"Priority Seating" ceases


Well-Known Member
UKMickeyFan said:
Disney did away with reservations a long time ago because they found that people were making them in several rerstaurants for the same evening and then only going to one leaving an empty table at the other 4 that they thought they might have eaten at. Thats why the changed to a priority seating time which only garutee's you a table within 15 mins of that time and you have a priority over walk up's that may wait over an hour for a table. That way the restaurants turn quicker and Disney makes more money. In a busy restaurant that is often full to capacity holding tables for resevations is just a waste of the servers time and less money for Disney, I would be shocked if they brought this back.
Maybe (and this is just my thoughts) with computers now, they would be able to tell if you had a PS in more then one place for the same time frame, and wouldn't allow it. That would seem fair to me. Then they would only be saving you a table in one resturant, not multiple resturants.


New Member
Isn't advanced reservation redundant? Isn't the concept of advanced in the word reservation itself?

It's funny, I was making a PS at Boardwalk guest services and the CM was training a new guy. He kept saying "reservation" to him, but "priority seating" to me. I've never really understood the difference. Basically, we just show up at the right time, sit down, and eat!


Well-Known Member
The distinction is subtle, but it does change the amount of money made significantly. There are actually three major types of "reservations."

A reservation requires holding a table (if it is a true reservation system). That means the staff has to (1) anticipate when the party before that will be done so that a table will in fact be open and (2) hold that table until the group arrives or enough time has passed that they do not think they are coming. This can mean having an empty table for 30 minutes+. That is equivalent to half or even full meal. Imagine that for even every 4 reservations. Adds up quickly, as someone else posted here.

A call ahead seating system simply bypasses the need for a person to be there to physically enter their name. That means that you are put on the list the same way you would be if you walked up. That also means that if you miss your call, you forfeit your spot (although some places will try and squeeze you in).

A priority seating system is a hybrid of the two. Here, you pick a time to arrive, and the restaurant has a certain number of slots available for that time (and every other one, usually in 10 or 15 minute incriments). If and when you arrive, you are then placed on the overall list ahead of all "standby" guests but behind any other "priority" guests that came in before you in your time slot or an earlier one. That means you get the next available table of your size, but the restaurant does not have to hold one open in anticipation for you, and it can give one away if you are not there yet. It is a more efficient system, and Disney is not the only place that does it (P.F. Chang's Bistro is another one that comes to mind). This system is actually alot like FastPass, but it has a MUCH narrower window, so the people with the Priority are funnelled through faster, and the staff can better anticipate the wait time for other guests that come in without one. (Which then begs the question whether FastPass's window should be narrowed to work more efficiently, but that creates problems anticipating and getting across the park. Another discussion for another time, though).

Just on topic, I think this system may be getting a "name change" but I HIGHLY doubt they would get away from the concept. Most restaurants are getting away from reservations for this reason. Add in the point that they are theme park guests, and it makes it a bad business move, IMHO. I do think the point of multiple guests having multiple reservations could be alieviated by the computer system, but currently, they only request a name and phone number. That means that you could give several names and numbers and hold several reservations. The only way I could think of to get around this would be to use a credit card ID system or something so that each individual guest could not make more than one. That could also invoke a penalty system, but that seems very anti-Disney to me.

I will be interested to see how this all works out if a change is made.


Account Suspended
mousermerf said:
The rumor I've heard, and it is strictly a rumor, is that the change in the actual use of the "advanced reservations" and how they are handled at restaurants will occur around June 2nd.

Uhm, so wait. Its "official" in your first post, but now its a rumor?

You're wrong on the date at least, I have PS's for after 6/2. I think you're wrong on the whole thing. Don't use the word "official" unless you work for Disney, and even then you should show discretion.


New Member
Epcot82guy makes great points. My concern with the use of the term "reservation" anywhere in the name may give the guest the idea that he/she is guaranteed to get a table at or before their reservation time. So, when 9:05 rolls up and the family hasn't been seated yet for their 9:00 advance reservation, they're probably more likely to put up a fuss v. had it been named a priority seating.

I thought that was also one of the driving forces for the name change back in 1998.


Well-Known Member
Just as long as they don't change the way it works, I don't care what they call it.

And I hope Disney knows that EVERYONE will still call it Priority Seating. Same thing when they take the MGM out of the Disney-MGM Studios. You know it will still be called MGM by most fans for a long, long time.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Enderikari said:
Hi...I'll say the change is official, and starting in May.... Trust me... it's official. Maybe not disseminated, but official

Jeff, can you give us any idea as to the thinking behind the change? And whether this will affect how tables are distributed?


Well-Known Member
Just to let you guys know, mousermerf was right. Somebody else just started a new thread who was making a reservation saying the exact same thing.

lscott933 said:
i just made my res. for mvmcp on nov 27th for the party. it is not a priority seating it not called the advance resnow. it still works the same as the p.s. it is when your seat in available for your side of party.


New Member
i call last night and got a advance res for nov 27 th for the mvmcp at the liberty tree. it was not call p.s. but instead the advance res. i asked her how it worked and she said it works the same was. when your table.


Active Member
tomm4004 said:
Isn't advanced reservation redundant? Isn't the concept of advanced in the word reservation itself?

I was thinking the same thing! Having flashbacks to that Seinfeld episode...

" -Hi, I have a reservation for a rental Car.
-I'm sorry sir we don't have any cars available.
-But I have a reservation. That means I called ahead.
-I understand the concept of a reservation, sir.
-See, I don't think you do."


Well-Known Member
General Grizz said:
They call it root beer now. Same kinda thing, different name.

:lol: Had a feeling you would chime in with that one...

Honestly, it doesn't matter what they call it to me. As long as there is a table ready for my family, then I am a happy guest. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Huck said:
I was thinking the same thing! Having flashbacks to that Seinfeld episode...

" -Hi, I have a reservation for a rental Car.
-I'm sorry sir we don't have any cars available.
-But I have a reservation. That means I called ahead.
-I understand the concept of a reservation, sir.
-See, I don't think you do."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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