Proposed to or Honeymooned at WDW


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Who has been proposed to or spent they're honeymoon at disneyworld, and what made it SO SPECIAL.

I had planned to propose to my wife in front of cinderella's castle on our first trip down, but flying from canada into the U.S I knew I would have to go through customs and I couldn't take the chance of them making pull anything out of my pockets (ring). I was so nervous I proposed on the plane over new york city. The flight crew couldn't believe all the women on the plane made their way up to see the ring. One of our flight crew had called our resort and told them what had happened. (all star music). When we arrived at check in they greeted us with a plush mickey and minnie.


New Member
We're spending our honeymoon in WDW and we went to Disneyland right after we got engaged to celebrate. I don't think there is a more romantic place than WDW in the whole world. The parks are absolutely beautiful. There's nothing better than romantic strolls through Adventureland at night or to stop for a kiss in front of the Castle, holding hands on all the rides or just cuddling and watching the fireworks. We're having a Cinderella themed wedding (yeah I'm Disney obsessed) so I think it will be special to be going to Cinderella's castle for our honeymoon and live happily ever after. :lol:
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New Member
Honeymooned there in 03. It was awesome! We had everything planned out. What and where we would be and at what time. Dining reservations, etc. Just being able to do everything together with the atmosphere made it all worth while. Treat yourselves and eat the CA Grill, or one of the other signature restaurants. Add that bottle of wine, well worth it!!
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Got engaged on Jan 1st, 2003 at the Chef Mickey's character breakfast. The CM's did a wonderful job helping out my fiancee to pull off the whole deal. Now we are taking a second honeymoon to Disney in June about a month after a Hawaii trip!
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Well-Known Member
I proposed to my wife in May 2003 during Four for a Dollar's preshow before Beauty and the Beast. This is her favorite show at WDW, and we had become fans of Four for a Dollar (Return 2 Zero) as well. I contacted the group, and they made it very easy to set the whole thing up. I fabricated a story about why they had provided us special seats in the front row, and after they were done singing they called us both up for what she thought was to congratulate her on graduating college. They handed me the mic and a few seconds later we were engaged and they sung "When You Wish Upon a Star". It still amazes me that I was able to pull it off with hundreds of eyes staring at us. We became instant celebrities at the park for the remainder of the day.

We also honeymooned at WDW last year at WL. Now we're planning a trip to celebrate our first anniversary at AKL. Proposing at WDW definitely helped make my wife as crazy as I am about Disney!

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J Sulley

New Member
I proposed in front of Cinderella's castle when my girlfriend and I made our first trip to Disney World together. It was the first day of the trip and the Magic Kingdom had the extra hour of magic opening in the morning.

We walked straight down Main Street toward the castle, her eyes glowing with excitement. Her last and only trip had been in 86' (this was in 2003, by the way) and I have been every year since 1997!

Anyways, I told her he HAD to do the traditional picture with the statue, then pass behind it for the pic in front of the castle. When we got directly in front of the Castle, I had asked a family (dad, mom, and young daughter) to take our pic (wink, wink). I asked my girlfriend to go up and "save our" spot while I explained (not hard) the camera. I quickly told them that I was about to propose and the women looked like she was going to cry. They were clearly excited and happy. I...I was nervous and excited and get the picture.

So I walked up and just as we were posing for the pic, I turned toward her and hit he knee. Of course I said a few things that I can't remember, but I do recall that it was just us seemed like we were the only two in the world. After the tears of joy and the answer to the big question (yes, thank-you) we turned around to about 40-50 people appaulding, smiling even a couple of still and video cameras going.

We have the picture in the "castle frame", which is perfect given the backdrop of the real pic. And now my "princess" will always have her castle and know the EXACT spot that I proposed and we have returned to that spot and shared a special moment every return trip!!!

It was December 29th, 2003. If you were there, I would love to here if you remember...Thanks!!!
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New Member
What a great topic! Our honeymoon was in 1994, it was my first trip and I'm not sure if it was Disney magic or honeymoon magic that made it so spectacular-- but it was the trip of a lifetime. I cried when left. We were your typical newlyweds..... broke, so I felt like we'd never go back. On Valentine's Day 1997, my husband surprised my with a second honeymoon trip that August. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to go back for the second trip of a lifetime! Our daughter was born in 1999-- and we have been back every year since. People always ask-- why do you go every year, how boring. I just think that some people can't feel the magic. I was just at Disneyland today, it is so not the feeling I get @ DW. 51 days until I have yet another vacation of a lifetime!
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I proposed to my soon-to-be wife over at the Grand Floridian on December 26th.

My family was down at the parks for the holidays from Atlanta and she came down for the day to visit my family (We live about 100 miles from WDW). We spent the day at SeaWorld then went back to our rooms at Coronado Springs. I had her thinking the entire family was going to eat at Narcoosee's for dinner.

I told her we had to get there first becasue of our priority seating arrangements and she bought it. My father called while we were on our way over to the Grand Floridian and said he and my mom were tired, and my sister, niece, and brother in law were going to MK to eat.

So it was just us! I called in advance to let the people at Narcoosee's know of my plans and they sat us at a window table.

We ate (great steak) then the fireworks hit. Right after the fireworks, I told her I was going to give her a present. Last year, I bought her a charm bracelet. So I had a hart shaped charm made with, "Will you marry me?" inscribed on it.

When she was reading the charm, I got down on my knee and pulled out the ring. After she stopped crying, she said yes.

The entire restaurant cheered for us and the manager brought us two glasses of champaigne.

It was awesome! She would have killed me if proposed inside the park, she doesn't share the love of the parks with me, so this was the next best way to do it, and with a surprise!

Now, when I want to go to the park, I can play the, "Lets go back to where I proposed," card.
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Well-Known Member
I've read countless stories of proposals and no guys ever seem to remember what they say when they hit their knee. :p

I'd get engaged @ WDW if my GF was more of a nut like me, but there's been talk of a WDW/DCL honeymoon :sohappy:
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I proposed in June 2003, but it went NO way near what I had planned. I orginally had rented a boat on the lagoon to watch the fireworks and was going to propose there. However, that little non-refundable weather stipulation they put about the waether is very true. When we arrived there it was pouring rain, so I had no clue what I was going to do...the ring was burning a hole in my pocket. We were staying at the Swan. So we're darting from store to store on the boardwalk to keep from getting soaked...when we both just ran full throtle into the rain, and somehow managed to end up at the Gazeebo in the garden of the Yacht Club. Ironically, it had a cupid on top of it and was all lit up in lights. We both were sitting down when I handed her a gift. I'm sure she thought it was the ring, but it was actually a precious moment of a little boy proposing to a little girl. While she was looking down at it, I pulled out the ring and was able to mumble the words, "Will you marry me?" For the longest time she thought I had planned just happened that the Disney Magic was in full stride that day!

We're going back for the first time since our engagement this July, and "our gazeebo" will definitely be one of the stops :)
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Active Member
What a great topic! I'm all misty reading the wedding proposals. My sister and her husband did not get engaged at Disney but it was Disney-themed. My sister loves the Beast and was working at the Disney store in Niles, Illinois at the time. They had a beautiful statue of the Beast and the rose under glass that she loved and always talked about. Her husband went to the store, talked to her manager to find the right statue and bought it. When they went away for a weekend for her birthday he gave her the statue all wrapped up. When she took a closer look, hung on the rose was the ring. She saw it, got teary eyed he dropped to a knee, etc. They're now married 9 years now.

We've seen a few WDW proposals over the years. My fav was in the Castle during dinner.

My DH and I spent 7 wonderful days in Jamaica and 3 at WDW in September / October of 1984 for our honeymoon. One day at MK, one at EPCOT Center (as it was still called then) and one day at the Disney Village Marketplace.
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hooneymooned in march of 1999 at wilderness lodge. ahh those were the days of being alone on a vacation with my wife. infact it was the only time. by our first anniversary we had a 1 month old girl.
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New Member
My wife and I took our first trip together to WDW in 1999. I had bought an engagement ring before the trip and planned on proposing there. Anyway, I carried the ring around in my pocket with me for 5 days, but I was always looking for the perfect moment. I guess I never found the perfect moment, because I ended up proposing when we got back. We ended up honemooning at WDW the next year. The following year our first child was conceived at WDW. :lookaroun So, I guess our baby is a Disney baby.
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Well-Known Member
Honeymooned in WDW way back in 1988. There was just the Magic Kingdom and Epcot. We still had a great time.

Divorce party in WDW in 2001 :lol: :lol: Had an even better time.

Oh well, some day my REAL prince will come.

Thanks for sharing all your stories, they made me teary-eyed.
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Active Member
I had been to Disney several times and my boyfriend at the time had never been. In October 2003 we went down. My mom and stepfather and brother also decided to come as they had not been on vacation in a long time. One day we were gettingready to go to the Spectromagic parade and Jacob (my boyfriend) insisted that I sit in a particular spot. I of course gave him a difficult time and told him that was not where I wanted to sit, I wanted to sit somewhere else. He insisted on sitting right in front of the castle, where I told him that when the fireworks started we were not going to have a very good view. I sat there disgusted, not saying a word until about ten minutes before the parade was to start. A CM came up to me and my fiance and asked me to stand up. Mortified, I stood up and obligingly walked into the midle of the road with thousands of people staring at me. She (the CM) told me she needed "help starting the parade". She then told me that I had to close my eyes and rub my hands together to "make magic". So I stood there (looking like a dummy) with my eyes closed rubbing my hands together. She told me to turn around and open my eyes. When I opened them Jacon was on his knee and there were five little kids each holding a sign WILL-YOU-MARRY-ME-HEATHER. At that point the parade was literally running us off the road so we had to go sit down. It was so beautiful. Little did I know that Jacob had gotten in contact with someone (through a mutual friend) who worked in the wedding department and set the whole thing up. He actually sat right across the way from us. We are getting mariied the 16th of April. And honeymooning in OF COURSE...DISNEYWORLD.

PS. Mickey and Minnie is our cake topper.
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Well-Known Member
Awwww! All these stories... I hope when I meet that "Prince Charming" he will propose to me in WDW. I have always wanted to get married there and have our closest family and friends with us. I just hope I find someone who is as much of a Disney Addict as I am lol. Congratulations to all of you :sohappy:
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New Member
We honeymooned at WDW in Oct 2004. It was great, went to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween party and had those cute Mickey/Minnie wedding hat/ears. Everywhere we went people smiled at us or congratulated us. During the parade we even got a congratulations from Aladdin and Alice!
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