Project Gemini


Account Suspended
Ah, but I tend to like Buzz. :) In fact, I thought the omni mover system made it more fun... it's like you were put into a video game. MIB for some reason doesn't have that feel. Not sure why.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Point taken, Bill. I was just knocked out by the scale of MIB... where Buzz seems, well, small in comparison. It didn`t help we rode both for the first time within 2 days of eachother... and I LOVED Dreamflight....


Account Suspended
Doesn't MIB kind of, well, seem almost too big to you though? I mean, Buzz has something that MIB just doesn't have.


Park History nut
Premium Member
MIBs scale led to a bit of open mouth syndrome for my girlfriend and I... akin to Spiderman at IOA but without the glasses. Buzz just seemed good but tacky. Maybe I can still imagine Dreamflight or `Wings in there... I know I`m in the minority, and I would put WDW over (WAY Over) USF anyday.

Maybe its partly because I knew how big (or small) Buzz would be from the previous pavillion inhabitants, but we wern`t prepared for the vast street scenes or length of MIB. Or ammount and scale of Animatronics.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bill
Doesn't MIB kind of, well, seem almost too big to you though? I mean, Buzz has something that MIB just doesn't have.

Bill, I’ve gotta agree with you here.

When I visited Universal back in 2001, we rode the MIB ride. The facade is very impressive, as is the detail as you work your way up the ride vehicles. However, at this point, I had no idea what type of ride it was. When we finally got to the boarding station and the ride commenced, I was severely disappointed. I thought it was a huge waste of a potentially awesome theme. The animatronics looked cheap and the entire ride concept seemed forced. The hour-long wait didn’t help matters either.

With Buzz (which I rode two years later), I also did not know what to expect. However, I was not let down in this regard (then again, I didn’t wait an hour in line either). I thought the video gameish shooting gallery was less of a stretch for a computer-generated movie than a comedy involving live actors. I also quite enjoyed having control over what direction the vehicle faced. Count me as on the Buzz bandwagon.


Well-Known Member
Scale, proportions, visual distance...

Same thing as urban design. In Buzz, the scale is smaller and more intimate. Smaller spaces tend to involve you more, and you feel more protected. Where as larger spaces are more impresive visually. The proportions of the rooms and sets in Buzz are closer to the rider - they don't overwhelm, but they also don't have the impact or excitement. In Buzz the rooms are pretty small, and there are a number of places where you can't quite see around the corner. This makes it more adventurelike and and involving.

In New York City, the buildings are huge and the streets cavernous, there are people everywhere and it is highly exciting. But you can also feel lost and threatened. In a city like Boston, for example, the buildings are smaller and the streets wind around so you can't see what is next. There is the buildup of what is around the corner and a level of comfort in the streets.

Both rides have the same overall idea - shoot at things, but they both work for a very different type of experience. Buzz looks for a whimsical fun "not too real" experience, where MIB is all about intensity and action. Just depends upon what type of adventure you want.


Premium Member
Originally posted by marni1971
Interesting point - maybe they have taken the SM/RnR solid state idea and added video too? Now, if only they would retrofit this WORKING storage medium to DLPs Space Mountain... you ever heard an orchestra cut in and out like a broken record?!

I would need to check, but I am pretty sure that MS video source is outside the centrifuge, and delivered into the capsules via cabling.

DLP SM does run on the solid state flash cards, but I agree they seem to suffer from a lot of audio drop out. I think that has to be put down to a problem with amplification or power issues. Charging the capacitors has been problamatic at times. I love that sound track, it gets my vote for the best onboard score on any ride.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
I love that sound track, it gets my vote for the best onboard score on any ride.

Best unique soundtrack perhaps, otherwise I'll have to side with Aerosmith over at RNRC.

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