Proof of Vaccination or Negative COVID Test required for theme parks soon?

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Well-Known Member
LA County wont end its mandate when the rest of the state does.
No kidding. But that will make it more fun to watch. :D

In other news, my friends treated me to the Nascar shindig at the Coliseum on Sunday. Nascar isn't my thing but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a great time.
Oh, how was that?! I saw they were doing NASCAR in the Coliseum and I made a double take. But what a cool idea. I imagine those types of dinosaur-based events will soon be illegal in California, but it's fun they tried it.

People wore their masks through security, and then began removing them. By the time the event was over, barely any people were still wearing masks.
Yeah, from TV footage of all the recent sporting events held in LA's big stadiums and arenas, that's how it goes. It's theater.

I held my breath the whole time.
Good for you! That's the healthy and safe way to do it. ;)


Well-Known Member
LA County wont end its mandate when the rest of the state does.

In other news, my friends treated me to the Nascar shindig at the Coliseum on Sunday. Nascar isn't my thing but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a great time.

People wore their masks through security, and then began removing them. By the time the event was over, barely any people were still wearing masks.

I held my breath the whole time.

Oh who cares about LA County? I mean, I should, I live here but all I care about is Disneyland. No one’s really cares at the mall or the stores. At restaurants it’s just the charade of wearing it when you walk in. At movie theaters that thing comes off as soon as you’re sitting down. Disneyland enforces masks harder than anyone. I hear more “sir or mam can you pull your mask up” or “please put your mask on” in one hour at Disneyland than I do in LA county in my 3 weeks between trips. Of course, that also has something to do with the fact that we are well trained here in LA County.

The thing that bothers me the most is that my son still has to wear a mask all day at school, even when he’s outside and can’t even drink water in the classroom. Lot of good those masks did anyway. He was practically sick from October through January with one cold after another they get caught at school. Might as well let the kids breathe.
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Well-Known Member
They get to drink water in the classroom now?? Kids have gotten so soft. I wasn't allowed to drink in a classroom until college.

My son is in Kindergarten and comes home with his water thermos full everyday. One time the teachers aid let me know he got in trouble for drinking water in class. They re supposed to go outside, right out the door. New rules I guess for Covid. I’m assuming they were able to drink in class before. The whole thing is ridiculous and probably contributes to him not drinking at school. He’s just a SOFT Kindergartener though. Meanwhile LA county mayor is at Rams games with his mask off “holding his breath.”


Well-Known Member
Covid school rules are stupid. For independent study, the kids have to log into a zoom meeting at 7am just to make sure they are still alive. They get kicked out of the program for missing it even if they are doing the work on time with good grades.


Well-Known Member
Medical personnel have never worn masks to prevent viral transmission. The primary purpose is to prevent the contamination of open wounds. If a surgeon were sick with a contagious disease, he or she would not perform a surgery, mask or not, because they have never been an effective way to prevent the spread of such disease. In the earlier days of the Covid pandemic, when the primary method of transmission was thought to be respiratory droplets, perhaps an argument could be made for *some* protection. But now when Covid is widely acknowledged to be airborne, masks are really providing a false sense of security. I think the respective authorities are making the right call that it is time to end the widespread masking.


Well-Known Member
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official All-American Covid Home Testing Kit yet? I signed up the day it began on January 18th, and they said the tests would ship out in "late January". It's now February 8th, and I still don't have mine.

I don't need them right now, but I was going to include one in the time capsule I'm burying in the backyard before I move out of this house this spring. But honestly, where are they?!?

Cases in OC have fallen off a cliff, so there's not much use for test kits now. But those test kits were at least supposed to be good enough for government work!

Today's Orange County case rate for Tuesday, February 8th, almost ready to flatline entirely.

InkedOC cases (31)_LI.jpg

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Well-Known Member
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official Covid Home Testing Kit yet? I signed up the day it began on January 18th, and they said the tests would ship out in "late January". It's now February 8th, and I still don't have mine.

I don't need them, I was going to just include one in the time capsule I'm burying in the backyard before I move out of this house this spring. But honestly, where are they?!?

Received mine yesterday via USPS. Took a bit longer than expected but they arrived.


Well-Known Member
Received mine yesterday via USPS. Took a bit longer than expected but they arrived.

Oh, good! I didn't get them in today's mail, but maybe tomorrow? But it's well known in our neighborhood that our mailman is a drunk, so we cut him some slack. He can often be found in a strip mall bar on the other side of the freeway called The Tartan Room, regaling people with tales of his postal glory.

I'm not burying the time capsule for another week or so though, so he still has some time.


Well-Known Member
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official Covid Home Testing Kit yet? I signed up the day it began on January 18th, and they said the tests would ship out in "late January". It's now February 8th, and I still don't have mine.

I don't need them right now, but I was going to include one in the time capsule I'm burying in the backyard before I move out of this house this spring. But honestly, where are they?!?


Is that who I am?
Premium Member
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official All-American Covid Home Testing Kit yet? I signed up the day it began on January 18th, and they said the tests would ship out in "late January". It's now February 8th, and I still don't have mine.

I don't need them right now, but I was going to include one in the time capsule I'm burying in the backyard before I move out of this house this spring. But honestly, where are they?!?

Cases in OC have fallen off a cliff, so there's not much use for test kits now. But those test kits were at least supposed to be good enough for government work!

Today's Orange County case rate for Tuesday, February 8th, almost ready to flatline entirely.

View attachment 619832

Mine came today and they were actually made in the USA.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official All-American Covid Home Testing Kit yet? I signed up the day it began on January 18th, and they said the tests would ship out in "late January". It's now February 8th, and I still don't have mine.

I don't need them right now, but I was going to include one in the time capsule I'm burying in the backyard before I move out of this house this spring. But honestly, where are they?!?

Cases in OC have fallen off a cliff, so there's not much use for test kits now. But those test kits were at least supposed to be good enough for government work!

Today's Orange County case rate for Tuesday, February 8th, almost ready to flatline entirely.

View attachment 619832

My parents got theirs on Saturday. I procrastinated a week and I'm hoping I'll probably get mine by the end of the week. Not that I need them any time soon. I just got over Covid. They do expire at some point, so maybe I'll give them away or make a pretty penny on the black market.


Well-Known Member
We really needed some over Christmas, and they were impossible to find in LA and Palm Springs. I'll keep mine in the drawer for the next crisis.

I need to add: the family was coming together from all over to a house we'd rented in PS. A couple of days before everyone was getting on planes, I mentioned that my elderly mother had felt "crummy" for a few days. All of a sudden people aren't going to get on planes if we can't prove that Mom doesn't have covid. I went all over in LA's worse rainstorm in years trying to find a test kit.
I gave some sweet ladies in a vitamin store my sob story. Sorry all kits were gone in an hour....wait a minute, I've kept one in my desk. Merry Christmas! (Mom tested negative)
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Well-Known Member
Just random question... has anyone gotten their official All-American Covid Home Testing Kit yet?
Ordered on the 18th for myself and my father's widow. Got mine on the 31st, she got hers on the 5th.

Edited to add that I got the Chinese iHealth. I don't know what she got.

"The administration made its biggest bet — with a $1.3 billion contract — on iHealth, a company based in Sunnyvale, Calif., that until late last year had never made a rapid test. Now it is a major supplier not just to the federal government, but also to states and cities. (The administration announced another order with the company on Friday, purchasing nearly 105 million more test kits.)
"The company, which previously focused on making medical devices like forehead thermometers, got authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for its test in November. Its Chinese manufacturer has since hired 16,000 additional workers and is sending more than 10 million tests a day to the United States on cargo jets, according to Jack Feng, iHealth’s chief operating officer."
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Well-Known Member
Great News: My All-American Covid Test Kits arrived today! I happened to see the mailman drive down our street as I was in the side yard, so I hustled out front and waved excitedly and smiled at him as I saw him put a large brown envelope in my mailbox. He probably thinks I'm nuts.

Good News: He continued up the street putting more of the same big envelopes in mailboxes, so our neighborhood is covered now.

Bad News: My kits were made in Communist China. :mad:

Silver Lining: There's two small boxes with two kits in each box, and one box will fit nicely inside my time capsule. I'll save the other box for next flu season, or the Sigma Chi variant, or a party gag or something.

Ongoing Issue: My mailman still has an open bartab at The Tartan Room.
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