Hi everyone and welcome to a Cheekypoppins/Little Roo TR.You may have read a TR of mine before ,but this one will be much better because my daughter aka Little Roo will be chiming in with her own pics n thoughts of the trip. She will also be referred to as Ry /ry ry/or just roo or Riley basically i call her whatever i feel like at the time okay. In this report there will be servarl people so I'll introduce them as they come into play.although it started n ended pretty rough,I never let it get to me too much and can honestly this is the trip that I had the most fun on,I laughed n cried like crazy but it was all amazing!!!
the plan changed so many times but it Ended up being dec9-12 on a pkg then dec 12-14 a room only at All Star Movies,we had a 4 day hopper and a ticket to MVMCP.
the trip started out in Buffalo NY.( I will be typing my part of the report in black while ry's will be in purple)
Sunday December 8th
today we got up and had a busy day of last minute preparations,laundry,cleaning,packing,and organising.then we drove to the next town over ( 30 minutes) because my mom was watching our dog gypsy while we were away.

Oh and for Anyone who doesn't know the "Kidlets" they are riley 11 and hailey 8

(that pic was taken in our hotel room in Buffalo)
then my mom put the finishing touches on Riley's pillowcase dress for the xmas party and we were on our way to Buffalo.
there was no wait at the border and we were through in no time.
our first order of business was to gas up and then Walden galleria Mall so we could eat n shop for a few things we'd need on the trip.
hubby n ry had stromboli's from sbarro while H n I had a combo of lo Mein,Bourbon Chicken and mixed veggies.i didn't take pics because it's not disney food so it doesn't really matter right?( funny as I write this for the Tr hubby's watching the weather with julie Martin,ofcourse it's not The Dis julie Martin but still funny)
Anyways we hit up Old Navy,Cacique,Target ,Walmart and The Dollar Tree.then we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the airport.Our room was directly across from the one H and i had back in May.For dinner we did a McD's run n brought it back to the room because we had drinks we had purchased at walmart and the girls wanted to get started on their rainbow loom bracelets,is that a thing there? It's a thing here!We got cheap ones from dollar tree because i had just figured out how to do it the day before from looking at one my friends niece had(she made me a cool one for the trip too)YAY mickey colours!! here's a pic of the one she made me with a green n yellow one that ry made me that night

The plan of attack is that our shuttle to the airport will come at 4 am while hubby n H sleep before starting the grueling drive to Florida EEEK they get to drive through winter storm Dion
PLease please Please let them get there in one piece and please don't let my flight be delayed!!
OOpsi pray for pixiedust!
the plan changed so many times but it Ended up being dec9-12 on a pkg then dec 12-14 a room only at All Star Movies,we had a 4 day hopper and a ticket to MVMCP.
the trip started out in Buffalo NY.( I will be typing my part of the report in black while ry's will be in purple)
Sunday December 8th
today we got up and had a busy day of last minute preparations,laundry,cleaning,packing,and organising.then we drove to the next town over ( 30 minutes) because my mom was watching our dog gypsy while we were away.

Oh and for Anyone who doesn't know the "Kidlets" they are riley 11 and hailey 8

(that pic was taken in our hotel room in Buffalo)
then my mom put the finishing touches on Riley's pillowcase dress for the xmas party and we were on our way to Buffalo.
there was no wait at the border and we were through in no time.
our first order of business was to gas up and then Walden galleria Mall so we could eat n shop for a few things we'd need on the trip.
hubby n ry had stromboli's from sbarro while H n I had a combo of lo Mein,Bourbon Chicken and mixed veggies.i didn't take pics because it's not disney food so it doesn't really matter right?( funny as I write this for the Tr hubby's watching the weather with julie Martin,ofcourse it's not The Dis julie Martin but still funny)
Anyways we hit up Old Navy,Cacique,Target ,Walmart and The Dollar Tree.then we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the airport.Our room was directly across from the one H and i had back in May.For dinner we did a McD's run n brought it back to the room because we had drinks we had purchased at walmart and the girls wanted to get started on their rainbow loom bracelets,is that a thing there? It's a thing here!We got cheap ones from dollar tree because i had just figured out how to do it the day before from looking at one my friends niece had(she made me a cool one for the trip too)YAY mickey colours!! here's a pic of the one she made me with a green n yellow one that ry made me that night

The plan of attack is that our shuttle to the airport will come at 4 am while hubby n H sleep before starting the grueling drive to Florida EEEK they get to drive through winter storm Dion

OOpsi pray for pixiedust!