Proof of Vaccination or Negative COVID Test required for theme parks soon?

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Well-Known Member
They are not better antibodies. They are antibodies specific to that variant and will not protect against other strains. The vaccination protects against covid in general.

Bonus point: the antibodies from an infection fade by 6 months so for me I'd rather get a shot than another infection.

Well, that's not quite what the CDC reported last week in their latest report....

"Between May and November 2021, people who were unvaccinated and did not have a prior COVID-19 infection remained at the highest risk of infection and hospitalization, while those who were previously infected, both with or without prior vaccination, had the greatest protection."

The chart the CDC included with their report last week shows the trendlines from that above statement clearly. The person with a previous Covid case has even less of chance of hazardous reaction (hospitalization, death) than the vaccinated person who never got Covid.



Disney Irish

Premium Member
Well, that's not quite what the CDC reported last week in their latest report....

"Between May and November 2021, people who were unvaccinated and did not have a prior COVID-19 infection remained at the highest risk of infection and hospitalization, while those who were previously infected, both with or without prior vaccination, had the greatest protection."

The chart the CDC included with their report last week shows the trendlines from that above statement clearly. The person with a previous Covid case has even less of chance of hazardous reaction (hospitalization, death) than the vaccinated person who never got Covid.


Except you left out a key piece of that report:

"Additionally, a recent study shows with increasing time since prior infection, vaccination provides greater protection against COVID-19 compared to prior infection alone, emphasizing the importance of being up to date on COVID-19 vaccination."

Showing once again the vaccination provides a greater amount of protection compared to just a previous infection since prior infection immunity wanes quicker than vaccination, something that has been know for many decades now but somehow forgotten by many.


Well-Known Member
Except you left out a key piece of that report:

"Additionally, a recent study shows with increasing time since prior infection, vaccination provides greater protection against COVID-19 compared to prior infection alone, emphasizing the importance of being up to date on COVID-19 vaccination."

Showing once again the vaccination provides a greater amount of protection compared to just a previous infection since prior infection immunity wanes quicker than vaccination, something that has been know for many decades now but somehow forgotten by many.

They still don't know how prior infection impacts Omicron yet, although we can all guess. Because Omicron is happening now. It's a minor miracle of science and technology that they released that report that covers trendlines through early November, 2021. That was only two months ago. It's January 25th today.

And what does "vaccination" mean? A shot you got in the Disneyland parking lot in January, 2021? Or a booster dose you got at Target two weeks ago?

We'll know how that works in four to six months from now, when the data on the Omicron wave can be processed.

Until then, the specific trendline for "Unvaccinated, Previoius Covid-19 Diagnosis" on this graph the CDC just released last week is pretty darn clear....

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Well-Known Member
After last week's Supreme Court loss, OSHA just canceled its mandate for private employers on vaccinations.

What does that mean for Disneyland's testing/vaccination policy for CM's that was using the OSHA mandate as the guideline? I can't imagine Disneyland will want to try and keep that process going at some expense.



Well-Known Member
After last week's Supreme Court loss, OSHA just canceled its mandate for private employers on vaccinations.

What does that mean for Disneyland's testing/vaccination policy for CM's that was using the OSHA mandate as the guideline?

Salt Lake County in Utah announced a 30 day mask mandate on Friday January 7 that went into effect 12am on the 8th. Business had a few hours notice to get masks required signage and masks for their employees. Target's mask selection ran out, I had to go to three different stores to find disposable masks so that we would have masks for our associates.

Two weeks later it was overturned, and I'm now the proud owner of about 50 disposable masks I won't need unless I fly somewhere or decide to go to Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake County in Utah announced a 30 day mask mandate on Friday January 7 that went into effect 12am on the 8th. Business had a few hours notice to get masks required signage and masks for their employees. Target's mask selection ran out, I had to go to three different stores to find disposable masks so that we would have masks for our associates.

Two weeks later it was overturned, and I'm now the proud owner of about 50 disposable masks I won't need unless I fly somewhere or decide to go to Disneyland.
Don't worry you can use them for the next variant :)


Well-Known Member
Salt Lake County in Utah announced a 30 day mask mandate on Friday January 7 that went into effect 12am on the 8th. Business had a few hours notice to get masks required signage and masks for their employees. Target's mask selection ran out, I had to go to three different stores to find disposable masks so that we would have masks for our associates.

Two weeks later it was overturned, and I'm now the proud owner of about 50 disposable masks I won't need unless I fly somewhere or decide to go to Disneyland.

Your tax dollars at work! :rolleyes:

Those types of sudden mandates were all the rage here in California in '21. Salt Lake City just wanted to get in on the fad before it was over. 🤣

The Governor of Oregon several times mandated sudden restaurant closures for Portland metro with less than 48 hours notice. The first time she did that it was on a Thursday morning and the closure took effect on Saturday. The restaurants had to throw out/give away all the food and supplies they had just purchased for their weekend.

There are far, far fewer operating restaurants in downtown Portland today in 2022 than there were in 2020. A small business just can't take that kind of governmental abuse more than once or twice. Portland was once a great Foodie city with a bustling downtown, but it's mostly all gone now. Replaced by spray painted plywood and empty sidewalks.


Disney Irish

Premium Member
They still don't know how prior infection impacts Omicron yet, although we can all guess. Because Omicron is happening now. It's a minor miracle of science and technology that they released that report that covers trendlines through early November, 2021. That was only two months ago. It's January 25th today.

And what does "vaccination" mean? A shot you got in the Disneyland parking lot in January, 2021? Or a booster dose you got at Target two weeks ago?

We'll know how that works in four to six months from now, when the data on the Omicron wave can be processed.

Until then, the specific trendline for "Unvaccinated, Previoius Covid-19 Diagnosis" on this graph the CDC just released last week is pretty darn clear....

That report and graph is for the Delta variant, and when added to the information we got from the Alpha variant provides an indication of protection over time.

So yeah while Omicron is still "new and fresh" we have a great bit of data that shows vaccinations have a higher and a provide a longer amount of protection than just a previous infection alone. Again something that we've known for many decades from vaccination stats from previous vaccines for various diseases.

As for what is a "vaccination", I think this is obvious but will play along. Depending on which shot you get will determine vaccination schedules and if a booster is needed. As with a prior infection the vaccination immunity wanes over time. With vaccinations it lasts longer than a prior infection alone, but booster shots may be needed to boost the immunity to last even longer. As pointed out in a previous post, its just like other vaccines where boosters are needed like the yearly flu shot.

Not sure why this is something even being debated, I thought you were all for vaccinations?
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Well-Known Member
That report and graph is for the Delta variant, and when added to the information we got from the Alpha variant provides an indication of protection over time.

So yeah while Omicron is still "new and fresh" we have a great bit of data that shows vaccinations have a higher and a provide a longer amount of protection than just a previous infection alone. Again something that we've known for many decades from vaccination stats from previous vaccines for various diseases.

As for what is a "vaccination", I think this is obvious but will play along. Depending on which shot you get will determine vaccination schedules and if a booster is needed. As with a prior infection the vaccination immunity wanes over time. With vaccinations it lasts longer than a prior infection alone, but booster shots may be needed to boost the immunity to last even longer. As pointed out in a previous post, its just like other vaccines where boosters are needed like the yearly flu shot.

Not sure why this is something even being debated, I thought you were all for vaccinations?
And I seriously don't think the CDC is suggesting people get infected instead of vaccinated. For one obvious point, an infection carries far greater risks.


Well-Known Member
I went to ikea in Houston a few days ago. At the entrance there's several signs informing customers that despite normal policy in Texas, ikea can and does still require masks. I was really irritated after I went to all the trouble of leaving California to get away from this nonsense, especially after all the recent admissions by officials about how useless masks are. I decided to go in anyways and see if they'd stop me. I was delighted to find most people inside without masks. Covid is over if you want it to be. If you don't, then you're definitely sick... Just sick in the head.


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Well-Known Member
And I seriously don't think the CDC is suggesting people get infected instead of vaccinated. For one obvious point, an infection carries far greater risks.

If you are a high risk group. If you are obese, or over age 70, or have pre-existing medical problems, especially those that affect your lungs (smoking and vaping, emphesema, cancer, etc.)

But if you are young and healthy and not obese and don't smoke, it's not more impactful than the common cold. If you even get symptoms to begin with, because many healthy people who catch Omnicron never even develop symptoms that are recognizeable so they don't even know to get tested.

Speaking of that... another plug from me for ordering your free testing kits that Jen Psaki wouldn't believe...



Well-Known Member
Speaking as a fat middle-aged woman with asthma and for a fat middle-aged man with Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma resulting in pulmonary arterial hypertension and lung fibrosis, both vaxxed and boosted, I'm happy to say we're on the mend from our bout with Omicron over the last 6 days. I'm frankly shocked that it wasn't worse for DH as he just completed a Rituxan infusion a week prior, but am immensely thankful things are going well!


Well-Known Member
If you are a high risk group. If you are obese, or over age 70, or have pre-existing medical problems, especially those that affect your lungs (smoking and vaping, emphesema, cancer, etc.)

But if you are young and healthy and not obese and don't smoke, it's not more impactful than the common cold. If you even get symptoms to begin with, because many healthy people who catch Omnicron never even develop symptoms that are recognizeable so they don't even know to get tested.

Speaking of that... another plug from me for ordering your free testing kits that Jen Psaki wouldn't believe...

And yet the hospitals are filling up:

"Even amid growing signs Omicron is leveling off in California, new data show the total number of people hospitalized statewide is approaching the peak of last winter’s COVID-19 surge.
"Visits by people seeking emergency care for coronavirus-related reasons has more than doubled since the Omicron surge began, with nearly 12,000 visits a day recorded recently. That’s even worse than experienced last winter, when there were nearly 11,000 visits a day."



Well-Known Member
Speaking as a fat middle-aged woman with asthma and for a fat middle-aged man with Diffuse Systemic Scleroderma resulting in pulmonary arterial hypertension and lung fibrosis, both vaxxed and boosted, I'm happy to say we're on the mend from our bout with Omicron over the last 6 days. I'm frankly shocked that it wasn't worse for DH as he just completed a Rituxan infusion a week prior, but am immensely thankful things are going well!

I love that! Your vaccinations and sane thinking clearly did you right, and it's a perfect example why some people should be vaccinated and boosted against specific viruses and diseases. Modern medicine can truly be wonderful.

I had to struggle to get back on the tennis court and lose some weight a few years ago, but I am fully vaxxed against everything the CDC recommends for me and my lifestyle specifically; Shingles, Hepatitis A & B, Pneumonia, TDaP, Seasonal Flu, Covid, MMR, etc.

I just like to stick up for the individual, who should have the right to determine what is right for their specific body and medical situation, and what is not right for them. But you, dear lady, clearly made the right decision for yourself. Brava!
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Well-Known Member
And yet the hospitals are filling up:

"Even amid growing signs Omicron is leveling off in California, new data show the total number of people hospitalized statewide is approaching the peak of last winter’s COVID-19 surge.
"Visits by people seeking emergency care for coronavirus-related reasons has more than doubled since the Omicron surge began, with nearly 12,000 visits a day recorded recently. That’s even worse than experienced last winter, when there were nearly 11,000 visits a day."

Okay. So, and I said this a week ago, why hasn't Governor Newsom requested the USNS Mercy to be dispatched out of San Diego and sent to LA or San Francisco to relieve hospital stress in those two major metro areas? Shouldn't Governor Newsom get ahead of a similar request by Governor Brown to send the Mercy to Portland, or Govenor Inslee to send the Mercy to Seattle?

President Trump agreed to send the USNS Mercy to LA and the USNS Comfort to New York back in 2020 to help with hospital capacity, where they sat mostly unused for two months (except for a few test patients). And the Feds were ready to open US Army Field Hospitals with 2,000+ beds at the LA Convention Center and SF Moscone Center and Anaheim Convention Center at the same time. But none of that was neccesary and the Navy hospital ships and Army field hospitals sat unused, or at best mostly empty. And then were quietly closed and sent back to port or turned back into sports arenas and convention centers.

If there is a desperate need for hospital support, and I'm not saying there's not, why hasn't Governor Newsom requested the USNS Mercy steam into San Francisco Bay and the Staples Center and Anaheim Convention Center be turned into US Army Field Hospitals? (Again.)

I'm not discounting the increase in Omicron patients at area hospitals. But if it's truly reached crisis levels, the greatest nation on earth has many facilities and capabilities to take advantage of. It just requires Governor Newsom to pick up the phone and place a call. :)
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Well-Known Member
Okay. So, and I said this a week ago, why hasn't Governor Newsom requested the USNS Mercy to be dispatched out of San Diego and sent to LA or San Francisco to relieve hospital stress in those two major metro areas? Shouldn't Governor Newsom get ahead of a similar request by Governor Brown to send the Mercy to Portland, or Govenor Inslee to send the Mercy to Seattle?

President Trump agreed to send the USNS Mercy to LA and the USNS Comfort to New York back in 2020 to help with hospital capacity, where they sat mostly unused for two months (except for a few test patients). And the Feds were ready to open US Army Field Hospitals with 2,000+ beds at the LA Convention Center and SF Moscone Center and Anaheim Convention Center at the same time. But none of that was neccesary and the Navy hospital ships and Army field hospitals sat unused, or at best mostly empty. And then were quietly closed and sent back to port or turned back into sports arenas and convention centers.

If there is a desperate need for hospital support, and I'm not saying there's not, why hasn't Governor Newsom requested the USNS Mercy steam into San Francisco Bay and the Staples Center and Anaheim Convention Center be turned into US Army Field Hospitals? (Again.)

I'm not discounting the increase in Omicron patients at area hospitals. But if it's truly reached crisis levels, the greatest nation on earth has many facilities and capabilities to take advantage of. It just requires Governor Newsom to pick up the phone and place a call. :)
Understood but I was making the point that gambling with being unvaxxed and hoping for a light case to achieve immunity may be a bad bet, and not only because lighter cases confer less protection. Frankly, the illogic of catch covid so I won't catch covid breaks my little brain.


Well-Known Member
Understood but I was making the point that gambling with being unvaxxed and hoping for a light case to achieve immunity may be a bad bet, and not only because lighter cases confer less protection. Frankly, the illogic of catch covid so I won't catch covid breaks my little brain.
Everyone I know who has gotten sick from this wave is boosted.
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