Well-Known Member
Pretty sure this thread is meant to be a supportive environment, not a place for people to repeatedly go on about the box office performance of a movie they didn't see.
Maybe this isn't the place for you if all you want to do is repeat the same thing over and over.
I find it fascinating how 2SLGBTQQIA+ folks have changed their lot in this country over the last few decades. I also find it interesting that an R-rated gay romcom can be allowed to flop when the vast majority of gay folks didn't go see it.
That's news. Gay news. It deserves to be discussed, even if the facts are not comfy for some.
The massive box office failure of the year's (decade's?) biggest gay movie is news.

But on the bright side, I can easily enjoy and celebrate really fun gay entertainment. Take this little nugget I found this week on YouTube, for example. It's from March, 1968, when Liberace "turned on" and went hippy on the Red Skelton Hour variety show.
This little musical number is hysterical, and it doesn't get gayer than this!