Trip Report push pull push pull PUSH wants The redhead

Hi everyone and welcome to a Cheekypoppins/Little Roo TR.You may have read a TR of mine before ,but this one will be much better because my daughter aka Little Roo will be chiming in with her own pics n thoughts of the trip. She will also be referred to as Ry /ry ry/or just roo or Riley basically i call her whatever i feel like at the time okay. In this report there will be servarl people so I'll introduce them as they come into play.although it started n ended pretty rough,I never let it get to me too much and can honestly this is the trip that I had the most fun on,I laughed n cried like crazy but it was all amazing!!!

the plan changed so many times but it Ended up being dec9-12 on a pkg then dec 12-14 a room only at All Star Movies,we had a 4 day hopper and a ticket to MVMCP.
the trip started out in Buffalo NY.( I will be typing my part of the report in black while ry's will be in purple)

Sunday December 8th

today we got up and had a busy day of last minute preparations,laundry,cleaning,packing,and organising.then we drove to the next town over ( 30 minutes) because my mom was watching our dog gypsy while we were away.

Oh and for Anyone who doesn't know the "Kidlets" they are riley 11 and hailey 8

(that pic was taken in our hotel room in Buffalo)

then my mom put the finishing touches on Riley's pillowcase dress for the xmas party and we were on our way to Buffalo.
there was no wait at the border and we were through in no time.
our first order of business was to gas up and then Walden galleria Mall so we could eat n shop for a few things we'd need on the trip.
hubby n ry had stromboli's from sbarro while H n I had a combo of lo Mein,Bourbon Chicken and mixed veggies.i didn't take pics because it's not disney food so it doesn't really matter right?( funny as I write this for the Tr hubby's watching the weather with julie Martin,ofcourse it's not The Dis julie Martin but still funny)
Anyways we hit up Old Navy,Cacique,Target ,Walmart and The Dollar Tree.then we went to check in at The Quality Inn across from the airport.Our room was directly across from the one H and i had back in May.For dinner we did a McD's run n brought it back to the room because we had drinks we had purchased at walmart and the girls wanted to get started on their rainbow loom bracelets,is that a thing there? It's a thing here!We got cheap ones from dollar tree because i had just figured out how to do it the day before from looking at one my friends niece had(she made me a cool one for the trip too)YAY mickey colours!! here's a pic of the one she made me with a green n yellow one that ry made me that night

The plan of attack is that our shuttle to the airport will come at 4 am while hubby n H sleep before starting the grueling drive to Florida EEEK they get to drive through winter storm Dion
PLease please Please let them get there in one piece and please don't let my flight be delayed!!
OOpsi pray for pixiedust!


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I can't help myself i love this sorcerer mickey

then we went for a swim and i had to put the camera down

so we swam after our mini photo shoot and then the night was still young and we had bigger plans!!

here we are before venturing out for the night



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As Riley stated we were refreshed and ready to head back to MK for EMH,it would be open until 1 am the latest I had ever been!!! Anyway wqhile we waited Ry found herself a seat

A bus came shortly after and I was too excited,I couldn't wait to meet a fellow diser ,although it was supposed to happen the next day I couldn't help but text him now to see if he was in MK and he was.ABCDEFG!!!!!!We got there in no time rushed through bag check and I got a text that Rob was in the middle of the mobv that was Main Street USA.It only took one glimpse of his shirt for me to find him we watched Celebrate The Magic and Wishes together and it was AMAZING!!! I couldn't believe it ,I knew this was going to be one of my fave trips ever!I had waited for this dis meet long enough and the fact that it was finally happening was wicked.I didn't take pics because I wanted to just be in the moment with RY since we had only ever seen celebrate the magic via youtube!

***side note: I'm a youtube junkie let me know if u wanna check out my channel***

We saw Celebrate The Magic and wishes after that we were all hungry so we headed down to Pinnochio's Village.We had pop and chicken nuggets.

I fell in love with that spinning duck clock,why hadn't I noticed it before?

oh god I hated the way I looked after my swim,but i'll post the pic anyway EVERYBODY SAY HI ROB!!!

we sat n talked n ate n talked some more,I was craving fries n ketchup so I was happy to fill the void ,I wanted to go to P{innochio's because I had hoped to go sign the wishbook together but the upstairs was closed off.

Rob we are so glad to have met you ,and hope to be friends for life and honestly ladies he's a catch you better snag him up before he gets snagged by Stacey!



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we decided from here that our next plan was Haunted Mansion,but I got a little distracted and Luckily Rob was a true gent n allowed me to watch remained of this beauty!

Thankyou Rob for being so understanding of my Disney ADHD!!


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When we got to HM we had to play through the line of course,I can be pretty shy when I first someone but I wasn't at all because Rob was just as much of a 5 yr old as me ,the funny thing is that before we met we talked about Ry would most likely be the most mature one in the bunch and I think was true!

Then i snapped a pic of rob and caught him zoned out,it's perfectly creepy for our surroundings lol

we had a ton of fun or at least I did!
Jingle cruise was next on the list and It would be my first night time experience with that and first time with the christmas decor although I had hoped there'd be some christmasy jokes I don't recall any.

along the way we got a pic of Ry with her fave guy



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i did take pics on the cruise but none turned out at all and I was sad that I didbn't get to see THe Congo Connie afterall she is the name sake of my DisBFF,we had a pretty decent skipper.
Something was missing though I needed my Jack fix so POtc it was.
Obviously it didn't disappoint because let's face it it never does!Rob & ry didn't remember getting so wet or going so fast on the slope part but I was loving life n living the dream I was really in the moment there,and I learned something new Rob informed about the ghost story of george if you haven't heard google it! Then the dump shop happened and with that came my fave pic of the trip

we played with a bunch of toys in there and found this cool gun that makes a shull on ur targets forehead it was so neat!From time to time rob snuck away to take breaks and i was thankful that he was respectful when doing so ( unlike my May guests)I appreciated that so much.THen OH MY!!!!! I spotted something a pic of my Disneylove Captain Jack Sparrow himself and I couldn't help but get excited I may or may not have pretended to lick it which caused Rob to shake his head and laugh ,it got a little hysterical but only for a brief moment LOL.


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Okay so my notes for the next little while might be jumbled because my pictures are so forgive me if things seem out of place but i found some pics that weren't in the right order ( i think because they're from rob's camera) so they don't mesh with the order of mine so i'll post those now n then go on to writing

from the Jingle Cruise



By this point I needed something cold,I was hoping to get a frozen coke or coke slushie whatever ya call it .I wasn't sure where in Mk to find that though and at this point I don't know what happened when I was too much in the moment I guess to pay attention really.I know we searxhed in adventureland and tomorrowland and that at some point the sunshine tree Terrace closed so citrus swirl was not an option and we ended up with a dolewhip but how that happened is a blur so here look at some pics LOL

thats orange pineapple swirl

random castle shot

oh and when I was planning the trip one of the things Ry really wanted to do was ride The Indy speedway,I think she likes it because she can drive,and likes to brag how she's better at it than me ,but this time she wasn't

anyways that's what we did next.



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I think we rpode PPF next then set of in search of "Hunny"

Obviously we wouldn't be us if we didn't play through the line like the 5 yr olds we really are right? So that's what we did

I was getting so frustrated because everytime rob n ry would swipe the honey wall they'd find characters but I never did .how sad is that eh? WAHHHHH!


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Soon it was time to go into the 100 acre woods.

My fave part of the ride is in the room with the heffalumps and woozles because I know pretty much every word to the song and you can bet I sang was on one of my VHS tapes of A disney sing along from when I was a kid,which I watched ALL THE TIME!!! I mean seriously I was a smart kid lol.

That was our last ride of the night and we were sure to take our time making our way out of the park



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i tried so hard to get a pic of this clock on the way out to document the latest I've ever stayed in a Park but I had no luck,I think Rob got a good shot of it somewhere so rob if you're reading this n have that pic could you please post it here in the comments thanks :D

I had to get window pics too because the displays were just to cute not to

and the christmas display

and this because who knows if I will see the jingle cruise again or if this was a one time deal.



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and my last shot of the night

I was sad to put an end to this night ,it was one of the most magical disney days and yet It was bittersweet because as sad I was for the day to be ending I was so tired from being up since 3 am.I needed my rest and it took everything in me not to fall asleep while waiting for the bus back to the resort.


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OKay here is his reply from the other site on which my Trip report is posted ,where you can actually see the clock..........

Ahh I love that pic on the Jingle Cruise (and yet another pic on my desk at work).

Additional info... you found a coke slushie in Tomorrowland but the machine was down.

Haha, I am an expert hunny swiper.

Also if I recall correctly (and I think I do), we were the very last to ride Pooh that night. Of course we almost missed out from playing in the queue so long, lol.

... As requested...


What a wonderful evening it was. My very first EMH evening and it was every bit the Magic it advertises thanks to you and Ry.



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Omg my mind has been pre occupied and I appologize but I forgot to explain something lol so the first night when we were leaving the Winnie the pooh ride I couldn't open the little gate n so i was pushing n pulling n I said "push pull push pull" as I was doing it which of course caused Rob n Riley to shake their heads n giggle at my expense so that explains the first part of thr tr title because after that everytime we approached any kind of door I let someone else open it .

oh and that night when we returned to our room Thumper was there waiting for us

DAY 2 MICKEY"S VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS PARTY!!!!! and all the fun stuff leading up to it![/

So it was december 10th ,you know the day i was supposed to meet Rob lol,but since i already did that I decided to get ready n dressed n get his stuff together,you see before the trip i knew it was his bday n I had bought some little gifts to bring him because even if u choose to celebrate alone u should still get a surprise right? WEll of course!!! So Ry n I got ready n had the ladies in the gift shop wrap his things into a box n off we went.WE took a bus to Mk and then the monorail

We had a sreious mission to complete n if you know me you know that i keep a list of Disney foods n write in the trip on which i tried said foods,so today was the day that Kona was waiting for us

the mission? TONGA TOAST BAYBEE!!!!!

I might have gotten carried away with the strawberry sauce but what can I say I like my strawberries ! We filled our bellies and the 2 of us together were no match,as delicious as it was we managed to over stuff ourselves on it n didn't finish ,but you can bet that i shovelled as much of that yumminess in as I possibly could,we settled our bill n set off for our next adventure of the day


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in planning i wasn't sure if we'd have time to hit a park between our appointments but i was clearly not thinking straight,because a disney addict like myself MAKES time right? so we went to MK

oh boy LOOK AT THAT!!! Well I couldn't watch the best disney snack to ever exist be made n not have a few nibbles so Ry n I got one n split it.

(oopsi is your mouth watering? mine is n just think one day we will go get one TOGETHER!!!!)

had to get a pic of those cupcakes to remind myself that I wanted to try that too later on!


and then we sat in the very place we had the previous night to text our dear friend rob,so without his knowledge this became our special rob spot !



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i hadn't seen the storybook circus section because back in May H threw a fit n we ended up leaving the park n riding the monorail until she cooled down,which ended up with us going somewhere else all together .I got a little snap happy

okay so photobuckets only lettimng me be in one account at a time which means I will now wait until the end of the update to post any photopass pics ,we had to go see ry's fave character

we saw the others aswell but they had PP photographers so again those will be at the end of this update.

Rob text to say he was near n we went to meet him so,shortest update ever lol I present photopass pics.........




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It was time to meet Rob and he had a little surprise in store for his fave Disney princess A santa Duffy,which she loved and still does!!!



Then I took pics of him opening his stuff from us

I had got him some Xmas candy and mickey n minnie Jelly Belly's ( never buy this man Jelly Beans ) I'll explain that when we get to it ! and I gave him the tink pin that i talked about in my PTR ,it was from the yr of a million dreams.

oh and speaking of gifts look what my mom had sent to our room.....

that was sent with a gift card for ry ,hail n me!


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WE walked out of story book circus n heard "Hey come on get loud we're pumpin up the party now" n had to go snag a spot to watch n of course we spotted the famous Barbara breakin it down,this woman has the best job ever!!!

OMg i need rob to make me a barbara t shirt!!!!

Genie was being a massive flirt with Ry signing for her to call him n blowing kisses n stuff it was cute!

I wanted to dance but ry wasn't feelin it until it was over lol crazy kid!

the sheriff was in town

I had a great time even if it meant not being in my munks section but now i know where they stop n i will try my best the next time!

then we went to ride Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger spin

n rob got special duties

while Riley was happy to be taken hostage by the evil emperor Zurg

when we left the line Rob realised he had forgotten about the famous red card so that was an epic fail,ohwell oops!

after this we parted with rob because we didn't want to be late for a very important date!

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