I don’t think you’re doing it purposefully…but often your comments in these types of affairs read like Corporate jargon or Bob’s script for the weekly cnbc interview…No, no it isn’t. I’m often on your side.
Never once did “Bob” leave my mouth in this thread. I’m not surprised it has left yours, you are obsessed.
But you absolutely cannot read my posts without misassigning me talking points. Stop and for once slow down to read what I say without inaccurately filling in the blanks. I’m attacking this bad journalist.
I’ll advise that they are NOT required to tell the truth…and never have been.
This management is on a clock and they really don’t care if the rest of the forest burns down after they take a couple of trees. That’s what we are saying. They have problems…and the main one is Wall Street - drunken sailors on shore leave - is not buying it. They are way under the market…frankly the posterchildren for it.
See aboveBut why post an article if you are not willing or able to discuss it?