip,so now lets get back to that......

sooooooo with that being said I went on with my day waiting for hubby n Hail to send a text that they'd arrived eventhough they knew we wouldn't be seeing each other that night because Ry n i would get in too late to our room since we were going to do the xmas party this night.

after meeting Mickey we went to our rob spot to send him a text n say we were back in the Kingdom,then I decided that I needed a citurs swirl in a bad way,which worked out perfect because Rob wasn't too far away so he met us at sunshine tree terrace!

omg that was just as yummy as ever! Since ry had never experienced the Country bear jamboree that was what we decided to do next.

while i took pics ry made herself n rob each a pressed penny

then we had to go into the show n we laughed so much n clapped along it was a great time and I loved seeing rob turn into a little kid in there it was such a magical moment that I will always remember.that's the thing about disney theres nowhere that makes me feel the things I do there,and it's not even just for myself but seeing others experience that same magic just brings so much joy to my soul.
of course i had to get a pic of "The man lady bears" for miss Hailey

and one of Big al to remember the smile he brought to Rob's face



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then we were walking along n singing to the tunes n I snapped this next shot

and here I thought I was the only one who would sing n dance through the streets like this I LOVE IT!!!

we walked through the Tangled bathroom area n looked for pascals,and I was surprised that rob was really good at it,I found it to be a bit tricky.

i love this area but I wonder how many people walk in there not knowing that it's a washroom lol.

then I felt bad for Ry because she wanted to go on small world but it wouldn't re-open until the day we would be leaving

and I took a pic of pinnochio's to remember that we had gone there the night before



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soon it was time for our fastpass plus at ETWB

Now I know people in disney are supposed to be upbeat and peppy but this Cm was over doing it and had a voice that just irritated me,I'm sorry but I couldn't wait for this part to be over

Ry was too shy to take part

uh oh Belle looks like I ticked her off LOL I promise you i didn't



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eventhough riley wasmn't part of the show a nice Cm offered her to have her pic with Belle n I think she was thankful for that



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Love this TR!! Awesome pictures!! Love the dresses of your little girl! Doesn't look that crowded am I right? We can only wish we have the same crowd on our October trip!!


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I never realized you posted this on here!!!!

to know I love your dress ;) You look very cute in it! It suits you perfectly!!!!! :)

Glad you guys are having such a great time! I heard about the comforters not being in the rooms anymore :( I loved the detail on those things! I wonder why they are taking them off? :(

So what was the verdict on the Tonga Toast? Did you like it???? :)

And that's awesome that you met some dis friends! I mean you still have some awesome friends on here that you've met too ;) hehe.

How did you guys find the pascals? I remember looking for them in September and May and couldn't find any!!! Maybe I need to look harder next time!!!!

And yay for staying in the MK until after 1 am!!!! :D



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Love this TR!! Awesome pictures!! Love the dresses of your little girl! Doesn't look that crowded am I right? We can only wish we have the same crowd on our October trip!!
Thankyou :) The crowds were low compared to any of my other visits for sure,I hope it's like that when I go back too! I'm going in September though .


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I never realized you posted this on here!!!!

to know I love your dress ;) You look very cute in it! It suits you perfectly!!!!! :)

Glad you guys are having such a great time! I heard about the comforters not being in the rooms anymore :( I loved the detail on those things! I wonder why they are taking them off? :(

So what was the verdict on the Tonga Toast? Did you like it???? :)

And that's awesome that you met some dis friends! I mean you still have some awesome friends on here that you've met too ;) hehe.

How did you guys find the pascals? I remember looking for them in September and May and couldn't find any!!! Maybe I need to look harder next time!!!!

And yay for staying in the MK until after 1 am!!!! :D

I am getting around to it slowly.
this was an amazing trip ,but you'll see that as it goes on.
Yeah for sure you n momma bear n @derelicte19 are of course my faves!!!
one pascal is super easy to find the other 3 or 4 we found were not as easy.
Yeah I loved being there so late it was fun.


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Back to Disney shall we? we had just finished up at ETWB and it was close to Party time but not the party you're thinking of or at least not yet anyways we had some other celebrating to do First!

I so badly hoped we'd get to be in the munk section but sadly we were not at least i snapped a quick pic as they went by their biggest fan!As much as it's not a good quality pic I do love it!

and who doesn't love baloo?

I kept trying to get pics of Genie but he was moving so much that none turned out,I wanted something to remember this little parade( I call it a parade) because he gave riley so much attention ,it was honestly one of the best character interactions we'd had in a long time! He really made her feel the love and disney magic.WE've had experiences like this before but more when she was smaller,so it was nice for her to have that now too,sort of a way of knowing that shes never too old for Disney magic!


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okay so I'm pretty cloudy on when the second half of my tr title happened but I believe we had a potty break after Move it shake it n then we were walking and saw Push up ahead,I wanted Ry to see him since her last time seeing him she was not quite 3 but I didn't want to be in the way of the kids he was talking to so we kept close but kind of on the outskirts,then somehow he ended up behind me and at first I didn't even realise he was talking to me until he said something about my hair here's how it went.....
Push- ohhh ahhh you look kinda like a princess I know,she lives under the sea.Wait are you Ariels cousin?

me: giggling

Push then said something that i didn't catch but it was followed by him singing AHHHH AH AH AH AHHHHH AHHH AH AH and saying he was just gonna follow me back to my hotel room!

oh my gosh I gotta say looking back as sad as I am that he's retired I am so happy that was my last memory of him,it was cute even for a trashcan!

then we were in search of something cold to drink and went to knock a Disney"snack" off my list
Rob introduced us to Lefou's brew

I didn't think I would like it since I'm not a huge fan of apple juice,well I like it but i'm very particular with my brands on this,HOWEVER I loved it I thought it was going to be gross and it turns out the only part I didn't like was the foam and Riley agreed!We split it and thank god for that because I don't think I could've finished it alone well maybe it was pretty yummy!

then of course we had to get pics in Gastons Chair

and Duffy wanted a sip



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well after the show we turned to the curb for a spot to see the parade

I was taking pics before anything was toio close into view because i was feeling curiouser and curiouser

OOPSI are u paying attention? look who we saw!!!!!!

I'm only going to post the best of my pics because there are some that are so blurry u can't even guess what they are supposed to be

we had a great time watching the parade but we needed to take advantage of the freebies that come with the party so we went n grabbed a hot chocolate ( I didn't care for the cookies)

and of course we shared with our new little friend

throughout the night we chatted with a few cm's but when we sat in Columbia harbour House there was one cm that we couldn't get to hush up ,now normally i'd feel bad saying that but we had paid extra $ to enjoy the xmas party and we did I just wish we coulda kept this particular chat to a minimum( he told us pretty much everything we already had heard before about the utilidors)

I was on the hunt for some LE pins but 1 minute after the party started that night they had sold out.Which brings me to a little story about our dear friend Rob n why I will forever tease him about jelly beans lol so we were sittin n having a hot chocolate while waiting in line for the said LE pins only to find we'd waited for nothing ,but ohwell such is life! Rob went n got us some goodies n we were comparing the xmas n halloween parties when we talked about how they give out raisins n he made a comment saying it would be like the equivalent to paying extra for a party to be given jelly beans,omg I about died laughing because earlier that day I gave him not 1 but 2 bags of jelly belly jelly beans omg i had to harrass him for that one.What makes it even funnier now is the fact that another friend also gave him jelly belly jelly beans Bahahaha.


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Hey everybody look who is alive lol!!! Okay so It's been a very busy time okay so i think after our hot chocolate n super long chat with the cm in Columbia Harbour House we may have done a few rides in the area and met some characters before ending the night,so here's where I'll post the photopass pics from the Christmas party before moving on to day 3.



this one makes me giggle! I love that Rob got sucked in to carrying around Rileys duffy lol


and that him n Genie had a conversation about it or that's what Rob thought,but genie was actually trying to tell him that they both had scarves on.Rob didn't know because his was on his shirt hahaha it was cute!



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so once we headed out of the park and said what we thought was our goodbyes at the time ( hint hint More Rob later) We went back to the resort and Big daddy and hailey were sound asleep in their room so we didn't wake them and went to sleep in our room,the next night we'd stay together besides we were getting up early the next day for Animal Kingdom.

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