Project Gemini


Well-Known Member
Honestly I always feel that I am more a part of the surroundings when I am in a dark ride when compared to Star Tours, Body Wars...etc. . Dont get me wrong I like those rides also but I just feel that the ability to touch the world makes it all the more real to me ...


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr
Lead the way....:rolleyes:

Lighten up buddy. I didn't reference you by name, nor did you even occur to me as I was writing that post. Hell, no offense was intended by it period, hence the emoticon I rarely implement. And if it's any condolence, the effects would be harmless. Happy?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by andre85
Lighten up buddy. I didn't reference you by name, nor did you even occur to me as I was writing that post. Hell, no offense was intended by it period, hence the emoticon I rarely implement. And if it's any condolence, the effects would be harmless. Happy?

Like you said, harmless are the effects....So there is no need to lighten up, or take offense...;)


New Member
There is another way there could be a Horizon's like ending. By the time you are at the spoiler point, the centerfuge has stopped but the cars are still rotating. Well, if that is true, they could add separate endings through the stopped part to increase interactivity.

Also, the CGI quality for the ride is ok now but remember, over time new higher quality videos can be used. Infact, the video system is probably just a DVD player sitting inside the centerfuge.


New Member
Ok. Fine a Harddrive.... but that spins too.... well lets see.... What does not spin????

I know..... wait..... I know... a memory card of only 128mb.....

But then again they do sell 15gb flash memory cards for the military....


Park History nut
Premium Member
Interesting point - maybe they have taken the SM/RnR solid state idea and added video too? Now, if only they would retrofit this WORKING storage medium to DLPs Space Mountain... you ever heard an orchestra cut in and out like a broken record?!


New Member
Infact, the video system is probably just a DVD player sitting inside the centerfuge.
No, if M:S was playing off of a DVD it would start with a copyright protection notice and an FBI warning! (and maybe forced Coming Attractions)


New Member
I heard this rumor on Screamscape and I think it could be a possibility.

The mission changes...kinda like how Tower of Terror had all those additions since 94. Maybe Mission Space will get a new mission in the future, which could possibly involve the riders interactions change the story. I dont think it would be that difficult. Ya they might have to close down the ride for a while, but it would be worth it. So the mission never gets old.


New Member
Actually, two centerfuges could be closed to change while the other two still have the older video... And once the new video is updated, then it goes vice versa...


Well-Known Member
Must have skip protection, too. : )

I don't know enough about the mechanics or storyline, but instead of affecting the ending, perhaps there is some way that the actions can be tied into the movie line. I guess there is probably not that much of a difference in the scenery on mars, but say a certain key combination or something can take the video to a certain scene, where the same movements are used but the actual video is different.

This is getting too complicated - I thin my brain just exploded. Yes, yes it did.:hammer:


Originally posted by cloudboy
First point. I am not saying that simulator rides have no story. In fact I am saying just the oposite - they have a for more structured storyline.

Excellent point, cloudboy. I'd take it a step further, though, and say that film based rides have TOO MUCH story. Body Wars, Star Tours, Mission: Space...they're the same every time you ride. Besides, the "story" is almost always a riff on the same plot point: And Something Goes Wrong...But Not So Horribly Wrong That There Is No Happy Ending.

Many of Disney's most enduring classics, on the other hand, made no effort to have a coherent, linear story in the conventional sense of the word. Attractions like Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and It's a Small World succeed because of mood, atmosphere, and the plethora of stimuli which make every single ride a unique one. You can't possibly see everything on any given ride through any single one of these attractions.

Film-based attractions simply can't compete on repeat viewing value, no matter how much you think you are a part of the ride. Sure, we're only voyeurs on Pirates and Mansion, but for generations now, that's been more than enough. As for the modern rides, it's foolish to predict now what will endure, but man is inherently foolish so here's my bet: Buzz Lightyear will outlast Mission: Space. Any takers?



New Member
Nothing goes wrong on Mission Space. Everything is as planned for it's a simulator...

The ending parts is because it means you suck at landing the X2 vehicle...


Originally posted by DarkMeasures
Nothing goes wrong on Mission Space. Everything is as planned for it's a simulator...

The ending parts is because it means you suck at landing the X2 vehicle...

That may be technically true, but I still classify it under that category of attraction because I think it feels that way. Besides, I think the whole "It's only a simulator" idea is awful. We know it's pretend already (we're in a theme park!) so why bother adding an extra layer of pretendness?

OK, I made that last word up.



New Member
Well how are you going to get the people in the simulator thinking they are actually boarding a rocket?

A pullaway set or something would have to be built and that would be hard and complicated.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DarkMeasures
Well how are you going to get the people in the simulator thinking they are actually boarding a rocket?

A pullaway set or something would have to be built and that would be hard and complicated.

Exactly. The imagineers pretty much did the best they could. Even they can’t fabricate walls out of thin air, at a moment’s notice, no less.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DarkMeasures
Well how are you going to get the people in the simulator thinking they are actually boarding a rocket?

A pullaway set or something would have to be built and that would be hard and complicated.

Exactly. The imagineers pretty much did the best they could. Even they can’t fabricate walls out of thin air, at a moment’s notice, no less.


New Member
Mission Space Insights

Hey all,

New to all this so bear with me!!! You said you wanted to change the story line up, so how about this: each centerfuge has a different storyline, that way (like with Horizons) you can chose which mission you want to sign up for. One could be mars, the other the sun, another a comet, who knows. With space the possibilites are endless. And as far as Buzz lasting longer then M:S, I think Buzz will last longer then space in its current state, but Disney put way too much $$$$ to just let it fall by the waist side. You have to remember Buzz cost only a quarter of what M:S did!!! Mission:Space will go under changes thats for sure, but only because it doesn't have the nostalga factor that PotC or HM does. People visit those rides because they want to relive experiences, Space just like Body Wars, Horizons, etc don't have that connection so they need updating to get new audiences and reclaim old ones. Video or film rides will come and go, they have too to keep audiences. Anyone remember Captain EO??? It was great for the time period, but with technology came better ways to make interactive movies (i.e. muppets, Bugs life, etc) and Capt. EO went away. It all comes down to $$$$, films such as Philharmagic and Muppets will always be around, due to cheaper costs, Mission Space will be there for a long time because of the cost. Stupid costs always ruining things!!!:mad: Anyways, I said my peace, great thoughts by the way!!! Talk to ya later!!!:wave:


Park History nut
Premium Member
Re: Mission Space Insights

Originally posted by TownSquareSteve
Hey all,

Disney put way too much $$$$ to just let it fall by the waist side. You have to remember Buzz cost only a quarter of what M:S did!!!

Welcome to the boards!

Buzz cost next to nothing compared to M:S since a) all its props and sets are cheap black light lit flats and b) it was shoehorned into an existing 27 year old Omnimover system. Compared to USF MIB Alien Attack its just so cheap... ouch. It hurts saying that!

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