I don't know if this is past its time... but I thought I would add some actual links to information about the name change. Must be the grad student in me looking for 'relevant readings'....
Priority Seating become Advanced Reservations - After years of being called "Priority Seating" and confusing guests, Walt Disney World has finally changed the name of dining reservations to "Advanced Reservations". This change is effective immediately. The process is exactly the same as before, no change to how far in advance you can book the Advanced Reservations. (May 2, 2005)
Beginning June 1st, what Disney currently refers to as a Priority Seating Arrangement will be renamed "Advanced Dining Reservations".
Nothing with the system is changing -- just the name.
From now until June 1, 2005, Priority Seatings will be known as Advanced Dining Arrangements. From June 1, 2005 onwards it will be known as Advanced Dining Reservations.
And, my favorite....
Priority Seatings: Make Way for Advanced Dining Reservations
Due to Guest confusion regarding the description "Priority Seating", between now and June 1, Walt Disney World Resort will use the terminology "Advanced Dining Arrangements." Beginning June 1, when systems enhancements allow for actual reservations, the terminology will be "Advanced Dining Reservations"
Anyway, whatever. heh. :hammer: